Message File Details
File Name: EntThirdPartyRequest.xml
Code Package: curam.message
Messages (14)
NameDescription (locale)ConfigurableRelated Pages
A third party must be selected or entered before a request can be saved. (en)
NoNew Third Party (DecisionAssistApplication_createThirdParty)
Only one Third Party can be entered. Please select a Third Party Participant, or search for a registered Third Party, or enter details for an unregistered Third Party. (en)
NoNew Third Party (DecisionAssistApplication_createThirdParty)
A third party request that has not yet been sent already exists for this Third Party. The unsent request should be sent or canceled before a new request to this person can be created. (en)
A third party request that has not yet been sent already exists for this Third Party. The unsent request should be sent or cancelled before a new request to this person can be created. (en_GB)
NoNew Third Party (DecisionAssistApplication_createThirdParty)
Third Party Type needs to be selected. (en)
NoNew Third Party (DecisionAssistApplication_createThirdParty)
Questions must be selected before the request can be saved. (en)
NoNew Third Party Request (DecisionAssistApplication_createThirdPartyRequests)
Edit Third Party Request Details (DecisionAssistApplication_editThirdPartyRequest)
Questions have not been added to the request. Please add questions before sending the request. (en)
NoSend Third Party Request (DecisionAssistApplication_sendThirdPartyRequest)
This third party request has been sent and cannot be canceled. (en)
This third party request has been sent and cannot be cancelled. (en_GB)
NoCancel Third Party Request (DecisionAssistApplication_cancelThirdPartyRequest)
Answers have been received for this third party request and it cannot be canceled. (en)
Answers have been received for this third party request and it cannot be cancelled. (en_GB)
NoCancel Third Party Request (DecisionAssistApplication_cancelThirdPartyRequest)
No answers have been recorded for this third party request, answers must be entered before you can save. (en)
NoEdit Third Party Answers (DecisionAssistApplication_editThirdPartyAnswer)
Record Third Party Answers (DecisionAssistApplication_recordThirdPartyAnswer)
The Date Received entered is before the date the third party answers were requested. Please check the date and re-enter. (en)
NoEdit Third Party Answers (DecisionAssistApplication_editThirdPartyAnswer)
Record Third Party Answers (DecisionAssistApplication_recordThirdPartyAnswer)
The Date Received entered is a date in the future. Please check the date and re-enter. (en)
NoEdit Third Party Answers (DecisionAssistApplication_editThirdPartyAnswer)
Record Third Party Answers (DecisionAssistApplication_recordThirdPartyAnswer)
No answers have been updated for this third party request, answers must be updated before you can save. (en)
NoEdit Third Party Answers (DecisionAssistApplication_editThirdPartyAnswer)
Record Third Party Answers (DecisionAssistApplication_recordThirdPartyAnswer)
There are no question aliases for this Third Party Type. (en)
NoNew Third Party (DecisionAssistApplication_createThirdParty)
Claimant cannot be selected as a Third Party. (en)
NoNew Third Party (DecisionAssistApplication_createThirdParty)