This page allows you to create a Transfer To Trust evidence record.
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Received DateCURAM_DATEThe date on which the evidence was received.Yes
Transfer DateCURAM_DATEDate that the ownership transfer occurred.Yes
Transfer ValueCURAM_AMOUNTMonetary value of the ownership transferred.Yes
Transfer on Behalf of this participantCURAM_INDICATORThis indicates whether or not the ownership of the resource has been transferred by another individual on behalf of the household member who owns the trust.No
Attempted to Regain PossessionCURAM_INDICATORThis indicates whether or not to show that the household member has reasonably tried to regain possession of a resource which has previously been transferred.No
Legally Binding Document in PlaceCURAM_INDICATORThis indicates if there is a legally binding document in place and to be shown for this transfer.No
Household Member's Ownership Before Transfer Details
Value of OwnershipCURAM_AMOUNTMonetary fair market value of the household member's ownership at the transfer date. The value of this field is provided by the system and cannot be changed. It is calculated from the total fair market value of the resource and the percentage owned by the household member at the time of transfer.No
Resource Ownership Transfer Details
Transfer ReasonEVD_OWNERSHIP_TRANSFER_REASONTransfer reason from the drop-down list of transfer reasons, for example, court ordered.Yes
Transfer to Trust Details
Trust GrantorFULL_NAMEThis is the grantor of the trust to which the ownership is being transferred. The grantor is selected on the Trust Evidence Selection page and cannot be changed. You can view the grantor's member or case participant home page by clicking on the trust grantor name. No
Transfer to BeneficiaryFULL_NAMEThis is a drop-down list of active beneficiaries that are related to the selected trust.No
Links and Actions
Page Level Actions
BackGeneric help message for back actions
CancelGeneric help message for cancel actions
FinishGeneric help message for finish actions
When page is loaded
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
When page is submitted
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
%1s - This %2s record cannot be activated as the related parent %3s record has not yet been activated.LinkNo
>Beneficiary - The Start Date must not be later than the End Date.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
Beneficiary - A Beneficiary record already exists for this Participant and Trust.LinkNo
Beneficiary - At least one Beneficiary evidence record must be recorded for every Trust record.LinkNo
Beneficiary - Start Date must not be earlier than the related Trust Date Established.LinkNo
Beneficiary - The Accessible Value must not be a negative value.LinkNo
Beneficiary - The Accessible Value must not be entered when the Trust Category is Revocable.LinkNo
Beneficiary - The Participant must be specified.LinkNo
Beneficiary - The Start Date must not be earlier than the Beneficiary Participant's Date of Birth. The Beneficiary Participant's Date of Birth is %1d.LinkNo
Beneficiary - The total Accessible Value must not be greater than the total Trust Value.LinkNo
Business Process class %1s for product of type %2c is not assignable to type %3s.LinkNo
Could not validate Dates as no Participant details available.LinkNo
Exception instantiating hook for product of type %1c : %2s.LinkNo
No security implementation is supported for this transaction type. Please contact an Administrator.LinkNo
Ownership - A Beneficiary must be selected.LinkNo
Ownership - A current ownership record already exists for this Case Participant for this Resource record.LinkNo
Ownership - All ownership evidence changes that relate to the same ownership record must be activated together.LinkNo
Ownership - At least one Ownership evidence record must be recorded for every %1s record.LinkNo
Ownership evidence cannot be modified as the user has added ownership transfer evidence details for this record. Please select cancel.LinkNo
Ownership - If parent type is not Property then Usage must not be selected.LinkNo
Ownership - If Resource Type is Property then Ownership Type must be selected.LinkNo
Ownership - If Resource Type is Property then Usage must be selected.LinkNo
Ownership - Ownership evidence cannot be made active as there is already an ownership record for this participant and resource active for the period selectedLinkNo
Ownership - Ownership evidence cannot be made active as the total Percentage Owned on active ownership records for the same resource will exceed 100 percent for the start and end dates specifiedLinkNo
Ownership - Percentage Owned must be greater than zero.LinkNo
Ownership - Percentage Owned must be less than 100 percent.LinkNo
Ownership - Start Date must be entered.LinkNo
Ownership - Start Date must not be earlier than the related Annuity Date Established.LinkNo
Ownership - Start Date must not be earlier than the related Burial Plot Purchase Date.LinkNo
Ownership - Start Date must not be earlier than the related Life Insurance Start Date.LinkNo
Ownership - Start Date must not be earlier than the related Liquid Resources Date Received.LinkNo
Ownership - Start Date must not be earlier than the related Loan Date Received.LinkNo
Ownership - Start Date must not be earlier than the related Property Purchase Date.LinkNo
Ownership - Start Date must not be earlier than the related Self Employment from date.LinkNo
Ownership - Start Date must not be earlier than the related Vehicle Start Date.LinkNo
Ownership - The participant must be specified.LinkNo
Ownership - The Percentage Owned by all Owners must be less than 100 percent.LinkNo
Ownership - The Percentage Owned By the Owner must be greater than zero.LinkNo
Ownership - The Start Date must be greater than the participant's date of birth. The participant's date of birth is (%1d) LinkNo
Ownership - The Start Date must not be later than the End Date.LinkNo
Ownership - Transfer date must not be earlier than the Ownership start date.LinkNo
Ownership - Transfer date must not be later than today.LinkNo
Ownership - Transfer Value cannot be greater than Value of Ownership.LinkNo
Ownership - Transfer Value must be greater than zero.LinkNo
The Grantor must be registered in the system as an Employer a Service Supplier or a Product Provider when the Grantor Type is Non-Profit Organization.LinkNo
The Grantor must be registered in the system as a Person when the Grantor Type is Individual.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
The Relationship of Grantor to Beneficiary must be N/A when the Beneficiary is a participant of type Employer Service Supplier or Product Provider.LinkNo
The Relationship of Grantor to Beneficiary must be N/A when the Grantor Type is Non-Profit Organization.LinkNo
The Relationship of Grantor to Beneficiary must not be N/A when the Grantor Type is Individual and the Beneficiary is a participant of type Person.LinkNo
The Source of Fund must not be Grantor's Spouse when the Grantor Type is Non-Profit Organization.LinkNo
This %1c record cannot be discarded as there is a related %2c record. To discard the %3c record you must first discard/remove the related %4c record.LinkNo
This %1s record cannot be discarded as the parent %2s does not exist.LinkNo
This evidence has been activated and cannot be modified.LinkNo
Trust - Amount Available to Grantor must be not be a negative value.LinkNo
Trust - Beneficiary evidence must be recorded for the Trust evidence record.LinkNo
Trust - Established date must not be later than end date.LinkNo
Trust - Income Trust Schedule evidence must be recorded for the Trust evidence record with Trust Type of Miller.LinkNo
Trust - The Date Established must be enteredLinkNo
Trust - The Date Established must not be earlier than the Grantor's Date of Birth. The Grantor's Date of Birth is %1d.LinkNo
Trust - The Date Established must not be later than today.LinkNo
Trust - The Participant must be selected.LinkNo
Trust - The Trust Value must be greater than zero.LinkNo
Trust - This %1c record cannot be selected for removal as there is a related %2c record. To remove the %1c record you must also select the related %2c record.LinkNo
Trust - This Trust record cannot be removed as there is a related Beneficiary record. To remove the Trust record you must first remove the related Beneficiary record.LinkNo
Trust - This Trust record cannot be removed as there is a related Income Trust Schedule record. To remove the Trust record you must first remove the related Income Trust Schedule record.LinkNo
Trust - This Trust record cannot be removed as there is a related Trustee record. To remove the Trust record you must first remove the related Trustee record.LinkNo
Trust - This Trust record cannot be removed as there is a related Trust Income record. To remove the Trust record you must first remove the related Trust Income record.LinkNo
Trust - Trustee evidence must be recorded for the Trust evidence record.LinkNo
Your search has exceeded the maximum limit for the number of records that can returned. Please narrow your search criteria.LinkNo
Related Entities
Technical Information
Page IDEVD_createTransferToTrustEvidence_wzSelAllCrePAR
Page Load InterfaceEVDEvidenceMaintenance.getTransferToTrustRelatedEntityAttributes
Page Submit InterfaceEVDEvidenceMaintenance.createTransferToTrustEvidence
Linked From PagesNew Evidence (EVD_createTransferToTrustEvidence_wzSelAllPAR)