This page allows you to view a Alien evidence record.
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Updated OnCURAM_DATETIMEThe date on which the last update was made to the evidence.No
Effective Date of ChangeCURAM_DATEDate which the evidence becomes effectiveNo
Approval RequestedCURAM_INDICATORApproval RequestedNo
Current Alien StatusEVD_ALIEN_TYPEAlien type from the drop-down list of alien types, e.g., "parolee", "battered spouse or child", "asylee". This type determines whether or not the household member is an exempt alien. Exempt aliens do not need to meet date of entry requirements to be eligible for the Food Assistance (US) and Cash Assistance (US) programs (see the "Date of Entry" field). Your system administrator can add a new alien type via the Code Tables page (see "Code Tables" in the Cúram Administration Guide).No
Alien Status on EntryEVD_ALIEN_TYPEType of alien status on entry from the drop-down list of alien status on entry types, e.g., "parolee", "battered spouse or child", "asylee". Your system administrator can add a new alien status on entry type via the Code Tables page (see "Code Tables" in the Cúram Administration Guide). No
Date of EntryCURAM_DATEDate the alien household member first entered the country/region. Alien household members may be eligible or ineligible for certain programs depending on the period of time that has elapsed since their date of entry. For example, for the Cash Assistance program, an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence on or after August 22, 1996 is ineligible for 5 years from date of entry unless an exempt alien.No
End DateCURAM_DATEThis is the end date of the alien record.No
Country/Region of OriginCOUNTRY_CODECountry/Region the alien household member entered the country from on the member's most recent trip out of the country from the drop-down list of countries, e.g., "Mexico", "Canada". An alien household member may leave the country several times after the date of entry and this is the country of origin for the member's most recent trip out of the country. Your system administrator can add a new country via the Code Tables page (see "Code Tables" in the Cúram Administration Guide).No
Country/Region of CitizenshipCOUNTRY_CODEAlien household member's country of citizenship from the drop-down list of countries, e.g., "Mexico", "Canada". Your system administrator can add a new country via the Code Tables page (see "Code Tables" in the Cúram Administration Guide).No
Country/Region of BirthCOUNTRY_CODEAlien household member's country/region of birth from the drop-down list of countries, e.g., "Puerto Rico", "Cuba". Your system administrator can add a new country via the Code Tables page (see "Code Tables" in the Cúram Administration Guide).No
Registration NumberEVD_ALIEN_REGISTRATION_NUMBERHousehold member alien registration number. This number relates to the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) file number.No
INS SectionEVD_INS_SECTIONINS section number that relates to the household member's immigration status. Household members who are granted asylum under certain INS section numbers are potentially eligible for food assistance and/or cash assistance benefits in the US.No
Date Last Left CountryCURAM_DATEAn alien household member may leave the country several times after the date of entry and this is the most recent date on which the member left the country.No
Date Alien Status GrantedCURAM_DATEDate on which the alien status has been granted.No
Indigent AlienCURAM_INDICATORIf the household member is an indigent alien, select the Indigent Alien selection box. An indigent alien is someone the agency has determined to be unable to obtain food and shelter, taking into account the alien's own income and resources, as well as assistance provided by other individuals including alien sponsor(s). An indigent alien is considered an exempt alien for one year after the indigence decision is made. During this year, the system does not count any resources or income from other individuals including the alien's sponsor(s) as part of the alien's household income and resource totals.No
Continuously Residing in Country since Date of EntryCURAM_INDICATORThis field indicates whether or not the household member has continuously resided in the US from their date of entry through the date they became a qualified alien.No
Updated By
Approval Status
Alien Details
Household MemberFULL_NAMEHousehold member to whom the alien evidence applies from the drop-down list of household members. Note that this household member must have a citizen status of a type that allows the member to be recorded as an alien, e.g., "alien". Note also that the system displays the primary alternative ID of each of the members displayed on the drop-down list. In the US, the primary alternative ID is the social security number (SSN).No
Links and Actions
In Page Navigation
[View History]Click the View History link to view the update history for the evidence.
[View History]Click the View History link to view the update history for the evidence.
DetailsShows details of the current record.
HistoryChoose this to view the correction history of this record.
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MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
No security implementation is supported for this transaction type. Please contact an Administrator.LinkNo
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Technical Information
Page IDEVD_viewAlienEvidence
Page Load InterfaceEVDEvidenceMaintenance.readAlienEvidence
Page Submit Interface
Linked From PagesView Alien Evidence (EVD_viewAlienEvidence), View Alien Evidence (EVD_viewAlienEvidenceCH)