Message File Details
File Name: BpoValidateSlot.xml
Code Package: curam.message
Messages (15)
NameDescription (locale)ConfigurableRelated Pages
Slot name must be specified. (en)
NoNew Slot (Organization_createSlot)
Edit Slot (Organization_modifySlotFromList)
Edit Slot (Organization_modifySlotFromView)
A slot with the name "%1s" already exists at this daily schedule. Please use a different name. (en)
NoNew Slot (Organization_createSlot)
Edit Slot (Organization_modifySlotFromList)
Edit Slot (Organization_modifySlotFromView)
Slot start time must be specified. (en)
NoNew Slot (Organization_createSlot)
Edit Slot (Organization_modifySlotFromList)
Edit Slot (Organization_modifySlotFromView)
Slot end time must be specified. (en)
NoNew Slot (Organization_createSlot)
Edit Slot (Organization_modifySlotFromList)
Edit Slot (Organization_modifySlotFromView)
Slot end time must not be before slot start time. (en)
NoNew Slot (Organization_createSlot)
Edit Slot (Organization_modifySlotFromList)
Edit Slot (Organization_modifySlotFromView)
Invalid Slot Times. Start time cannot be equal to end time. (en)
NoNew Slot (Organization_createSlot)
Edit Slot (Organization_modifySlotFromList)
Edit Slot (Organization_modifySlotFromView)
The slot times cannot overlap with an existing slot for this schedule. (en)
NoNew Slot (Organization_createSlot)
Edit Slot (Organization_modifySlotFromList)
Edit Slot (Organization_modifySlotFromView)
You cannot modify this slot as it has been canceled. (en)
You cannot modify this slot as it has been cancelled. (en_GB)
NoNew Position Slot Availability (Organization_createPositionSlotAvailability)
Edit Position Slot Availability: (Organization_modifyPositionSlotAvailabilityFromList)
Edit Position Slot Availability: (Organization_modifyPositionSlotAvailabilityFromView)
Edit Slot (Organization_modifySlotFromList)
Edit Slot (Organization_modifySlotFromView)
The modified number of work items must be less than or equal to the maximum number of scheduled work units for this slot. (en)
NoEdit Slot (Organization_modifySlotFromList)
Edit Slot (Organization_modifySlotFromView)
This slot cannot be canceled as there is currently time scheduled for work units associated with this slot. (en)
This slot cannot be cancelled as there is currently time scheduled for work units associated with this slot. (en_GB)
NoDelete Schedule (Organization_cancelDailySchedule)
Delete Slot (Organization_cancelSlot)
Delete Schedule (SampleCSSAppointments_cancel)
Start date must not be later than the start date of any associated positions. (en)
NoEdit Slot (Organization_modifySlotFromList)
Edit Slot (Organization_modifySlotFromView)
End date must not be earlier than the end date of any associated positions. (en)
NoEdit Slot (Organization_modifySlotFromList)
Edit Slot (Organization_modifySlotFromView)
Start date must not be earlier than the start date of the location schedule. (en)
NoNew Slot (Organization_createSlot)
Edit Slot (Organization_modifySlotFromList)
Edit Slot (Organization_modifySlotFromView)
End date must not be later than the start date of the next location schedule. (en)
NoNew Slot (Organization_createSlot)
Edit Slot (Organization_modifySlotFromList)
Edit Slot (Organization_modifySlotFromView)
Start date must not be later than the start date of the next location schedule. (en)
NoNew Slot (Organization_createSlot)
Edit Slot (Organization_modifySlotFromList)
Edit Slot (Organization_modifySlotFromView)