This page allows you to view a Benefit evidence record.
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Updated OnCURAM_DATETIMEThe date on which the last update was made to the evidence.No
Received DateCURAM_DATEThe date on which the evidence was received.No
Effective Date of ChangeCURAM_DATEDate which the evidence becomes effectiveNo
Change ReasonEVIDENCE_CHANGE_REASONThe reason for the evidence change.No
Approval RequestedCURAM_INDICATORApproval RequestedNo
StatusEVIDENCE_DESCRIPTOR_STATUSThe Status of the evidence.No
Benefit TypeEVD_BENEFIT_RECEIVEDBenefit type from the drop-down list of benefit types, e.g., "Railroad Retirement", "SSI". Certain benefit types may impact a household's eligibility for new benefits. For example, households cannot receive concurrent benefits. Your system administrator can add a new benefit type via the Code Tables page (see "Code Tables" in the Cúram Administration Guide).No
Start DateCURAM_DATEStart date of the period during which the household member is receiving the benefit.No
End DateCURAM_DATEEnd date of the period during which the household member is receiving the benefit.No
End ReasonEVD_BENEFIT_END_REASONReason for the benefit ending from the drop-down list of reasons, e.g., "excess unearned income". This reason can impact eligibility for Medical Assistance. For example, a participant who loses SSI because their unearned income exceeds the SSI limit may still be considered an SSI recipient and therefore eligible for Medical Assistance.No
StateSTATE_CODES_CODEUS state from which the individual is receiving the benefit from the drop-down list of US states.No
Application DateCURAM_DATEDate of the household member's application for the benefit.No
Last Payment DateCURAM_DATEDate of the last payment made to the household member for the benefit.No
Benefit UsageEVD_BENEFIT_USAGE_CODEBenefit type from the drop-down list of benefit types, e.g., "Food Assistance", "Medicaid" or "Child Benefit". Certain benefit types may impact a household's eligibility for new benefits. For example, households cannot receive concurrent benefits. A household is ineligible for the Food Assistance (US) program if a household member is currently receiving food assistance in any US state. Your system administrator can add a new benefit type via the Code Tables page (see "Code Tables" in the Curam Administration Guide).No
Approval Status
Updated By
Benefit Details
ParticipantFULL_NAMEParticipant to whom the benefit evidence applies from the drop-down list of participants. This list is populated by all household members, alien sponsors, the spouses of the alien sponsors, and carer participants. Note that the system displays the primary alternative ID of each of the members displayed on the drop-down list. In the US, the primary alternative ID is the social security number (SSN).No
Delivery Details
AmountCURAM_AMOUNTMonetary value of the benefit amount received.No
FrequencyFREQUENCY_CODE_STATICFrequency code indicating how often the benefit amount is issued to the household member for the benefit from the drop-down list of frequency codes, e.g., bi-weekly or monthly. Your system administrator can add a new frequency code via the Code Tables page (see "Code Tables" in the Curam Administration Guide).No
Delivery TypeEVD_DELIVERY_METHODBenefit delivery type from the drop-down list of benefit delivery types, e.g., cash or check. Your system administrator can add a new benefit delivery type via the Code Tables page (see "Code Tables" in the Curam Administration Guide).No
Pay DayEVD_DAYDay on which the benefit is paid, i.e., "Monday", "Tuesday", etc.No
Rate PayableCURAM_AMOUNTRate payable for this benefit. This field is a monetary amount and is specific to the disability living allowance benefit type for the UK.No
Other Benefit Details
Aid Mobility IndicatorCURAM_INDICATORIf the benefit is for supporting a disabled household member's mobility needs, e.g., wheelchair costs, select the Aid Mobility Indicator selection box. This indicator is specific to the Disability Living Allowance benefit type.No
Public OfficePUBLIC_OFFICE_NAMEPublic office handling the household member's benefit payments. To select the public office handling the benefit payments, press the Search button provided. Click the Select link on the appropriate row from the list of public offices displayed to select the public office.No
Aid Personal Care IndicatorCURAM_INDICATORIf the benefit is for supporting a disabled household member's mobility needs, e.g., wheelchair costs, select the Aid Mobility Indicator selection box. This indicator is specific to the disability living allowance benefit type in the UK.No
Indian Country IndicatorCURAM_INDICATORIf the household member receiving the benefit lives in an Indian country where 50% of adults are unemployed, select the Indian Country Indicator selection box. The months of Cash Assistance (US) received by a household are not included in the sum of Cash Assistance (US) benefit months received for households living in an Indian country with a high rate of unemployment.No
Deduction Details
Deduction TypeEVD_DEDUCTION_TYPEBenefit deduction type from the drop-down list of deduction types, e.g., "transport". Your system administrator can add a new deduction type via the Code Tables page (see "Code Tables" in the Curam Administration Guide).No
Deduction AmountCURAM_AMOUNTAmount deducted from the benefit and applied toward the deduction.No
Links and Actions
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MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
No security implementation is supported for this transaction type. Please contact an Administrator.LinkNo
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Technical Information
Page IDEVD_viewBenefitEvidenceSnapshot
Page Load InterfaceEVDEvidenceMaintenance.readBenefitEvidence
Page Submit Interface
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