This contract cannot be generated as no services have been added. (en) |
| No | Add Services to Contract (ProviderManagement_addServicesToProviderGroupContract)
New Service (ProviderManagement_addServicesToProviderGroupContract_fromView)
New Flat Rate Contract (ProviderManagement_createFlatRateContractForProvider)
New Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_createUtilizationContractForProvider)
Generate Contract (ProviderManagement_generateContract)
This contract cannot be generated as no providers have been added. (en) |
| No | New Flat Rate Contract (ProviderManagement_createFlatRateContractForProviderGroup)
New Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_createUtilizationContractForProviderGroup)
Generate Contract (ProviderManagement_generateContract)
The Generation Reason must be entered. (en) |
| No | Generate Contract (ProviderManagement_generateContract)
The Date signed must be entered. (en) |
| No | Activate Contract (ProviderManagement_activateContract)
The contract Start Date, %1d, must be on or after the following provider - provider group association Start Dates, %2s covered by this contract. (en) |
| No | Generate Contract (ProviderManagement_generateContract)
The contract End Date, %1d, must be on or before the following provider - provider group association End Dates, %2s covered by this contract. (en) |
| No | Generate Contract (ProviderManagement_generateContract)
This contract cannot be generated as the following provider(s) named in the contract, %1s, have been removed from the provider group. (en) |
| No | Generate Contract (ProviderManagement_generateContract)
The following provider offering Start Dates, %1s are after the Start Date of the contract, %2d. (en) |
| No | New Flat Rate Contract (ProviderManagement_createFlatRateContractForProvider)
New Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_createUtilizationContractForProvider)
Generate Contract (ProviderManagement_generateContract)
The following provider offering End Dates, %1s are before the End Date of the contract, %2d. (en) |
| No | New Flat Rate Contract (ProviderManagement_createFlatRateContractForProvider)
New Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_createUtilizationContractForProvider)
Generate Contract (ProviderManagement_generateContract)
This contract cannot be generated as the following service offerings for the following providers,%1s named in the contract have been removed. (en) |
| No | Generate Contract (ProviderManagement_generateContract)
This contract cannot be generated as the following provider services,%1s named in the contract have been deleted. (en) |
| No | Generate Contract (ProviderManagement_generateContract)
The provider service,%1s named in the contract has been deleted. The contract cannot be generated. (en) |
| No | |
At least one Provider must be associated with the contract. (en) |
| No | Edit Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_modifyUtilizationContractForProviderGroup)
No Providers were added to the contract '%1s'. (en) |
| No | |
Date Signed, '%1d', must on be on or after the generation date, '%2d'. (en) |
| No | Activate Contract (ProviderManagement_activateContract)
The contract Start Date, %1d, must be on or after the following provider - provider group association Start Dates, %2s, covered by this contract. (en) |
| No | Activate Contract (ProviderManagement_activateContract)
The contract End Date, %1d, must be on or before the following provider - provider group association End Dates, %2s, covered by this contract. (en) |
| No | Activate Contract (ProviderManagement_activateContract)
This contract cannot be activated as the following provider(s) named in the contract, %1s, have been removed from the provider group since the contract was generated, %2d. (en) |
| No | Activate Contract (ProviderManagement_activateContract)
All provider group associates named in the contract must be approved before the contract can be activated. - The following provider group associate(s) are not approved, the contract cannot be activated: %1s (en) |
| No | Activate Contract (ProviderManagement_activateContract)
The provider must be approved before a contract can be activated. (en) |
| No | Activate Contract (ProviderManagement_activateContract)
There is no approved license of Type %1c for this provider. (en) |
| No | Activate Contract (ProviderManagement_activateContract)
There is no approved license of Type %1c for the following providers, %2s. (en) |
| No | Activate Contract (ProviderManagement_activateContract)
The license period, %1d to %2d, does not cover the contract period, %3d to %4d. (en) |
| No | |
The contact has not been generated, it cannot be previewed. (en) |
| No | Preview Contract (ProviderManagement_previewContract)
The contract has not been generated, it cannot be printed. (en) |
| No | Print Contract (ProviderManagement_printContract)
The contract has been deleted, it cannot be printed. (en) |
| No | Print Contract (ProviderManagement_printContract)
The contract has been deleted, it cannot be previewed. (en) |
| No | Preview Contract (ProviderManagement_previewContract)
The contract is not 'Live', it cannot be renewed. (en) |
| No | Renew Contract (ProviderManagement_renewContract)
Renew Contract (ProviderManagement_renewProviderGroupContract)
The contract has already been deleted, it cannot be renewed. (en) |
| No | Renew Contract (ProviderManagement_renewContract)
Renew Contract (ProviderManagement_renewProviderGroupContract)
The contract is 'Terminated', it cannot be renewed. (en) |
| No | Renew Contract (ProviderManagement_renewContract)
Renew Contract (ProviderManagement_renewProviderGroupContract)
The contract is 'Amended', it cannot be renewed. (en) |
| No | Renew Contract (ProviderManagement_renewContract)
Renew Contract (ProviderManagement_renewProviderGroupContract)
The provider does not have approved licenses of Type %1c covering the entire contract period, %2d to %3d. (en) |
| No | Activate Contract (ProviderManagement_activateContract)
The following providers, %1s do not have approved licenses of Type %2c covering the entire contract period, %3d to %4d. (en) |
| No | Activate Contract (ProviderManagement_activateContract)
Start Date of a contract created by renewing a previous contract cannot be modified. (en) |
| No | New Flat Rate Contract (ProviderManagement_createFlatRateContractForProvider)
New Flat Rate Contract (ProviderManagement_createFlatRateContractForProviderGroup)
New Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_createUtilizationContractForProvider)
New Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_createUtilizationContractForProviderGroup)
Edit Flat Rate Contract (ProviderManagement_modifyFlatRateContractForProvider)
Edit Flat Rate Contract (ProviderManagement_modifyFlatRateContractForProviderGroup)
Edit Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_modifyUtilizationContractForProvider)
Edit Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_modifyUtilizationContractForProviderGroup)
Name must be less than or equal to %1n characters. (en) |
| No | New Flat Rate Contract (ProviderManagement_createFlatRateContractForProvider)
New Flat Rate Contract (ProviderManagement_createFlatRateContractForProviderGroup)
New Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_createUtilizationContractForProvider)
New Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_createUtilizationContractForProviderGroup)
Edit Flat Rate Contract (ProviderManagement_modifyFlatRateContractForProvider)
Edit Flat Rate Contract (ProviderManagement_modifyFlatRateContractForProviderGroup)
Edit Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_modifyUtilizationContractForProvider)
Edit Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_modifyUtilizationContractForProviderGroup)
Comments must be less than or equal to %1n characters. (en) |
| No | New Flat Rate Contract (ProviderManagement_createFlatRateContractForProvider)
New Flat Rate Contract (ProviderManagement_createFlatRateContractForProviderGroup)
New Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_createUtilizationContractForProvider)
New Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_createUtilizationContractForProviderGroup)
Edit Flat Rate Contract (ProviderManagement_modifyFlatRateContractForProvider)
Edit Flat Rate Contract (ProviderManagement_modifyFlatRateContractForProviderGroup)
Edit Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_modifyUtilizationContractForProvider)
Edit Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_modifyUtilizationContractForProviderGroup)
Name must be entered. (en) |
| No | Amend Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_amendProviderGroupUtilizationContract)
Amend Contract (ProviderManagement_amendUtilizationContract)
New Flat Rate Contract (ProviderManagement_createFlatRateContractForProvider)
New Flat Rate Contract (ProviderManagement_createFlatRateContractForProviderGroup)
New Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_createUtilizationContractForProvider)
New Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_createUtilizationContractForProviderGroup)
Edit Flat Rate Contract (ProviderManagement_modifyFlatRateContractForProvider)
Edit Flat Rate Contract (ProviderManagement_modifyFlatRateContractForProviderGroup)
Edit Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_modifyUtilizationContractForProvider)
Edit Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_modifyUtilizationContractForProviderGroup)
Renew Contract (ProviderManagement_renewContract)
Renew Contract (ProviderManagement_renewProviderGroupContract)
Start Date must be on or after today. (en) |
| No | Amend Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_amendProviderGroupUtilizationContract)
Amend Contract (ProviderManagement_amendUtilizationContract)
New Flat Rate Contract (ProviderManagement_createFlatRateContractForProvider)
New Flat Rate Contract (ProviderManagement_createFlatRateContractForProviderGroup)
New Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_createUtilizationContractForProvider)
New Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_createUtilizationContractForProviderGroup)
Renew Contract (ProviderManagement_renewContract)
Renew Contract (ProviderManagement_renewProviderGroupContract)
Start Date, %1d, must be on or after original start date, %2d. (en) |
| No | |
The following Contract Service(s) have overlapping rates: %1s. (en) |
| No | |
The Contract Service(s) %1s, do not have rate(s) for the entire period %2d to %3d. (en) |
| No | |
The following Contract Service(s) have overlapping place limits: %1s. (en) |
| No | New Place Limit (ProviderManagement_createContractProviderOfferingPlaceLimit)
New Place Limit (ProviderManagement_createUtilizationContractProviderOfferingPlaceLimitForProvider)
Generate Contract (ProviderManagement_generateContract)
The Contract Service(s) %1s, do not have place limit(s) for the entire period %2d to %3d. (en) |
| No | |
Termination Reason must be entered. (en) |
| No | Confirm Suspend Provider (ProviderManagement_confirmSuspendProvider)
Suspend Provider (ProviderManagement_suspendProvider)
Terminate Contract (ProviderManagement_terminateContract)
- provider group associate end date (en) |
| No | Activate Contract (ProviderManagement_activateContract)
- provider group associate start date (en) |
| No | Activate Contract (ProviderManagement_activateContract)
Start Date, %1d, must be on or after the start date of the original version of the contract, %2d, or today's date, %3d, whichever is earlier." (en) |
| No | Amend Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_amendProviderGroupUtilizationContract)
Amend Contract (ProviderManagement_amendUtilizationContract)
New Flat Rate Contract (ProviderManagement_createFlatRateContractForProvider)
New Flat Rate Contract (ProviderManagement_createFlatRateContractForProviderGroup)
New Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_createUtilizationContractForProvider)
New Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_createUtilizationContractForProviderGroup)
Edit Flat Rate Contract (ProviderManagement_modifyFlatRateContractForProvider)
Edit Flat Rate Contract (ProviderManagement_modifyFlatRateContractForProviderGroup)
Edit Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_modifyUtilizationContractForProvider)
Edit Utilization Contract (ProviderManagement_modifyUtilizationContractForProviderGroup)
Renew Contract (ProviderManagement_renewContract)
Renew Contract (ProviderManagement_renewProviderGroupContract)