This page allows you to modify a Income Reporting evidence record.
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Change Details
Received DateCURAM_DATEThe date on which the evidence was received.Yes
Change ReasonEVIDENCE_CHANGE_REASONThe change reason helps the reason for evidence correction. No
Effective Date of ChangeCURAM_DATEDate which the evidence becomes effectiveNo
Income Reporting Details
Report TypeEVD_REPORT_TYPEReport type from the drop-down list of report types, e.g., "transitional medical assistance 1st report", "transitional medical assistance 2nd report". Your system administrator can add a new report type via the Code Tables page (see "Code Tables" in the Cúram Administration Guide). Yes
Receipt StatusEVD_RECEIPT_STATUSReport receipt status from the drop-down list of report receipt statuses, e.g., "No Report", "Timely Report", "Late Report". Your system administrator can add a new receipt status via the Code Tables page (see "Code Tables" in the Cúram Administration Guide). Yes
Reason For No EarningsEVD_REASON_FOR_NO_EARNINGSReason for loss of earnings from the drop-down list of reasons for no earnings, e.g., "involuntary loss of employment", "employed but not paid in month". If the household has no earnings, it must provide a reason for the loss of earning. Good cause reasons include a death in the family or loss of transportation. Your system administrator can add a new reason for no earnings via the Code Tables page (see "Code Tables" in the Cúram Administration Guide). No
Report StatusEVD_REPORT_STATUSReport status from the drop-down list of report statuses, e.g., "Complete", "Incomplete". Your system administrator can add a new report status via the Code Tables page (see "Code Tables" in the Cúram Administration Guide). No
Reason For No Report Or Late ReportEVD_REASON_FOR_LATE_OR_NO_REPORTThe reason that the household has not filed a quarterly report by the due date from the drop-down list of non-compliance reasons, e.g., family emergency or household disaster. If a household does not file their quarterly report on time or at all, it will not receive the full twelve months of coverage. However, if it can provide an acceptable reason for the lateness or absence of the report, the Transitional Medical Assistance may be continued. Your system administrator can add a new non-compliance reason via the Code Tables page (see "Code Tables" in the Cúram Administration Guide). No
Date ReportedCURAM_DATEThe date on which the household submitted the report.No
Links and Actions
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CancelGeneric help message for cancel actions
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When page is loaded
When page is submitted
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
Business Process class %1s for product of type %2c is not assignable to type %3s.LinkNo
Exception instantiating hook for product of type %1c : %2s.LinkNo
Income Reporting - An Income Reporting record of this Report Type already exists for this household.LinkNo
Income Reporting - A Reason For No Earnings must not be selected when the Receipt Status is No Report.LinkNo
Income Reporting - A Reason for No Report Or Late Report must not be selected when the Receipt Status is Timely Report.LinkNo
Income Reporting - A Receipt Status must be selected.LinkNo
Income Reporting - A Report Status must be selected when the Receipt Status is Late Report.LinkNo
Income Reporting - A Report Status must be selected when the Receipt Status is Timely Report.LinkNo
Income Reporting - A Report Status must not be selected when the Receipt Status is No Report.LinkNo
Income Reporting - A Report Type must be selected.LinkNo
Income Reporting - The Date Reported must be entered when the Receipt Status is Late Report.LinkNo
Income Reporting - The Date Reported must be entered when the Receipt Status is Timely Report.LinkNo
Income Reporting - The Date Reported must not be entered when the Receipt Status is No Report.LinkNo
Income Reporting - The Date Reported must not be later than today.LinkNo
Related Entities
Technical Information
Page IDEVD_modifyIncomeReportingEvidence
Page Load InterfaceEVDEvidenceMaintenance.readIncomeReportingEvidence
Page Submit InterfaceEVDEvidenceMaintenance.modifyIncomeReportingEvidence
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