%1s - This %2s record cannot be activated as the related parent %3s record has not yet been activated. | Link | No | |
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back. | Link | No | |
Could not validate Dates as no Participant details available. | Link | No | |
No security implementation is supported for this transaction type. Please contact an Administrator. | Link | No | |
Student Expense - The Amount of the Student's Expense must be entered. | Link | No | |
Student Expense - The Amount of the Student's Expense must be greater than zero. | Link | No | |
Student Expense - The Frequency of the Student's Expense must be selected. | Link | No | |
Student Expense - The Reimbursed Amount must be entered if the Reimbursement Type is selected. | Link | No | |
Student Expense - The Reimbursed Amount of the Student's Expense must be greater than zero. | Link | No | |
Student Expense - The Reimbursement Type must be selected if the Reimbursed Amount is entered. | Link | No | |
Student Expense - The Start Date must be greater than the household member's date of birth. The household member's date of birth is %1d. | Link | No | |
Student Expense - The Start Date must not be later than the End Date. | Link | No | |
Student Expense - The Type of the Student's Expense must be selected. | Link | No | |
Student Expense - This %1c record cannot be removed as there is a related %2c record. To remove the %1c record you must first remove the related %2c record. | Link | No | |
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name. | Link | No | |
This %1c record cannot be discarded as there is a related %2c record. To discard the %3c record you must first discard/remove the related %4c record. | Link | No | |
This %1s record cannot be discarded as the parent %2s does not exist. | Link | No | |
Your search has exceeded the maximum limit for the number of records that can returned. Please narrow your search criteria. | Link | No | |