Message File Details
File Name: BpoPlanItem.xml
Code Package: curam.message
Messages (47)
NameDescription (locale)ConfigurableRelated Pages
A Service Plan Item type must be associated with Service. (en)
A Custom Service Plan Item type must be associated with a Service. (en)
A Service cannot be selected for a Custom Service Plan Item type. (en)
A Service must be selected for a Service Plan Item type. (en)
A service can only be associated with a Service Plan Item type. (en)
NoNew Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItem)
New Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItemForSubGoal)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyPlanItem)
Only Service Plan Item or Custom Service Plan Item types can be associated with a Service. (en)
NoNew Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItem)
New Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItemForSubGoal)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyPlanItem)
The name must not be blank. (en)
NoNew Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItem)
New Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItemForSubGoal)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyPlanItem)
The create page must be specified. (en)
NoNew Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItem)
New Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItemForSubGoal)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyPlanItem)
The create page plan item ID parameter must be specified. (en)
NoNew Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItem)
New Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItemForSubGoal)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyPlanItem)
The create page sub goal ID parameter must be specified. (en)
NoNew Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItem)
New Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItemForSubGoal)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyPlanItem)
The view page must be specified. (en)
NoNew Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItem)
New Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItemForSubGoal)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyPlanItem)
The modify page must be specified. (en)
NoNew Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItem)
New Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItemForSubGoal)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyPlanItem)
The view page parameter must be specified. (en)
NoNew Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItem)
New Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItemForSubGoal)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyPlanItem)
The modify page parameter must be specified. (en)
NoNew Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItem)
New Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItemForSubGoal)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyPlanItem)
Plan Item type code must be specified. (en)
NoNew Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItem)
New Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItemForSubGoal)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyPlanItem)
This plan item has already been cancelled. (en_GB)
This plan item has already been canceled. (en)
NoDelete Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_cancelPlanItem)
This plan item is cancelled and cannot be modified. (en_GB)
This plan item is canceled and cannot be modified. (en)
NoNew Text Translation (ServicePlanAdmin_addPlanItemDescriptionTextTranslation)
Edit Text Translation (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyLocalizablePlanItemDescriptionTextTranslation)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyPlanItem)
A plan item with the name specified already exists. Plan Item name must be unique. (en)
NoNew Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItem)
New Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItemForSubGoal)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyPlanItem)
A plan item with the reference specified already exists. Plan Item reference must be unique. (en)
NoNew Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItem)
New Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItemForSubGoal)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyPlanItem)
Contract text already exists for this language. (en)
NoNew Contract Text for Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createContractTextForPlanItem)
The outcome %1s has already been added to this plan item. (en)
NoAdd Existing Expected Outcomes to Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_addOutcomesToPlanItem)
The good cause %1s has already been added to this plan item. (en)
NoAdd Existing Good Causes to Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_addGoodCausesToPlanItem)
The plan item cannot be canceled as there are existing templates based on it. (en)
The plan item cannot be cancelled as there are existing templates based on it. (en_GB)
NoDelete Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_cancelPlanItem)
This plan item is assigned to at least one sub goal and cannot be cancelled. (en_GB)
This plan item is assigned to at least one sub goal and cannot be canceled. (en)
NoDelete Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_cancelPlanItem)
A plan item with the specified Approval SID already exists. (en)
This plan item does not require approval and does not therefore need an Approval security identifier. (en)
This plan item requires approval and an Approval security identifier should be entered. (en)
The Authorized Units cannot be greater than the Maximum Units. (en)
The Authorised Units cannot be greater than the Maximum Units. (en_GB)
NoNew Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItem)
New Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItemForSubGoal)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyPlanItem)
Authorized Units cannot be entered as a Unit Type was not selected for this Plan Item. (en)
Authorised Units cannot be entered as a Unit Type was not selected for this Plan Item. (en_GB)
NoNew Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItem)
New Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItemForSubGoal)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyPlanItem)
Maximum Units cannot be entered as a Unit Type was not selected for this Plan Item. (en)
NoNew Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItem)
New Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItemForSubGoal)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyPlanItem)
Authorized Units must be greater than zero. (en)
Authorised Units must be greater than zero. (en_GB)
NoNew Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItem)
New Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItemForSubGoal)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyPlanItem)
Maximum Units must be greater than zero. (en)
NoNew Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItem)
New Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItemForSubGoal)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyPlanItem)
The Contract Text cannot be added as this plan item is already cancelled. (en_GB)
The Contract Text cannot be added as this plan item is already canceled. (en)
NoNew Contract Text for Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createContractTextForPlanItem)
The Contract Text cannot be modified as this plan item is already cancelled. (en_GB)
The Contract Text cannot be modified as this plan item is already canceled. (en)
NoEdit Contract Text for Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyContractTextForPlanItem)
The Contract Text cannot be deleted as this plan item is already cancelled. (en_GB)
The Contract Text cannot be deleted as this plan item is already canceled. (en)
NoDelete Contract Text for Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_removeContractTextFromPlanItem)
The Expected Outcome cannot be added as this plan item is already cancelled. (en_GB)
The Expected Outcome cannot be added as this plan item is already canceled. (en)
NoAdd Existing Expected Outcomes to Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_addOutcomesToPlanItem)
New Expected Outcome for Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createOutcomeForPlanItem)
The Expected Outcome cannot be removed as this plan item is already cancelled. (en_GB)
The Expected Outcome cannot be removed as this plan item is already canceled. (en)
NoRemove Expected Outcome from Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_removeOutcomeFromPlanItem)
The Good Cause cannot be added as this plan item is already cancelled. (en_GB)
The Good Cause cannot be added as this plan item is already canceled. (en)
NoAdd Existing Good Causes to Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_addGoodCausesToPlanItem)
New Good Cause for Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createGoodCauseForPlanItem)
The Good Cause cannot be removed as this plan item is already cancelled. (en_GB)
The Good Cause cannot be removed as this plan item is already canceled. (en)
NoRemove Good Cause from Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_removeGoodCauseFromPlanItem)
Both 'Assigned to Planned Item Owner' and 'Assign to' fields cannot be populated. Only one of them should be populated. (en)
NoNew Task Configuration (ServicePlanAdmin_createTaskConfig)
Edit Task Configuration (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyTaskConfig)
Both 'Assigned to Planned Item Owner' and 'Assign to' fields cannot be blank. Only one of them should be populated. (en)
NoNew Task Configuration (ServicePlanAdmin_createTaskConfig)
Edit Task Configuration (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyTaskConfig)
Task configuration with this name already exists. (en)
NoNew Task Configuration (ServicePlanAdmin_createTaskConfig)
Edit Task Configuration (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyTaskConfig)
This task configuration cannot be deleted as it is associated with an active plan item. (en)
NoDelete Task Configuration (ServicePlanAdmin_removeTaskConfig)
This task configuration cannot be modified as it has been cancelled (en_GB)
This task configuration cannot be modified as it has been canceled. (en)
NoEdit Task Configuration (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyTaskConfig)
This task configuration cannot be cancelled as it is already cancelled (en_GB)
This task configuration cannot be canceled as it is already canceled. (en)
NoDelete Task Configuration (ServicePlanAdmin_removeTaskConfig)
This Plan Item Approval Criteria has active links to plan template plan item approval criteria so cannot be deleted. (en)
NoDelete Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_cancelPlanItem)
Remove Approval Criteria from Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_removeApprovalCriteriaFromPlanItem)
The cost cannot have a negative value, the amount must be zero or more. (en)
NoNew Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItem)
New Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createPlanItemForSubGoal)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyPlanItem)