This page allows you to enter the details for the determination configuration to be created.
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NameDA_DETERMINATIONCONFIG_NAMEThe Name of the Determination ConfigurationYes
ReferenceDA_DETERMINATION_REFERENCEThis is a unique human readable reference number that can be added by a customer to allow identification of a determination configuration from custom code.No
Start DateCURAM_DATEStart Date of the period during which the determination configuration will be used by the system. Yes
End DateCURAM_DATEEnd Date of the period during which the determination configuration will be used by the system.No
TypeDA_DETERMINATIONCONFIG_TYPEThe Determination Configuration Type from the Determination Configuration Type Code table e.g. Medical or Needs, indicating the type of assessment performed.Yes
Support CoC ProcessingDA_SUPPORT_COC_PROCESSINGThis indicator is to decide whether the determination configuration supports Change of Circumstance processing.No
Multiple SourcesDA_MULTIPLE_SOURCE_INDThis is to indicate whether the Determination Configuration has Multiple Sources for providing answers or not. If left unselected, it is assumed as Single Source (i.e. The Client only).No
Automatic ConsolidationDA_AUTOMATIC_CONSOLIDATIONThis is to indicate whether the answers for the questionnaires within a determination with multi source can be consolidated automatically. If the indicator is set to 'Yes' then the latest answer is selected automatically.No
Stand AloneDA_STAND_ALONEThis indicator is to decide whether an assessment configuration needs to be created for the determination being configured. On setting this indicator to Yes it implies that an assessment can be run for that determination only. Once set the standalone indicator cannot be changed. If this indicator is set in error the Determination Configuration must be deleted. The home page identifier for the Assessment Configuration depends on whether certain indicators other than the StandaloneInd are set in the Determination Configuration. The indicators are checked in the following order: Support CoC Processing Ind is checked first as this determines whether there will be a View at the Assessment level only or both at the Assessment and Determination Level. Then multi source Ind is checked as this determines which views of Determination/Assessment are appropriate. Then auto consolidation which can only be set if Multi Source is set.No
Links and Actions
Page Level Actions
CancelThe Cancel action dismisses the page.
SaveThe Save action creates a new record from the information entered on the page.
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MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
A determination configuration with this Name already exists.LinkNo
A determination configuration with this Reference already exists.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
Automatic Consolidation cannot be set if Multiple sources is not set to true.LinkNo
Name must be entered.LinkNo
The End Date must be later than or equal to the Start Date.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
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Technical Information
Page IDDecisionAssistAdmin_createDeterminationConfig
Page Load InterfaceDeterminationConfig.setDeterminationConfigDefaultFlags
Page Submit InterfaceDeterminationConfig.createDeterminationConfig
Linked From PagesAdministration Home (DecisionAssistAdmin_home), DecisionAssistAdmin_listDeterminationConfig