The Medical Service Provider Name must be entered when any of the Medical Service Provider details are entered. (en) |
| No | |
The Medical Service Provider Address must be entered when the Medical Service Provider Name is entered. (en) |
| No | |
Only one Medical Service Provider can be entered. Please select a Medical Service Provider Participant or search for a registered Medical Service Provider or enter details for an unregistered Medical Service Provider. (en) |
| No | |
The Medical Expense record cannot be modified as there is a related Income Allocation record. To modify the Medical Expense record, you must first remove the Income Allocation record. (en) |
| No | |
The Medical Expense record cannot be removed as there is a related Income Allocation record. To remove the Medical Expense record, you must first remove the Income Allocation record. (en) |
| No | |
The frequency cannot be modified to once-off if setting the effective date on this record. (en) |
| No | |
The frequency cannot be modified from once-off if setting the effective date on this record. (en) |
| No | |
The effective-date must be after the Medical Expense start-date. (en) |
| No | |
The effective-date must be before today. (en) |
| No | |
The changes specified may only be effective from the last occurrence of the expense %1d or the next occurrence of the expense %2d. Please review and enter the appropriate effective date. (en) |
| No | |
For the specified changes to have effect, the effective date must be set to a valid occurrence of the expense. The closest occurrence date for the expense is %1d. Please review and enter the appropriate effective date. (en) |
| No | |
Cannot modify the start-date for Medical Expenses with associated effective-dated evidence. (en) |
| No | |
The end date cannot be entered or modified if setting the effective date on this record. (en) |
| No | |
The frequency cannot be set to the selected value as it impacts evidence records with a later effective date. To set frequency to required value for this effective date you will need to remove all instances of this medical expense with later effective dates. (en) |
| No | |
The latest occurrence of this Medical Expense must be within the state specific time limit from the SpendDown period start date. (en) |
| No | Assign New Expense (ISP_applyFromNewMedicalExpense)