This page allows you to view the guidance details. Displays Text which guides or assists the caseworker. This text displayed to a caseworker depends on the particular classification/score achieved by a client for a factor. If the guidance details to be displayed are over a certain size, the text will be truncated and a link provided to enable the user to view the complete text.
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ClientUSER_NAMEThe name of the client the guidance is in relation toNo
FactorASSESSMENT_DEFINITION_FACTOR_NAMEThe name of the assessed factor that the guidance is derived in relation toNo
ClassificationLOCALIZED_MESSAGEThe classification achieved by the client for the factorNo
Last AssessedCURAM_DATETIMEThe date the factor was last assessed for the clientNo
ClientUSER_NAMEThe name of the client the guidance is in relation toNo
FactorASSESSMENT_DEFINITION_FACTOR_NAMEThe name of the assessed factor that the guidance is derived in relation toNo
ClassificationLOCALIZED_MESSAGEThe classification achieved by the client for the factorNo
Last AssessedCURAM_DATETIMEThe date the factor was last assessed for the clientNo
FactorASSESSMENT_DEFINITION_FACTOR_NAMEThe name of the assessed factor that the guidance is derived in relation toNo
ClassificationLOCALIZED_MESSAGEThe classification achieved by the client for the factorNo
Last AssessedCURAM_DATETIMEThe date the factor was last assessed for the clientNo
FactorASSESSMENT_DEFINITION_FACTOR_NAMEThe name of the assessed factor that the guidance is derived in relation toNo
ClassificationLOCALIZED_MESSAGEThe classification achieved by the client for the factorNo
Last AssessedCURAM_DATETIMEThe date the factor was last assessed for the clientNo
Links and Actions
In Page Navigation
AnswersClick the answers link on the to view the assessment answers.
DetailsClick the details link on the to view the assessment home.
GuidanceClick the guidance link on the to view the guidance.
Expanded Row
When page is loaded
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
%1s (%2s)LinkNo
%1s %2sLinkNo
%1s %2s (%3s)LinkNo
An entity identifier cannot be null.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
More than entity of type '%1s' with key value '%2s' found in the cache.LinkNo
No database access is allowed at this point.LinkNo
The factor delivery type %1s has not been implemented.LinkNo
The factor result type %1s has not been implemented.LinkNo
When page is submitted
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Technical Information
Page IDAssessmentDelivery_viewGuidanceFromAssessmentHistory
Page Load InterfaceAssessmentInstance.readAssessmentHistoryGuidanceDetails
Page Submit Interface
Linked From PagesAssessment Details (AssessmentDelivery_assessmentInstanceHome), Home (AssessmentDelivery_viewAssessmentAnswersFromInstanceHome), Assessment Home: (AssessmentDelivery_viewGuidanceFromAssessmentHistory)