Message File Details
File Name: BpoIntakeApplicant.xml
Code Package: curam.message.application
Messages (9)
NameDescription (locale)ConfigurableRelated Pages
At least one person must be selected from the related person(s) list (en)
NoRelated Persons (Intake_listRelatedPerson)
This person is already listed as an applicant (en)
NoRelated Persons (Intake_listRelatedPerson)
Person Search Results (Intake_personSearchResult)
Basic Intake Information (ISPIntakeInformation_createFromScreening)
Only one of the possible matches can be selected as an exact match. Please select one person as the exact match. (en)
NoPerson Search Results (Intake_personSearchResult)
Relatives of %1s have been found. Please Check the related person(s) you would like to add to the application and click Select. If you do not want to add the related person(s) to the application, click Close. (en)
NoRelated Persons (Intake_listRelatedPerson)
At least one person must be selected from the Person Search Results list if you click the Exact or Possible match option. (en)
NoPerson Search Results (Intake_personSearchResult)
Unable to register this person as there is a currently a merge in progress for %1s . (en)
NoRegister Prospect Person as Person (Intake_registerProspectAsPerson)
The primary applicant cannot be removed from the application. (en)
The added date of this client must not be earlier than the application filing date. (en)
NoAdd Client (Application_AddClientConfirmation)
Edit (Application_editApplicationDetails)
Edit Date Added (Application_editClientDetails)
Match Client (Application_matchClientConfirmation)
Remove Client (Application_removeClientConfirmation)
Application (RightsAndResponsibilitiesForCase)
Application (RightsAndResponsibilitiesForCaseSubmit)
The Date Added must not be in the future. (en)
NoAdd Client (Application_AddClientConfirmation)
Edit (Application_editApplicationDetails)
Edit Date Added (Application_editClientDetails)
Match Client (Application_matchClientConfirmation)
Remove Client (Application_removeClientConfirmation)
Application (RightsAndResponsibilitiesForCase)
Application (RightsAndResponsibilitiesForCaseSubmit)