Displays a list of the programs that were requested on the application.
Page Preview
Page Flow Diagram
Click the diagram to manipulate and zoom. Traverse the diagram using Click-and-Drag motions. Fullscreen
ProgramPROGRAM_TYPEThe name of the programNo
Request DateCURAM_DATEThe date on which the program was requested.No
DispositionPROGRAM_STATUSA program request can have a status of pending, approved, denied or withdrawn.No
Disposed OnCURAM_DATEThe date when the program request was disposed, i.e. approved, denied or withdrawn.No
Links and Actions
Page Level Actions
Add ProgramYou can press the Add Program button to add a new program request to the application.
Row Level Actions
Edit Program Request DateAllows you to edit the details of the program request.
WithdrawAllows you to withdraw the program request.
Confirm RequestAllows you to confirm a withdrawal request that was submitted by the client online.
ReopenAllows you to reopen a program application.
Expanded Row
When page is loaded
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
An entity identifier cannot be null.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
A row identifier cannot be null.LinkNo
More than entity of type '%1s' with key value '%2s' found in the cache.LinkNo
No database access is allowed at this point.LinkNo
No row manager set which contains the optimistic lock.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
This user has not been configured for an intake process.LinkNo
When page is submitted
Related Entities
Technical Information
Page IDApplicationPrograms1
Page Load InterfaceProgramApplication.listProgramApplications2
Page Submit Interface
Linked From PagesConfirm Withdrawal Request (Intake_confirmProgramWithdrawalRequestFromTask)