From this page, you can create an activity. An activity is an event scheduled on a date and time and pertaining to a specific subject, as recorded on the system.
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Page Flow Diagram
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Subject ACTIVITY_SUBJECT_TEXTActivity subject.Yes
PriorityACTIVITY_PRIORITY_CODEActivity priority from the drop-down list of priority levels, e.g. high priority level. Your system administrator can add a new activity priority via the Code Tables page (see "Code Tables" in the Cúram Administration Guide).Yes
LocationLOCATION_IDActivity location. You can select a location from a list of the organization's locations by pressing the Search button provided.No
Ignore all ConflictsCURAM_INDICATORYou can select to ignore any time conflicts pertaining to additional activities scheduled during the start and end time of this activity.No
StartCURAM_DATETIMEStart date and time of the activity.Yes
EndCURAM_DATETIMEEnd date and time of the activity.Yes
All DayCURAM_INDICATORSelect this box if the activity is an all day activity.No
Show AsACTIVITY_TIME_STATUS_CODEActivity time type that relates to a coded description of the activity time, e.g busy, provisional. If you select a busy time type, during the activity time, the attendees of the activity are busy, thus no other activities should be scheduled for these attendees during the busy time. Your system administrator can add a new activity time type via the Code Tables page (see "Code Tables" in the Cúram Administration Guide).Yes
CommentsACTIVITY_NOTES_TEXTUser comments on this record.No
Links and Actions
Page Level Actions
CancelThe Cancel action dismisses the page and returns the user to the previous page.
SaveThe Save action creates a new record from the information entered on the page.
Save & NewThe Save & New action creates a new record from the information entered on the page and resets the page allowing an additional record to be created.
When page is loaded
When page is submitted
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
Activity recurrence start date must be entered.LinkNo
Activity type must be entered.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
Either a location ID or a location name must be entered.LinkNo
Either a user or an organization must be entered for an activity.LinkNo
Either recurrence end date or number of occurrences must be entered.LinkNo
Either recurrence end date or number of occurrences must be entered but not both.LinkNo
End Date and Time must be entered.LinkNo
Priority must be entered.LinkNo
Recurring activity cannot last longer than 1 day.LinkNo
Start Date and Time must be entered.LinkNo
Subject must be entered.LinkNo
The activity end date/time must not be before the start date/time.LinkNo
The activity recurrence end date cannot be before the activity end date.LinkNo
The activity recurrence end date cannot be before the start date.LinkNo
The following conflicts have occurred: %1sLinkNo
The Key Server cache and the Key Server database values are out of sync and therefore this record cannot be inserted. LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
The maximum number of occurrences allowed is %2s.LinkNo
The number of occurrences must be greater than zero.LinkNo
The recurring activity cannot be created because there are %1s occurrences when only %2s are allowed for any recurring activity.LinkNo
There will be no occurrences of this recurring activity.LinkNo
Time Status must be entered.LinkNo
Related Entities
When page is loaded
When page is submitted
Technical Information
Page IDActivity_createStandardOrganizationActivity
Page Load Interface
Page Submit InterfaceActivity.createStandardOrganizationActivity
Linked From PagesNew Organization Activity (Activity_createStandardOrganizationActivity), Calendar (Organization_currentOrganizationCalendar)