Message File Details
File Name: BpoPlanTemplatePlanGroup.xml
Code Package: curam.message
Messages (5)
NameDescription (locale)ConfigurableRelated Pages
A Name must be entered (en)
NoAdd Plan Group (ServicePlanAdmin_createTemplatePlanGroup)
Edit Plan Group (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyTemplatePlanGroup)
You cannot add this plan group, as a plan group of this name has already been added to this service plan template. (en)
NoAdd Plan Group (ServicePlanAdmin_createTemplatePlanGroup)
Edit Plan Group (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyTemplatePlanGroup)
You cannot create a plan group for a canceled plan template. (en)
You cannot create a plan group for a cancelled plan template. (en_GB)
NoAdd Plan Group (ServicePlanAdmin_createTemplatePlanGroup)
You cannot modify a plan group for a canceled plan template. (en)
You cannot modify a plan group for a cancelled plan template. (en_GB)
NoEdit Plan Group (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyTemplatePlanGroup)
The plan template plan group cannot be deleted from a canceled plan template. (en)
The plan template plan group cannot be deleted from a cancelled plan template. (en_GB)
NoDelete Plan Group (ServicePlanAdmin_removeTemplatePlanGroup)