Message File Details
File Name: BpoRateRow.xml
Code Package: curam.message
Messages (4)
NameDescription (locale)ConfigurableRelated Pages
Another row exists with this row type already. (en)
NoAdd Cell Data (Organization_addCellData)
Add Row (Organization_addRateRow)
Clone Rate Table (Organization_cloneRateTable)
Edit Cell Data (Organization_modifyCellData)
Edit Row: (Organization_modifyRateRow)
A column must be created for the Rate Table before a row can be created. (en)
NoAdd Row (Organization_addRateRow)
Rate Type must be entered. (en)
NoEdit Row: (Organization_modifyRateRow)
This Row cannot be removed as it contains cells with data. (en)
NoDelete Column: (Organization_deleteColumn)
Delete Row: (Organization_deleteRow)
Delete Sub Column: (Organization_deleteSubColumn)
Delete Sub Row: (Organization_deleteSubRow)