This page allows you to view a Ownership evidence record.
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Updated OnCURAM_DATETIMEThe date on which the last update was made to the evidence.No
Effective Date of ChangeCURAM_DATEDate which the evidence becomes effectiveNo
Approval RequestedCURAM_INDICATORApproval RequestedNo
Updated By
Approval Status
Owner Details
Owner ParticipantFULL_NAMEYou can select the owner of the resource or business asset from the drop-down list of case participants. The list of participants includes all household members and existing case participant with the roles of "owner", "alien sponsor" (where the sponsor is an individual), "alien sponsor spouse", and "unborn child". For case participants who have not yet been recorded as a owner, the system automatically creates a case participant role of type "owner".No
Ownership Details
Start DateCURAM_DATEStart date of the period of ownership.No
End DateCURAM_DATEEnd date of the period of ownership.No
Resource TypeEVIDENCE_TYPE_CODEType of resource, such as Property, Vehicle or Liquid Resource, owned by the participant to whom this ownership record relates. This value is pre-populated by the system based on the type of resource that this ownership record refers and cannot be changed.No
Item TypeEVD_OWNERSHIP_ITEM_TYPEWhere the resource type is more generic, the item type is a more specific description of the resource owned. For example, boat is a valid item type value when the resource is property. This value is pre-populated by the system based on the resource record that this ownership record refers to and cannot be changed.No
Percentage OwnedEVD_OWNERSHIP_PERCENTAGEPercentage of the resource or business asset owned by the owner. The percentage owned is used to determine the owner's share of the resource or business asset.No
UsageEVD_OWNERSHIP_USAGEUsage of the property resource from the drop-down list of usages, e.g. 'home', 'income producing', 'recreational'.No
Ownership TypeEVD_OWNERSHIP_TYPEOwnership type from the drop-down list of ownership types such as 'remainder interest' and 'life estate with powers'.No
Willing To SellCURAM_INDICATORThis indicates if the owner is willing to sell his or her percentage of the business asset.No
Links and Actions
Page Level Actions
[View History]Click the View History link to view the update history for the evidence.
[View History]Click the View History link to view the update history for the evidence.
When page is loaded
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
No security implementation is supported for this transaction type. Please contact an Administrator.LinkNo
When page is submitted
Related Entities
Technical Information
Page IDEVD_viewOwnershipEvidenceHistRec
Page Load InterfaceEVDEvidenceMaintenance.readOwnershipEvidence
Page Submit Interface
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