Message File Details
File Name: BpoAdminBank.xml
Code Package: curam.message
Messages (5)
NameDescription (locale)ConfigurableRelated Pages
You cannot cancel this bank because it contains active accounts. (en)
NoDelete Bank (Organization_cancelBank)
If you want to reopen this bank then you must remove the end date. (en)
NoEdit Bank (Organization_modifyBankFromList)
Edit Bank (Organization_modifyBankFromView)
You cannot set the start date to "%1d" as this is after the start date of at least one bank branch (en)
NoEdit Bank (Organization_modifyBankFromList)
Edit Bank (Organization_modifyBankFromView)
You cannot set the end date to "%1d" as this is after the start date of at least one bank branch (en)
NoEdit Bank (Organization_modifyBankFromList)
Edit Bank (Organization_modifyBankFromView)
You cannot set the end date to "%1d" as this is before the end date of at least one bank branch (en)
NoEdit Bank (Organization_modifyBankFromList)
Edit Bank (Organization_modifyBankFromView)