This page allows you to view details of a program. The programs may be available as part of an online application, screening or associated with a PDF application form.
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NameLOCALIZABLE_TEXTThe program name, e.g. Cash Assistance, Unemployment Insurance.No
ReferencePROGRAM_TYPE_REFERENCEThis attribute is used to reference the program from CERT rule sets and data mapping files.No
Intake Processing Details
Intake SystemTARGET_SYSTEM_NAMEThe system used to perform the intake processing.No
Application CaseCASE_CONFIGURATION_NAMEThe application case to be used to process an application for this program. No
Reopen AvailableCURAM_INDICATORIndicates whether the Reopen action will be enabled on the programs list on an application case for this particular program. Checking the indicator means that the action will be enabled for Denied and Withdrawn programs of this type.No
Program ReopenedWORKFLOW_PROCESS_NAMEAllows the administrator to specify the workflow that will be initiated when a program is reopened.No
Coverage TypePROGRAM_TYPE_COVERAGEAllows the administrator to specify the whether the program type should be filtered from view when adding programs to an application case.No
Case Processing Details
Case Processing SystemTARGET_SYSTEM_NAMEThe system used to perform the case processing for this program. No
Ongoing Integrated Case TypePRODUCT_CATEGORY_CODEThe type of Curam integrated case that is created in response to an online submission if Curam has been specified as the eligibility processing system.No
Integrated Case StrategyINTEGRATED_CASE_STRATEGYOn successful program authorization a product delivery is created and associated with either a new integrated case or an existing integrated case.No
Client Selection StrategyCLIENT_SELECTION_STRATEGYThe strategy to be used when adding clients from the application case to the product delivery created as a result of authorization of this program.No
Client Selection RulesetCREOLE_RULE_SET_NAMERules set used for client selection when the Client Selection Strategy is 'Rules'.No
Product Delivery TypePRODUCT_NAME_CODEThe product delivery used to make a payment to a client(s) in respect of this program. No
Submit Product Delivery AutomaticallyCURAM_INDICATORIndicates whether the product delivery created in respect of this program should be automatically submitted for approval.No
Outcome Plan Details
Outcome Plan TypeCASE_CONFIGURATION_NAMEThe type of outcome plan created to process an application for this program.No
Outcome Plan StrategyOUTCOME_PLAN_STRATEGYOn successful program authorization, a new outcome plan or an existing outcome plan is updated for program delivery. This field is used to dictate the behaviour.No
Client Selection StrategyCLIENT_SELECTION_STRATEGYThe strategy to be used when adding clients from the application case to the outcome plan created as a result of authorization of this program.No
Client Selection RulesetCREOLE_RULE_SET_NAMERuleset used for client selection when the Client Selection Strategy is Rules.No
DurationNUM_DAYSThe length of the timer in days. This value, along with the fields 'Start Date' and 'Use Business Days' (and the configured business hours for the organisation) will be used to calculate the expiry date for the timer. No
Start DateTIMER_START_ONIndicates the date on which the timer should start, e.g. on the application date or the program addition date.No
Warning DaysNUM_DAYSThe number of warning days. The user will be warned, between this number of days to the deadline and the deadline itself, that the deadline for processing the program application is imminent. No
End Date Extension AllowedCURAM_INDICATORAllows the user to extend the timer by a number of days. No
Extension Approval RequiredCURAM_INDICATORIf this is set an extension by a user needs to be approved by a supervisor.No
Use Business DaysCURAM_INDICATORIndicates that the timer should not decrement over non-working days. If this is set, the system shall use the Working Pattern Hours for the organisation to determine the non-working days when calculating the expiry date for the timer.No
Resume TimerCURAM_INDICATORAllow the timer to be restarted when a program is reopened.No
Resume FromTIMER_RESUME_FROMIndicates what date to restart the timer from. This can be set to the date the program is reopened or the original completion date of the program (date of program deny/withdraw).No
Timer StartWORKFLOW_PROCESS_NAMEA workflow that is enacted when the timer starts.No
Warning ReachedWORKFLOW_PROCESS_NAMEA workflow that is enacted when the warning period is reached.No
Deadline Not AchievedWORKFLOW_PROCESS_NAMEA workflow that is enacted if the deadline is not achieved. I.e. the program has not been disposed by the expiry date.No
Links and Actions
When page is loaded
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
'To be' rule sets contain validation errors - cannot continue with rule set migrationLinkNo
(error accessing field - '%1s')LinkNo
%1s: %2s %3s (%4n %5n) %6sLinkNo
- %1s = %2sLinkNo
Ancestor attribute availability not found for current attribute availability '%1s'.LinkNo
Ancestor attribute availability not found for to-be attribute availability '%1s'.LinkNo
Ancestor rule class not found for current rule class '%1s'.LinkNo
Ancestor rule class not found for to-be rule class '%1s'.LinkNo
An entity identifier cannot be null.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
Arguments for invocation %1n:LinkNo
A row identifier cannot be null.LinkNo
Batch result codes were:LinkNo
Current rule set details not found for rule set '%1s'.LinkNo
Current rule set not found for rule set name '%1s'.LinkNo
Details structs were:LinkNo
Entity manager not found.LinkNo
Error during batch database operation - check log for details.LinkNo
Error processing invocation %1n of %2n - batch result code %3n:LinkNo
Error re-validating derivation for '%1s'.LinkNo
existing entry found for %1s (%2s).LinkNo
More than entity of type '%1s' with key value '%2s' found in the cache.LinkNo
New rule class not found for moved attribute '%1s' (moving to '%2s').LinkNo
New rule set not found for moved class '%1s' (moving to '%2s').LinkNo
No attribute availability storage row found for attribute availability ID %1s.LinkNo
No concrete DAO specified for discriminator value '%1s'.LinkNo
No database access is allowed at this point.LinkNo
No row manager set which contains the optimistic lock.LinkNo
No rule attribute storage row found for rule attribute ID %1s.LinkNo
No rule class storage row found for rule class '%1s'.LinkNo
No rule class storage row found for rule class '%1s' and rule set ID %2s.LinkNo
No rule set storage row found for rule set name '%1s'.LinkNo
Number of results from batch database operation (%1n) does not equal number of invocations of batch operation (%2n).LinkNo
Post migration rule sets contain validation errors - cannot continue with rule set migrationLinkNo
Record not found for key '%1s'.LinkNo
Resource '%1s' not found on classpathLinkNo
Result %1n = %2nLinkNo
Rule attribute not found for current rule available attribute '%1s'.LinkNo
Rule attribute not found for to-be rule available attribute '%1s'.LinkNo
Rule class migration pair not found for '%1s'.LinkNo
Rule set migration pair not found for '%1s'.LinkNo
Rule set not found for to-be rule set '%1s'.LinkNo
The Key Server cache and the Key Server database values are out of sync and therefore this record cannot be inserted. LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
There is more than one rule set with name '%1s'.LinkNo
The URL passed in is malformed.LinkNo
This attribute value has been removed.LinkNo
This record has been changed by another user. Please refresh and try again.LinkNo
To-add rule set not found for rule set name '%1s'.LinkNo
To-be rule set not found for rule set name '%1s'.LinkNo
To-remove rule set not found for rule set name '%1s'.LinkNo
Unknown row mode.LinkNo
When page is submitted
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Technical Information
Page IDCitizenWorkspaceAdmin_programHome
Page Load InterfaceCitizenWorkspaceAdmin.viewProgram
Page Submit Interface
Linked From PagesScreening: (CitizenWorkspaceAdmin_listProgramItemsForScreening), CitizenWorkspaceAdmin_listPrograms, Intake Application: (CitizenWorkspaceAdmin_listProgramTypesForIntake), CitizenWorkspaceAdmin_listProgramTypesForInternalIntake, Programs (CommonIntake_applicationCaseAdminPrograms)