Message File Details
File Name: BpoManualPayments.xml
Code Package: curam.message
Messages (17)
NameDescription (locale)ConfigurableRelated Pages
This manual payment has been queued for payment allocation. (en)
NoCreate Manual Payment (Financial_createManualPayment)
Record Manually Issued Payment (Financial_createManualPaymentWizard)
Nominee record not found. (en)
NoCreate Manual Payment (Financial_createManualPayment)
Record Manually Issued Payment (Financial_createManualPaymentWizard)
The Manual payment was not recorded. No record could be found for the nominee of this payment with nominee ID of "%1s" . (en)
NoCreate Manual Payment (Financial_createManualPayment)
Record Manually Issued Payment (Financial_createManualPaymentWizard)
Manual payments can be made by Cash, Check and Voucher only. (en)
Manual payments can be made by Cash, Cheque and Voucher only. (en_GB)
NoCreate Manual Payment (Financial_createManualPayment)
Record Manually Issued Payment (Financial_createManualPaymentWizard)
Cannot process a Manual Payment with an amount of zero. (en)
NoCreate Manual Payment (Financial_createManualPayment)
Record Manually Issued Payment (Financial_createManualPaymentWizard)
Cannot process a Manual Payment with a Payment Date in the future. (en)
NoCreate Manual Payment (Financial_createManualPayment)
Record Manually Issued Payment (Financial_createManualPaymentWizard)
Cannot process a Manual Payment with a blank Payment Date. (en)
NoCreate Manual Payment (Financial_createManualPayment)
Record Manually Issued Payment (Financial_createManualPaymentWizard)
A Manual Payment can only be processed for an active case. (en)
NoCreate Manual Payment (Financial_createManualPayment)
Record Manually Issued Payment (Financial_createManualPaymentWizard)
Covers Period To date must be specified. (en)
NoCreate Manual Payment (Financial_createManualPayment)
Record Manually Issued Payment (Financial_createManualPaymentWizard)
Covers Period From must be specified. (en)
NoCreate Manual Payment (Financial_createManualPayment)
Record Manually Issued Payment (Financial_createManualPaymentWizard)
Covers Period From date cannot be earlier than Case Start Date. (en)
NoCreate Manual Payment (Financial_createManualPayment)
Record Manually Issued Payment (Financial_createManualPaymentWizard)
Covers Period From date cannot be later than Case End Date. (en)
NoCreate Manual Payment (Financial_createManualPayment)
Record Manually Issued Payment (Financial_createManualPaymentWizard)
Covers Period To date cannot be earlier than Case Start Date. (en)
NoCreate Manual Payment (Financial_createManualPayment)
Record Manually Issued Payment (Financial_createManualPaymentWizard)
The Cover Period From and Cover Period To date must be a valid cover period. (en)
NoCreate Manual Payment (Financial_createManualPayment)
Record Manually Issued Payment (Financial_createManualPaymentWizard)
Covers Period To date cannot be earlier than Covers Period Start Date. (en)
NoCreate Manual Payment (Financial_createManualPayment)
Record Manually Issued Payment (Financial_createManualPaymentWizard)
The payment cannot be associated with case %1s, as the case starts later than the payment date. Either the case needs to be modified to cover the period of this payment, or a different case must be selected. (en)
NoCreate Manual Payment (Financial_createManualPayment)
Record Manually Issued Payment (Financial_createManualPaymentWizard)
The Manual Payment amount must be greater than zero. (en)
NoCreate Manual Payment (Financial_createManualPayment)
Record Manually Issued Payment (Financial_createManualPaymentWizard)