Message File Details
File Name: BpoSubGoal.xml
Code Package: curam.message
Messages (13)
NameDescription (locale)ConfigurableRelated Pages
A sub goal with the reference specified already exists. Sub goal reference must be unique. (en)
NoNew Sub Goal (ServicePlanAdmin_createSubGoal)
New Sub Goal (ServicePlanAdmin_createSubGoalForGoal)
Edit Sub Goal (ServicePlanAdmin_modifySubGoal)
The name must not be blank. (en)
NoNew Sub Goal (ServicePlanAdmin_createSubGoal)
New Sub Goal (ServicePlanAdmin_createSubGoalForGoal)
Edit Sub Goal (ServicePlanAdmin_modifySubGoal)
A sub goal with the name specified already exists. Sub goal name must be unique. (en)
NoNew Sub Goal (ServicePlanAdmin_createSubGoal)
New Sub Goal (ServicePlanAdmin_createSubGoalForGoal)
Edit Sub Goal (ServicePlanAdmin_modifySubGoal)
This sub goal has already been cancelled. (en_GB)
This sub goal has already been canceled. (en)
NoDelete Sub Goal (ServicePlanAdmin_cancelSubGoal)
This sub goal is cancelled and cannot be modified. (en_GB)
This sub goal is canceled and cannot be modified. (en)
NoAdd Existing Plan Items (ServicePlanAdmin_addPlanItemsToSubGoal)
New Text Translation (ServicePlanAdmin_addServicePlanSubGoalDescriptionTextTranslation)
New Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItemForSubGoal)
Edit Text Translation (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyLocalizableServicePlanSubGoalDescriptionTextTranslation)
Edit Sub Goal (ServicePlanAdmin_modifySubGoal)
The plan item %1s has already been added to this sub goal. (en)
NoAdd Existing Plan Items (ServicePlanAdmin_addPlanItemsToSubGoal)
Contract text already exists for this language code. (en)
NoNew Contract Text (ServicePlanAdmin_createContractTextForSubGoal)
The outcome %1s has already been added to this sub goal. (en)
NoAdd Existing Expected Outcome to Sub Goal (ServicePlanAdmin_addOutcomesToSubGoal)
The sub goal cannot be cancelled as there are existing templates based on it. (en_GB)
The sub goal cannot be canceled as there are existing templates based on it. (en)
The sub goal type must not be blank. (en)
NoNew Sub Goal (ServicePlanAdmin_createSubGoal)
New Sub Goal (ServicePlanAdmin_createSubGoalForGoal)
Edit Sub Goal (ServicePlanAdmin_modifySubGoal)
The sub goal cannot be cancelled as there are existing templates based on it. (en_GB)
The sub goal cannot be canceled as there are existing templates based on it. (en)
NoDelete Sub Goal (ServicePlanAdmin_cancelSubGoal)
This sub goal is assigned to at least one goal and cannot be cancelled. (en_GB)
This sub goal is assigned to at least one goal and cannot be canceled. (en)
NoDelete Sub Goal (ServicePlanAdmin_cancelSubGoal)
This plan item cannot be removed from this sub goal. There is an existing plan template plan item based on this plan item and assigned to a plan template sub goal based on this sub goal. (en)
NoRemove Plan Item from Sub Goal (ServicePlanAdmin_removePlanItemFromSubGoal)