This page allows you to view a list of ICD code versions. Medical conditions can have one or more ICD codes which are the World Health Organization International Classification of Diseases. These associations ensure that medical conditions are assessed consistently and based on a recognized standard.
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VersionDA_ICD_VERSION_NUMBERICD Code Version numberNo
Start DateCURAM_DATEDate and time the version was released.No
End DateCURAM_DATEDate and time this version was removed.No
StatusDA_ICD_VERSION_STATUSStatus of the version.No
Date UploadedCURAM_DATETIMEDate and time when this version upload was completed.No
Links and Actions
Row Level Actions
ReleaseOpens the Release ICD Code Version page.
DeleteThe Delete action allows you to delete the ICD Code Version record.
RemoveOpens the Remove ICD Code Version page.
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Technical Information
Page IDDecisionAssistAdmin_listICDCodeVersions
Page Load InterfaceICDCodes.listICDCodeVersionDetails
Page Submit Interface
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