Message File Details
File Name: BpoServicePlanGroupApprovalCheck.xml
Code Package: curam.message
Messages (11)
NameDescription (locale)ConfigurableRelated Pages
An Approval Check already exists for this type of service plan group. (en)
This approval check is already active. (en)
Percentage value should not be less than 0 and not more than 100. (en)
NoNew Service Plan Group Approval Check (Organization_createSPGApprovalCheck)
Edit Service Plan Group Approval Check (Organization_modifySPGApprovalCheck)
Estimated cost cannot be negative. (en)
NoNew Service Plan Group Approval Check (Organization_createSPGApprovalCheck)
Edit Service Plan Group Approval Check (Organization_modifySPGApprovalCheck)
This approval check is already active. (en)
NoNew Service Plan Group Approval Check (Organization_createSPGApprovalCheck)
Edit Service Plan Group Approval Check (Organization_modifySPGApprovalCheck)
Service plan group name must be specified if applies to all service plan groups has not been selected. (en)
NoNew Service Plan Group Approval Check (Organization_createSPGApprovalCheck)
Edit Service Plan Group Approval Check (Organization_modifySPGApprovalCheck)
As this approval check applies to all service plan groups you must not select an individual service plan group name. (en)
NoNew Service Plan Group Approval Check (Organization_createSPGApprovalCheck)
Approval check cannot be modified as the service plan group is canceled. (en)
Approval check cannot be modified as the service plan group is cancelled. (en_GB)
This service plan group has already been cancelled. An approval check cannot be created or modified for a cancelled service plan group. (en_GB)
This service plan group has already been canceled. An approval check cannot be created or modified for a canceled service plan group. (en)
NoNew Service Plan Group Approval Check (Organization_createSPGApprovalCheck)
Edit Service Plan Group Approval Check (Organization_modifySPGApprovalCheck)
Service plan group approval check is already cancelled. (en_GB)
Service plan group approval check is already canceled. (en)
NoDelete Service Plan Group Approval Check (Organization_cancelSPGApprovalCheck)
Approval Check cannot be modified as it is cancelled. (en_GB)
Approval Check cannot be modified as it is canceled. (en)
NoEdit Service Plan Group Approval Check (Organization_modifySPGApprovalCheck)