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haltPaymentProcessing(FinancialComponentDtls, FinCompCoverPeriod) - Method in class
Provides the ability to halt the processing of a financial component during financial processing, preventing the creation of additional line items.
hasAppeal() - Method in interface curam.piwrapper.caseheader.impl.CaseHeader
Indicates if the case has an appeal.
hasDecisionChanged(DetermineEligibilityKey, CASEASSESSMENTDETERMINATIONREASONEntry) - Method in interface
Checks whether the decision for the case has changed since last being calculated.
hashCode() - Method in class
hasReferralLetter() - Method in interface curam.citizenactivity.impl.CitizenActivity
Returns whether or not this citizen activity has an associated referral letter.
hasReferralLetter() - Method in class curam.citizenactivity.impl.CitizenActivityImpl
hasSubmittedGuidedChange(CaseKey) - Method in interface curam.guidedchanges.facade.intf.ManageGuidedChangeNextStep
Lists all of the submitted Guided Change of Circumstances for a case.
hideBrowserMenuBar() - Method in class curam.participantmessages.impl.ParticipantMessageLink
Using in conjunction with ParticipantMessageLink.openInNewWindow().
hideBrowserToolBar() - Method in class curam.participantmessages.impl.ParticipantMessageLink
Using in conjunction with ParticipantMessageLink.openInNewWindow().
hideMenuBar - Variable in class curam.participantmessages.impl.ParticipantMessageLink
Stores whether or not the menu bar of the new browser window should be displayed.
hideToolBar - Variable in class curam.participantmessages.impl.ParticipantMessageLink
Stores whether or not the tool bar of the new browser window should be displayed.
HookMap() - Constructor for class
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