Address data line %1n is not in correct format. | Link | No | |
Address header information is missing or invalid. | Link | No | |
Address line 'Apt/suite' is too long (%1n)- maximum allowed is 256. | Link | No | |
Address line 'City' is too long (%1n)- maximum allowed is 256. | Link | No | |
An active organization structure must exist. | Link | No | |
An entity identifier cannot be null. | Link | No | |
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back. | Link | No | |
A non-standard address was created or modified. | Link | No | |
A row identifier cannot be null. | Link | No | |
Attempt to map a freeform address as a non-freeform. | Link | No | |
Invalid address layout type %1s specified in address header. | Link | No | |
Invalid version number %1s specified in address header. | Link | No | |
More than entity of type '%1s' with key value '%2s' found in the cache. | Link | No | |
New tasks cannot be added for a client that is currently marked as a duplicate. | Link | No | |
No database access is allowed at this point. | Link | No | |
No name tag specified in address data line %1n. | Link | No | |
No row manager set which contains the optimistic lock. | Link | No | |
No security implementation is supported for this transaction type. Please contact an Administrator. | Link | No | |
One of either Add To My Tasks or Assign To must be entered but not both. | Link | No | |
System configuration error - Unable to retrieve system user details from the database. Please contact your system administrator. | Link | No | |
The address data for this address is too long. | Link | No | |
The address data line index %1n is out of range (%2n - %3n). | Link | No | |
The address record with ID %1n is marked as non-modifiable and therefore cannot be modified. | Link | No | |
The assignee you have chosen does not match the assignee type chosen. Please search for assignee again. | Link | No | |
The class '%1s' does not implement the interface and therefore is not as an event filter. | Link | No | |
The class '%1s' does not implement the interface therefore is not an event handler. | Link | No | |
The deadline date and time must be in the future. | Link | No | |
The deadline is too far in the future and can not be stored correctly | Link | No | |
The event filter: '%1s' could not be instantiated. | Link | No | |
The event handler: '%1s' could not be instantiated. | Link | No | |
The key of this database row cannot be altered. | Link | No | |
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name. | Link | No | |
The subject must be entered. | Link | No | |
The supplied address data is empty. | Link | No | |
This action cannot be carried out as participant data case is enabled for persons/prospect persons. | Link | No | |
This entity may not be modified. | Link | No | |
This row may not be modified. | Link | No | |
This task cannot be created as you currently have an active task allocation blocking period and you have specified the task should be added to your My Tasks list. | Link | No | |
This task cannot be created as you currently have an active task redirection period and you have specified that the task should be added to your My Tasks list. | Link | No | |
This task cannot be created because the user %1s is currently being blocked from the allocation of new task. | Link | No | |
User %1s has created or modified a non-standard address (ID %2n). | Link | No | |