Message File Details
File Name: BpoMaintainCaseOrgObjectLink.xml
Code Package: curam.message
Messages (7)
NameDescription (locale)ConfigurableRelated Pages
Please choose a Category to filter by. (en)
NoCases Owned As A User (Organization_listCaseByCurrentUser)
Cases Owned By My Organization Units (Organization_listCasesForOrgUnit)
Cases Owned By My Positions (Organization_listCasesForPosition)
Cases Owned By My Work Queues (WorkAllocation_listCasesForWorkQueue)
Please choose an Organization Unit to filter by. (en)
Please choose an Organisation Unit to filter by. (en_GB)
NoCases Owned As A User (Organization_listCaseByCurrentUser)
Cases Owned By My Organization Units (Organization_listCasesForOrgUnit)
Cases Owned By My Positions (Organization_listCasesForPosition)
Cases Owned By My Work Queues (WorkAllocation_listCasesForWorkQueue)
Please choose a Work Queue to filter by. (en)
NoCases Owned As A User (Organization_listCaseByCurrentUser)
Cases Owned By My Organization Units (Organization_listCasesForOrgUnit)
Cases Owned By My Positions (Organization_listCasesForPosition)
Cases Owned By My Work Queues (WorkAllocation_listCasesForWorkQueue)
You are not assigned to a position. Please contact your administrator. (en)
NoCases Owned As A User (Organization_listCaseByCurrentUser)
Cases Owned By My Organization Units (Organization_listCasesForOrgUnit)
Cases Owned By My Positions (Organization_listCasesForPosition)
Cases Owned By My Work Queues (WorkAllocation_listCasesForWorkQueue)
You are not assigned to any organization unit. Please contact your administrator. (en)
You are not assigned to any organisation unit. Please contact your administrator. (en_GB)
NoCases Owned As A User (Organization_listCaseByCurrentUser)
Cases Owned By My Organization Units (Organization_listCasesForOrgUnit)
Cases Owned By My Positions (Organization_listCasesForPosition)
Cases Owned By My Work Queues (WorkAllocation_listCasesForWorkQueue)
You are not subscribed to a work queue. Please contact your administrator. (en)
NoCases Owned As A User (Organization_listCaseByCurrentUser)
Cases Owned By My Organization Units (Organization_listCasesForOrgUnit)
Cases Owned By My Positions (Organization_listCasesForPosition)
Cases Owned By My Work Queues (WorkAllocation_listCasesForWorkQueue)
Please choose a Type to filter by. (en)