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Task IDTASK_IDTask ID number.No
SubjectTASK_SUBJECTTask subject. Note that you cannot update the subject of a system generated task.No
PriorityTASK_PRIORITY_CODETask priority from the drop-down list of priority levels, e.g. normal, low, or high priority. Your system administrator can add a new task priority via the Code Tables page (see "Code Tables" in the Cúram Administration Guide).No
StatusTASK_STATUS_CODETask status from the drop-down list of task statuses, e.g. not started, in progress, completed. Your system administrator can add a new task status via the Code Tables page (see "Code Tables" in the Cúram Administration Guide). Note that a task's status is automatically set to "closed" when the task is closed.No
DeadlineCURAM_DATETIMEDate and time by which the task must be completed.No
Links and Actions
Page Level Actions
NewYou can press the New button to create a new task.
When page is loaded
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
Business Process class %1s for concern role type %2c is not assignable to type %3s.LinkNo
Business Process class %1s for product of type %2c is not assignable to type %3s.LinkNo
Exception instantiating hook for concern role type %1c : %2s.LinkNo
Exception instantiating hook for product of type %1c : %2s.LinkNo
No security implementation is supported for this transaction type. Please contact an Administrator.LinkNo
Product Hook Registrar cannot find the hook class for concern role type %1c.LinkNo
Task with ID %1s does not exist.LinkNo
When page is submitted
Related Entities
Technical Information
Page IDDefaultICMember_listTask
LocationC:\Users\david\dev\src\esystems-inc\Curam_V8_IS\webclient\components\core\Integrated Case\Default\DefaultICHomes\Member\Task\DefaultICMember_listTask.uim
Page Load InterfaceIntegratedCase.listMemberTasks
Page Submit Interface
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