This page allows you to search for an application.
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Page Flow Diagram
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ReferenceAPPLICATION_REFERENCEDisplays the reference number of the application.No
ClientCLIENT_NAMESDisplays the client name.No
Programs RequestedPROGRAM_NAMESDisplays the program(s) requested on the application.No
Application DateCURAM_DATEThe filing date of the application.No
Search Criteria
Application ReferenceAPPLICATION_REFERENCEApplication reference number. No
Application DateCURAM_DATEThe filing date of the application.No
First NameFIRST_FORENAMEThe client's first name.No
Last NameSURNAMEThe client's last name. No
Application TypeAPPLICATION_TYPEThe type of application.No
ProgramPROGRAM_TYPEThe program(s) applied for.No
StatusAPPLICATION_STATUSThe applications status.No
Links and Actions
Page Level Actions
CancelThe Cancel action dismisses the page.
NextYou can press the Next button to bring you to a the page of programs that can be appealed.
ResetYou can press the Reset button to reset the search criteria fields and enter new fields.
SearchOnce you have entered the search criteria, you can press the Search button to search for the application.
When page is loaded
When page is submitted
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
An application must be selected from the list.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
If not searching by Application Reference then the minimum search criteria are First Name or Last Name Application Type and Status. LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
Related Entities
When page is loaded
When page is submitted
Technical Information
Page IDApplicationSearch_Appeals
Page Load Interface
Page Submit InterfaceApplicationAppeal.appealsApplicationSearch
Linked From PagesItems Under Appeal (Application_listItemsUnderAppeal), Applications (ApplicationSearch_Appeals)