This page allows you to modify appeal security configuration settings. These settings apply to all appeal cases. When a user attempts to access appeal information or perform operations on an appeal case, the system checks the user's security to ensure that he or she has the appropriate rights. In order to perform appeal operations, your security role must include the appropriate security identifiers or SIDS. These SIDS are applied to one or more rights. You can perform appeal operations if your user profile contains the SID associated with the particular appeal right. For example, in order to approve an appeal case, your profile must have the SID assigned to the appeal approve rights.
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Security Restrictions
Location Security LevelLOCATION_TYPE_CODELocation based appeal security can be activated by selecting the appropriate location type the users are restricted to. For example, you can select that users are restricted to modify appeal case details governed by the county location type. Thus, users can only modify appeal case details for appeal cases owned by users within their own county.No
Maintain RightsAPPEAL_SEC_SID_NAMEOption to restrict a user's ability to maintain appeal cases. By adding a security identifier to the Maintain Rights field, only the users whose security roles contain the product security identifier can maintain appeal cases. A user with 'maintain' rights can manage appeal case information. To add a security identifier to the Maintain Rights field, press the Search button. On the Product Security Identifiers pop-up window, click the Select link on the appropriate row from the list of security identifiers displayed. If no security identifier is added to the Maintain Rights field, then any user can maintain appeal cases.No
Create RightsAPPEAL_SEC_SID_NAMEOption to restrict a user's ability to create appeal cases. By adding a security identifier to the Create Rights field, only the users whose security roles contain the product security identifier can create appeal cases. To add a security identifier to the Create Rights field, press the Search button. On the Product Security Identifiers pop-up window, click the Select link on the appropriate row from the list of security identifiers displayed. If no security identifier is added to the Create Rights field, then any user can create appeal cases. No
Approve RightsAPPEAL_SEC_SID_NAMEOption to restrict a user's ability to approve appeal cases. By adding a security identifier to the Approve Rights field, only the users whose security roles contain the product security identifier can approve or reject appeal cases. To add a security identifier to the Approve Rights field, press the Search button. On the Product Security Identifiers pop-up window, click the Select link on the appropriate row from the list of security identifiers displayed. If no security identifier is added to the Approve Rights field, then only the case supervisor can approve or reject appeal cases.No
Read RightsAPPEAL_SEC_SID_NAMEOption to restrict a user's ability to read (view) appeal cases. By adding a security identifier to the Read Rights field, only the users whose security roles contain the product security identifier can read (view) appeal cases. To add a security identifier to the Read Rights field, press the Search button. On the Product Security Identifiers pop-up window, click the Select link on the appropriate row from the list of security identifiers displayed. If no security identifier is added to the Read Access Rights field, then any user can read appeal cases.No
Approve Decision RightsAPPEAL_SEC_SID_NAMEOption to restrict a user's ability to approve appeal case decisions. By adding a security identifier to the Approve Decision Rights field, only the users whose security roles contain the product security identifier can approve or reject appeal case decisions. To add a security identifier to the Approve Decision Rights field, press the Search button. On the Product Security Identifiers pop-up window, click the Select link on the appropriate row from the list of security identifiers displayed. If no security identifier is added to the Approve Decision Rights field, then only the case supervisor can approve or reject appeal case decisions.No
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MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
No security implementation is supported for this transaction type. Please contact an Administrator.LinkNo
When page is submitted
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
No security implementation is supported for this transaction type. Please contact an Administrator.LinkNo
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Technical Information
Page IDAppeal_modifySecurity
LocationC:\Users\david\dev\src\esystems-inc\Curam_V8_IS\webclient\components\Appeal\Multiple Cases\Appeal Security\Appeal_modifySecurity.uim
Page Load InterfaceAppealSecurity.readForModify
Page Submit InterfaceAppealSecurity.modify
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