Message File Details
File Name: BpoRulesEditor.xml
Code Package: curam.message
Messages (53)
NameDescription (locale)ConfigurableRelated Pages
A rules data object cannot be added as the rule set is live. (en)
NoAdd Rules Data Object (RulesEditor_addRDOForSubRuleSet)
Add Rules Data Object (RulesEditor_addRulesDataObject)
An objective group cannot be added as the rule set is live. (en)
NoNew Objective Group (RulesEditor_createObjectiveGroup)
New Objective Group (RulesEditor_createWAObjectiveGroup)
An objective list group cannot be added as the rule set is live. (en)
NoNew Objective List Group (RulesEditor_createObjectiveListGroup)
New Objective List Group (RulesEditor_createWAObjectiveListGroup)
A rule group cannot be added as the rule set is live. (en)
NoNew Rule Group (RulesEditor_createRuleGroup)
New Rule Group (RulesEditor_createWARuleGroup)
A rule list group cannot be added as the rule set is live. (en)
NoNew Rule List Group (RulesEditor_createRuleListGroup)
New Rule List Group (RulesEditor_createWARuleListGroup)
A live rule set cannot be deleted. (en)
NoDelete Eligibility Rule Set (RulesEditor_cancelEligibilityRuleSet)
Delete Sub-Rule Set (RulesEditor_cancelSubRuleSet)
Delete Work Allocation Rule Set (RulesEditor_cancelWorkAllocationRuleSet)
The objective cannot be removed as the rule set is live. (en)
The objective tag cannot be removed as the rule set is live. (en)
The rules data object cannot be removed as the rule set is live. (en)
NoRemove Rules Data Object (RulesEditor_removeRulesDataObject)
Remove Sub-rule Set Link (RulesEditor_removeSubRuleSetLink)
The sub rule set link cannot be removed from as the rule set is live. (en)
The conjunction cannot be modified as the rule set is live. (en)
NoEdit Objective Group (RulesEditor_modifyObjectiveGroupFromList)
Edit Objective Group (RulesEditor_modifyObjectiveGroupFromView)
Edit Objective List Group (RulesEditor_modifyObjectiveListGroupFromList)
Edit Objective List Group (RulesEditor_modifyObjectiveListGroupFromView)
Edit Rule Group (RulesEditor_modifyRuleGroupFromList)
Edit Rule Group (RulesEditor_modifyRuleGroupFromView)
Edit Rule List Group (RulesEditor_modifyRuleListGroupFromList)
Edit Rule List Group (RulesEditor_modifyRuleListGroupFromView)
Edit Objective Group (RulesEditor_modifyWAObjectiveGroupFromList)
Edit Objective Group (RulesEditor_modifyWAObjectiveGroupFromView)
Edit Objective List Group (RulesEditor_modifyWAObjectiveListGroupFromList)
Edit Objective List Group (RulesEditor_modifyWAObjectiveListGroupFromView)
Edit Rule Group (RulesEditor_modifyWARuleGroupFromList)
Edit Rule Group (RulesEditor_modifyWARuleGroupFromView)
Edit Rule List Group (RulesEditor_modifyWARuleListGroupFromList)
Edit Rule List Group (RulesEditor_modifyWARuleListGroupFromView)
The priority cannot be modified as the rule set is live. (en)
NoEdit Objective (RulesEditor_modifyObjectiveFromList)
Edit Objective (RulesEditor_modifyObjectiveFromView)
Edit Objective Group (RulesEditor_modifyObjectiveGroupFromList)
Edit Objective Group (RulesEditor_modifyObjectiveGroupFromView)
Edit Objective List Group (RulesEditor_modifyObjectiveListGroupFromList)
Edit Objective List Group (RulesEditor_modifyObjectiveListGroupFromView)
Edit Objective Group (RulesEditor_modifyWAObjectiveGroupFromList)
Edit Objective Group (RulesEditor_modifyWAObjectiveGroupFromView)
Edit Objective List Group (RulesEditor_modifyWAObjectiveListGroupFromList)
Edit Objective List Group (RulesEditor_modifyWAObjectiveListGroupFromView)
The execution mode cannot be modified as the rule set is live. (en)
NoEdit Rule Group (RulesEditor_modifyRuleGroupFromList)
Edit Rule Group (RulesEditor_modifyRuleGroupFromView)
Edit Rule List Group (RulesEditor_modifyRuleListGroupFromList)
Edit Rule List Group (RulesEditor_modifyRuleListGroupFromView)
Edit Rule Group (RulesEditor_modifyWARuleGroupFromList)
Edit Rule Group (RulesEditor_modifyWARuleGroupFromView)
Edit Rule List Group (RulesEditor_modifyWARuleListGroupFromList)
Edit Rule List Group (RulesEditor_modifyWARuleListGroupFromView)
The assessment query mode cannot be modified as the rule set is live. (en)
NoEdit Rule Group (RulesEditor_modifyRuleGroupFromList)
Edit Rule Group (RulesEditor_modifyRuleGroupFromView)
Edit Rule List Group (RulesEditor_modifyRuleListGroupFromList)
Edit Rule List Group (RulesEditor_modifyRuleListGroupFromView)
Edit Rule Group (RulesEditor_modifyWARuleGroupFromList)
Edit Rule Group (RulesEditor_modifyWARuleGroupFromView)
Edit Rule List Group (RulesEditor_modifyWARuleListGroupFromList)
Edit Rule List Group (RulesEditor_modifyWARuleListGroupFromView)
The list rules data object cannot be modified as the rule set is live. (en)
NoEdit Objective List Group (RulesEditor_modifyObjectiveListGroupFromList)
Edit Objective List Group (RulesEditor_modifyObjectiveListGroupFromView)
Edit Rule List Group (RulesEditor_modifyRuleListGroupFromList)
Edit Rule List Group (RulesEditor_modifyRuleListGroupFromView)
Edit Objective List Group (RulesEditor_modifyWAObjectiveListGroupFromList)
Edit Objective List Group (RulesEditor_modifyWAObjectiveListGroupFromView)
Edit Rule List Group (RulesEditor_modifyWARuleListGroupFromList)
Edit Rule List Group (RulesEditor_modifyWARuleListGroupFromView)
The loop execution mode cannot be modified as the rule set is live. (en)
NoEdit Rule List Group (RulesEditor_modifyRuleListGroupFromList)
Edit Rule List Group (RulesEditor_modifyRuleListGroupFromView)
Edit Rule List Group (RulesEditor_modifyWARuleListGroupFromList)
Edit Rule List Group (RulesEditor_modifyWARuleListGroupFromView)
The type cannot be modified as the rule set is live. (en)
NoEdit Objective Tag (RulesEditor_modifyAssessmentObjectiveTagFromList)
Edit Objective Tag (RulesEditor_modifyAssessmentObjectiveTagFromView)
Edit Objective (RulesEditor_modifyObjectiveFromList)
Edit Objective (RulesEditor_modifyObjectiveFromView)
Edit Objective Tag (RulesEditor_modifyObjectiveTagFromList)
Edit Objective Tag (RulesEditor_modifyObjectiveTagFromView)
Edit Product Objective Tag (RulesEditor_modifyProductObjectiveTagFromList)
Edit Product Objective Tag (RulesEditor_modifyProductObjectiveTagFromView)
The financial component type cannot be modified as the rule set is live. (en)
NoEdit Objective (RulesEditor_modifyObjectiveFromList)
Edit Objective (RulesEditor_modifyObjectiveFromView)
The target cannot be modified as the rule set is live. (en)
NoEdit Objective (RulesEditor_modifyObjectiveFromList)
Edit Objective (RulesEditor_modifyObjectiveFromView)
The target identifier cannot be modified as the rule set is live. (en)
NoEdit Objective (RulesEditor_modifyObjectiveFromList)
Edit Objective (RulesEditor_modifyObjectiveFromView)
The value cannot be modified as the rule set is live. (en)
NoEdit Objective Tag (RulesEditor_modifyAssessmentObjectiveTagFromList)
Edit Objective Tag (RulesEditor_modifyAssessmentObjectiveTagFromView)
Edit Objective Tag (RulesEditor_modifyObjectiveTagFromList)
Edit Objective Tag (RulesEditor_modifyObjectiveTagFromView)
Edit Product Objective Tag (RulesEditor_modifyProductObjectiveTagFromList)
Edit Product Objective Tag (RulesEditor_modifyProductObjectiveTagFromView)
The frequency cannot be modified as the rule set is live. (en)
NoEdit Objective Tag (RulesEditor_modifyAssessmentObjectiveTagFromList)
Edit Objective Tag (RulesEditor_modifyAssessmentObjectiveTagFromView)
Edit Objective Tag (RulesEditor_modifyObjectiveTagFromList)
Edit Objective Tag (RulesEditor_modifyObjectiveTagFromView)
Edit Product Objective Tag (RulesEditor_modifyProductObjectiveTagFromList)
Edit Product Objective Tag (RulesEditor_modifyProductObjectiveTagFromView)
The exclude from reassessment setting cannot be modified as the rule set is live. (en)
NoEdit Rule (RulesEditor_modifyRuleFromList)
Edit Rule (RulesEditor_modifyRuleFromView)
Edit Rule (RulesEditor_modifyWARuleFromList)
Edit Rule (RulesEditor_modifyWARuleFromView)
A sub rule set cannot be added as the rule set is live. (en)
NoAdd Sub-Rule Set (RulesEditor_addSubRuleSetToRuleSet)
The objective tag cannot be added as the rule set is live. (en)
NoNew Assessment Objective Tag (RulesEditor_createAssessmentObjectiveTag)
New Objective Tag (RulesEditor_createObjectiveTag)
New Product Objective Tag (RulesEditor_createProductObjectiveTag)
A rule cannot be added as the rule set is live. (en)
NoNew Rule (RulesEditor_createRule)
New Rule (RulesEditor_createWARule)
A rule data item condition cannot be added as the rule set is live. (en)
A rule function condition cannot be added as the rule set is live. (en)
A sub rule set cannot be added as the rule set is live. (en)
NoNew Sub-Rule Set (RulesEditor_createSubRuleSet)
The data assignment cannot be modified as the rule set is live. (en)
NoEdit Data Item Assignment (RulesEditor_modifyDataItemAssignmentFromList)
Edit Data Item Assignment (RulesEditor_modifyDataItemAssignmentFromView)
Edit Data Item Assignment (RulesEditor_modifyWADataItemAssignmentFromView)
The data item condition cannot be modified as the rule set is live. (en)
The rule function condition cannot be modified as the rule set is live. (en)
The sub rule set cannot be modified as the rule set is live. (en)
NoEdit Sub-rule Set (RulesEditor_modifySubRuleSetFromList)
Edit Sub-rule Set (RulesEditor_modifySubRuleSetFromView)
The objective cannot be added as the rule set is live. (en)
NoNew Objective (RulesEditor_createObjective)
The assessment objective tag cannot be added as the rule set is live. (en)
NoNew Assessment Objective Tag (RulesEditor_createAssessmentObjectiveTag)
This deletion cannot take place as the rule set is live. (en)
NoDelete Data Item Assignment (RulesEditor_cancelDataItemAssignment)
Delete Objective (RulesEditor_cancelObjective)
Delete Objective Group (RulesEditor_cancelObjectiveGroup)
Delete Objective List Group (RulesEditor_cancelObjectiveListGroup)
Delete Objective Tag (RulesEditor_cancelObjectiveTag)
Delete Rule (RulesEditor_cancelRule)
Delete Rule Group (RulesEditor_cancelRuleGroup)
Delete Rule List Group (RulesEditor_cancelRuleListGroup)
Delete Data Item Assignment (RulesEditor_cancelWADataItemAssignment)
Delete Objective (RulesEditor_cancelWAObjective)
Delete Objective Group (RulesEditor_cancelWAObjectiveGroup)
Delete Objective List Group (RulesEditor_cancelWAObjectiveListGroup)
Delete Rule (RulesEditor_cancelWARule)
Delete Rule Group (RulesEditor_cancelWARuleGroup)
Delete Rule List Group (RulesEditor_cancelWARuleListGroup)
The data assignment cannot be added as the rule set is live. (en)
NoNew Data Item Assignment (RulesEditor_createDataItemAssignment)
The product objective tag cannot be added as the rule set is live. (en)
NoNew Product Objective Tag (RulesEditor_createProductObjectiveTag)
Incorrect date format is entered. The correct format should be YYYYMMDD. (en)
NoSimulation Result (RulesEditor_runRulesSimulation)
Incorrect date time format is entered. The correct format should be YYYYMMDDhhmmss. (en)
NoSimulation Result (RulesEditor_runRulesSimulation)
Incorrect frequency pattern is entered. The correct pattern should be a 9-digit number. (en)
NoSimulation Result (RulesEditor_runRulesSimulation)
Incorrect boolean is entered. (en)
NoSimulation Result (RulesEditor_runRulesSimulation)
Incorrect number is entered. (en)
NoSimulation Result (RulesEditor_runRulesSimulation)
A value is missing. (en)
NoSimulation Result (RulesEditor_runRulesSimulation)
Incorrect money value entered. (en)
NoSimulation Result (RulesEditor_runRulesSimulation)
'Rule Set ID' must be alphanumeric with no spaces (en)
NoNew Eligibility Rule Set (RulesEditor_createEligibilityRuleSet)
New Sub-Rule Set (RulesEditor_createSubRuleSet)
This Sub Rule Set may currently be used in other rule sets: %1s. (en)
NoDelete Sub-Rule Set (RulesEditor_cancelSubRuleSet)
It is only possible to have one rule group at the root level. (en)
NoNew Rule Group (RulesEditor_createRuleGroup)
New Rule Group (RulesEditor_createWARuleGroup)
It is only possible to have one rule list group at the root level. (en)
NoNew Rule List Group (RulesEditor_createRuleListGroup)
New Rule List Group (RulesEditor_createWARuleListGroup)
It is only possible to have one objective group at the root level. (en)
NoNew Objective Group (RulesEditor_createObjectiveGroup)
New Objective Group (RulesEditor_createWAObjectiveGroup)
It is only possible to have one objective list group at the root level. (en)
NoNew Objective List Group (RulesEditor_createObjectiveListGroup)
New Objective List Group (RulesEditor_createWAObjectiveListGroup)
The top-level node of a Sub Rule Set must be a Rule Group,a Rule List Group,an Objective Group or an Objective List Group. (en)
NoNew Objective Group (RulesEditor_createObjectiveGroup)
New Objective List Group (RulesEditor_createObjectiveListGroup)
New Rule Group (RulesEditor_createRuleGroup)
New Rule List Group (RulesEditor_createRuleListGroup)
New Objective Group (RulesEditor_createWAObjectiveGroup)
New Objective List Group (RulesEditor_createWAObjectiveListGroup)
New Rule Group (RulesEditor_createWARuleGroup)
New Rule List Group (RulesEditor_createWARuleListGroup)
Data item value cannot be set again as its parent RDO is declared final. (en)
NoSimulation Result (RulesEditor_runRulesSimulation)