Message File Details
File Name: BpoAdminProductRulesLink.xml
Code Package: curam.message
Messages (5)
NameDescription (locale)ConfigurableRelated Pages
End date cannot be blank as it is a mandatory field. (en)
NoAssign Rule Set To Product (Resource_assignProductRuleSet)
Edit Rule Set Assignment (Resource_modifyProductRuleSetFromList)
Edit Rule Set Assignment (Resource_modifyProductRuleSetFromView)
No product has been select. Please select a product. (en)
NoAssign Rule Set To Product (Resource_assignProductRuleSet)
Edit Rule Set Assignment (Resource_modifyProductRuleSetFromList)
Edit Rule Set Assignment (Resource_modifyProductRuleSetFromView)
No rule set was selected. Please select a rule set. (en)
NoAssign Rule Set To Product (Resource_assignProductRuleSet)
Edit Rule Set Assignment (Resource_modifyProductRuleSetFromList)
Edit Rule Set Assignment (Resource_modifyProductRuleSetFromView)
The period of this rules set overlaps with that of an existing rules set assignment for this product. (en)
NoAssign Rule Set To Product (Resource_assignProductRuleSet)
Edit Rule Set Assignment (Resource_modifyProductRuleSetFromList)
Edit Rule Set Assignment (Resource_modifyProductRuleSetFromView)
You cannot add a rule set as this product has been canceled. (en)
You cannot add a rule set as this product has been cancelled. (en_GB)
NoAssign Rule Set To Product (Resource_assignProductRuleSet)
Edit Rule Set Assignment (Resource_modifyProductRuleSetFromList)
Edit Rule Set Assignment (Resource_modifyProductRuleSetFromView)