Message File Details
File Name: BpoMaintainServicePlanDelivery.xml
Code Package: curam.message
Messages (13)
NameDescription (locale)ConfigurableRelated Pages
The service plan outcome cannot be defined until an outcome has been set for each of the service plan sub goals. (en)
NoClone Service Plan (ServicePlanDelivery_clone)
Edit Service Plan (ServicePlanDelivery_modifyDetails)
This service plan may not be modified as it has already been closed. (en)
NoClone Service Plan (ServicePlanDelivery_clone)
Edit Service Plan (ServicePlanDelivery_modifyDetails)
The service plan type may not be modified as sub goals have already been added to this service plan. (en)
NoModify Service Plan Type (ServicePlanDelivery_modifyType)
Edit Plan Type (ServicePlanDelivery_modifyType1)
This service plan type may not be modified as it has already been closed. (en)
NoModify Service Plan Type (ServicePlanDelivery_modifyType)
Edit Plan Type (ServicePlanDelivery_modifyType1)
Goals have not been defined for this type of service plan. Please contact your system administrator. (en)
NoEdit Goal (ServicePlanDelivery_modifyGoal)
This service plan goal may not be modified as sub goals have already been added to this service plan. (en)
NoEdit Goal (ServicePlanDelivery_modifyGoal)
This service plan goal may not be modified as it has already been closed. (en)
NoClone Service Plan (ServicePlanDelivery_clone)
Edit Goal (ServicePlanDelivery_modifyGoal)
Use Service Plan Template (ServicePlanDelivery_useTemplate)
This service plan cannot be modified as a goal has not been set. (en)
NoService Plan Home: (ServicePlanDelivery_home)
Home (ServicePlanDelivery_home1)
Edit Service Plan (ServicePlanDelivery_modifyDetails)
Service Plan Home: (ServicePlanDeliveryDetails_home)
The service plan goal is no longer appropriate for this type of service plan. Please set a new goal. (en)
NoModify Service Plan Type (ServicePlanDelivery_modifyType)
Edit Plan Type (ServicePlanDelivery_modifyType1)
The service plan cannot not be modified until a goal has been set (en)
NoService Plans (DefaultIC_ICList)
Service Plans (ICSampleSportingGrant_ICList)
Service Plans (ServicePlanDelivery_ListICs)
A plan group or sub-goal may not be added to the service plan until a service plan goal has been defined. (en)
NoPlan Content (ServicePlanDelivery_listPlanContentForSP)
Goal '%1s' contract text is missing from the generated contract because the language specified for the contract text does not match the client's preferred language or the default language used for the system. Please update the client's preferred language or contact your system administrator. (en)
NoPrint Contract (ServicePlanDelivery_printContract)
Print Contract (ServicePlanDelivery_savePrintContract)
Plan item '%1s' contract text is missing from the generated contract because the language specified for the contract text does not match the client's preferred language or the default language used for the system. Please update the client's preferred language or contact your system administrator. (en)
NoPrint Contract (ServicePlanDelivery_printContract)
Print Contract (ServicePlanDelivery_savePrintContract)