Message File Details
File Name: BpoIssueDelivery.xml
Code Package: curam.message
Messages (34)
NameDescription (locale)ConfigurableRelated Pages
Only issues which have a status of open can be closed. (en)
NoApprove Resolution (Appeal_approveResolution)
Close an Appeal Case (Appeal_close)
Submit Resolution For Approval (Appeal_submitResolutionForApproval)
Approve Resolution (IssueDelivery_approveResolution)
Close Issue (IssueDelivery_close)
Submit Resolution for Approval (IssueDelivery_submitResolutionForApproval)
Close reason code must be specified. (en)
NoApprove Resolution (Appeal_approveResolution)
Close an Appeal Case (Appeal_close)
Edit Appeal Case Closure Details (Appeal_modifyClosureDetails)
Submit Resolution For Approval (Appeal_submitResolutionForApproval)
Approve Resolution (IssueDelivery_approveResolution)
Close Issue (IssueDelivery_close)
Change Closure Details (IssueDelivery_modifyClosureDetails)
Submit Resolution for Approval (IssueDelivery_submitResolutionForApproval)
An issue can only be closed if a resolution has not been added yet. (en)
This case cannot be modified as it is already closed. (en)
The case start date must be entered. (en)
NoEdit Issue (Appeal_modifyIssueFromView)
Edit Issue (IssueDelivery_modifyIssueFromList)
Edit Issue (IssueDelivery_modifyIssueFromView)
The priority must be entered. (en)
The case end date must not be earlier than the case start date. (en)
NoEdit Issue (Appeal_modifyIssueFromView)
Edit Issue (IssueDelivery_modifyIssueFromList)
Edit Issue (IssueDelivery_modifyIssueFromView)
You do not have the appropriate privileges to maintain this issue. (en)
NoApprove Resolution (Appeal_approveResolution)
Close an Appeal Case (Appeal_close)
Add Resolution (Appeal_createResolution)
Edit Appeal Case Closure Details (Appeal_modifyClosureDetails)
Edit Issue (Appeal_modifyIssueFromView)
Submit Resolution For Approval (Appeal_submitResolutionForApproval)
Edit Resolution (IssueAppeal_modifyResolution)
Add Evidence (IssueDelivery_addEvidence)
Add Evidence (IssueDelivery_addEvidenceForIC)
Add Evidence (IssueDelivery_addEvidenceForProductDelivery)
Approve Resolution (IssueDelivery_approveResolution)
Close Issue (IssueDelivery_close)
Create Issue (IssueDelivery_createIssue)
New Issue Case (IssueDelivery_createIssueForICWizard)
New Issue Case (IssueDelivery_createIssueForPDWizard)
Add Resolution (IssueDelivery_createResolution)
Modify Resolution Approval Request (IssueDelivery_modifyApprovalRequestFromList)
Modify Resolution Approval Request (IssueDelivery_modifyApprovalRequestFromView)
Change Closure Details (IssueDelivery_modifyClosureDetails)
Edit Issue (IssueDelivery_modifyIssueFromList)
Edit Issue (IssueDelivery_modifyIssueFromView)
Edit Resolution (IssueDelivery_modifyResolution)
Submit Resolution for Approval (IssueDelivery_submitResolutionForApproval)
You do not have the appropriate privileges to view this issue. (en)
NoStatus history of the Issue Resolution (Appeal_listResolutionStatusHistory)
Edit Appeal Case Closure Details (Appeal_modifyClosureDetails)
Edit Issue (Appeal_modifyIssueFromView)
Issue Home (Case_viewIssuesTransaction)
Home (IssueDelivery_home)
Issue Home (IssueDelivery_homeForAppeal)
Resolution Approval Requests (IssueDelivery_listApprovalRequest)
Resolution Approval Requests (IssueDelivery_listApprovalRequestForAppeal)
Resolution Status History (IssueDelivery_listResolutionStatusHistory)
Change Closure Details (IssueDelivery_modifyClosureDetails)
Edit Issue (IssueDelivery_modifyIssueFromList)
Edit Issue (IssueDelivery_modifyIssueFromView)
- (IssueDelivery_tabDetails)
View Resolution Approval Request (IssueDelivery_viewApprovalRequest)
View Resolution Approval Request (IssueDelivery_viewApprovalRequestViewOnly)
Issue Closure Details (IssueDelivery_viewClosureDetails)
Issue Closure Details (IssueDelivery_viewClosureDetailsViewOnly)
You do not have the appropriate privileges to approve this resolution. (en)
NoApprove Resolution (Appeal_approveResolution)
Submit Resolution For Approval (Appeal_submitResolutionForApproval)
Approve Resolution (IssueDelivery_approveResolution)
Submit Resolution for Approval (IssueDelivery_submitResolutionForApproval)
Remove from My Items of Interest (Organization_cancelCaseBookmark)
Add to My Items of Interest (Organization_createCaseBookmark)
You do not have the appropriate privileges to reject this resolution. (en)
NoReject Resolution (Appeal_rejectResolution)
Reject Resolution (IssueDelivery_rejectResolution)
A resolution already exists for this issue. Please modify the existing resolution. (en)
NoAdd Resolution (Appeal_createResolution)
Add Resolution (InvestigationDelivery_createResolution)
Add Resolution (IssueDelivery_createResolution)
Resolution cannot be modified. Only resolutions with a status of in-edit can be modified. (en)
NoSubmit Resolution For Approval (Appeal_submitResolutionForApproval)
Edit Resolution (InvestigationDelivery_modifyResolution)
Edit Resolution (IssueAppeal_modifyResolution)
Edit Resolution (IssueDelivery_modifyResolution)
Submit Resolution for Approval (IssueDelivery_submitResolutionForApproval)
Resolutions do not exist for this type of issue. Please contact your administrator (en)
NoAdd Resolution (Appeal_createResolution)
Edit Resolution (IssueAppeal_modifyResolution)
Add Resolution (IssueDelivery_createResolution)
Edit Resolution (IssueDelivery_modifyResolution)
Resolution cannot be approved. Only resolutions with a status of submitted can be approved. (en)
NoApprove Resolution (Appeal_approveResolution)
Submit Resolution For Approval (Appeal_submitResolutionForApproval)
Approve Resolution (IssueDelivery_approveResolution)
Submit Resolution for Approval (IssueDelivery_submitResolutionForApproval)
Resolution cannot be rejected. Only resolutions with a status of submitted can be rejected. (en)
NoReject Resolution (Appeal_rejectResolution)
Reject Resolution (IssueDelivery_rejectResolution)
Rejection reason must be entered. (en)
NoReject Resolution (Appeal_rejectResolution)
Reject Resolution (IssueDelivery_rejectResolution)
A resolution cannot be modified on a closed issue. (en)
NoEdit Resolution (InvestigationDelivery_modifyResolution)
Edit Resolution (IssueAppeal_modifyResolution)
Edit Resolution (IssueDelivery_modifyResolution)
Resolution must not be added to a closed issue. (en)
NoAdd Resolution (Appeal_createResolution)
Add Resolution (InvestigationDelivery_createResolution)
Add Resolution (IssueDelivery_createResolution)
To create an issue the related case must be specified. (en)
NoCreate Issue (IssueDelivery_createIssue)
New Issue Case (IssueDelivery_createIssueForICWizard)
New Issue Case (IssueDelivery_createIssueForPDWizard)
To create an issue a participant must be specified. (en)
NoCreate Issue (IssueDelivery_createIssue)
New Issue Case (IssueDelivery_createIssueForICWizard)
New Issue Case (IssueDelivery_createIssueForPDWizard)
To create an issue the issue configuration of the relevant type of issue must be specified. (en)
NoCreate Issue (IssueDelivery_createIssue)
New Issue Case (IssueDelivery_createIssueForICWizard)
New Issue Case (IssueDelivery_createIssueForPDWizard)
To create an issue a start date must be specified. (en)
NoCreate Issue (IssueDelivery_createIssue)
New Issue Case (IssueDelivery_createIssueForICWizard)
New Issue Case (IssueDelivery_createIssueForPDWizard)
Start Date must be today or a day in the past. (en)
NoEdit Issue (Appeal_modifyIssueFromView)
Create Issue (IssueDelivery_createIssue)
New Issue Case (IssueDelivery_createIssueForICWizard)
New Issue Case (IssueDelivery_createIssueForPDWizard)
Edit Issue (IssueDelivery_modifyIssueFromList)
Edit Issue (IssueDelivery_modifyIssueFromView)
Start date must not be before the start date of this issue type. (en)
NoEdit Issue (Appeal_modifyIssueFromView)
Create Issue (IssueDelivery_createIssue)
New Issue Case (IssueDelivery_createIssueForICWizard)
New Issue Case (IssueDelivery_createIssueForPDWizard)
Edit Issue (IssueDelivery_modifyIssueFromList)
Edit Issue (IssueDelivery_modifyIssueFromView)
Start date cannot be before the start date of the case on which this issue was identified. (en)
NoEdit Issue (Appeal_modifyIssueFromView)
Edit Issue (IssueDelivery_modifyIssueFromList)
Edit Issue (IssueDelivery_modifyIssueFromView)
To create an issue the end date must not be earlier than the case start date. (en)
NoCreate Issue (IssueDelivery_createIssue)
New Issue Case (IssueDelivery_createIssueForICWizard)
New Issue Case (IssueDelivery_createIssueForPDWizard)
To create an issue at least one piece of evidence must be specified. (en)
A closed issue cannot be modified. (en)
NoApprove Resolution (Appeal_approveResolution)
Edit Issue (Appeal_modifyIssueFromView)
Reject Resolution (Appeal_rejectResolution)
Submit Resolution For Approval (Appeal_submitResolutionForApproval)
Approve Resolution (IssueDelivery_approveResolution)
Modify Resolution Approval Request (IssueDelivery_modifyApprovalRequestFromList)
Modify Resolution Approval Request (IssueDelivery_modifyApprovalRequestFromView)
Edit Issue (IssueDelivery_modifyIssueFromList)
Edit Issue (IssueDelivery_modifyIssueFromView)
Reject Resolution (IssueDelivery_rejectResolution)
Submit Resolution for Approval (IssueDelivery_submitResolutionForApproval)
Cannot view the 'In Edit' record as more than one 'In Edit' record exists. (en)
NoIssue Home (Case_viewIssuesTransaction)
Home (IssueDelivery_home)
Issue Home (IssueDelivery_homeForAppeal)
Cannot view the 'Active' record as more than one 'Active' record exists. (en)
NoIssue Home (Case_viewIssuesTransaction)
Home (IssueDelivery_home)
Issue Home (IssueDelivery_homeForAppeal)
Cannot view the 'Cancelled' record as more than one 'Cancelled' record exists. (en)
NoIssue Home (Case_viewIssuesTransaction)
Home (IssueDelivery_home)
Issue Home (IssueDelivery_homeForAppeal)
The selected evidence has already been added to the issue. Please select another evidence record. (en)
NoAdd Evidence (IssueDelivery_addEvidence)
Add Evidence (IssueDelivery_addEvidenceForIC)
Add Evidence (IssueDelivery_addEvidenceForProductDelivery)
Create Issue (IssueDelivery_createIssue)
New Issue Case (IssueDelivery_createIssueForICWizard)
New Issue Case (IssueDelivery_createIssueForPDWizard)
An Issue Case cannot be created for a Prospect Person. Please register the Prospect Person as a Person. (en)
NoCreate Issue (IssueDelivery_createIssue)
New Issue Case (IssueDelivery_createIssueForICWizard)
New Issue Case (IssueDelivery_createIssueForPDWizard)