The following page allows the user to delete the Grace Period. To delete the Grace Period the user selects the Delete button on the View Grace Period page.
Page Preview
Page Flow Diagram
Click the diagram to manipulate and zoom. Traverse the diagram using Click-and-Drag motions. Fullscreen
Links and Actions
Page Level Actions
NoDismisses the page and returns the user to the previous page.
YesModifies the grace period record by setting the status to cancelled.
When page is loaded
When page is submitted
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
A grace period already exists for this product delivery. Please modify the existing grace period record.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
Days Granted must be greater than zero.LinkNo
Good Cause must be entered.LinkNo
No security implementation is supported for this transaction type. Please contact an Administrator.LinkNo
The maximum days that can be granted is %1s days.LinkNo
This record has already been deleted.LinkNo
Related Entities
When page is loaded
When page is submitted
Technical Information
Page IDCHIPCreole_cancelGracePeriod
Page Load Interface
Page Submit InterfaceCHIPAdministration.cancelGracePeriodEvidence
Linked From PagesGrace Period (CHIP_listGracePeriod), Grace Period (CHIPCreole_listGracePeriod)