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editMeetingAction(MeetingActionDetails, MeetingMinutesKey) - Method in interface curam.meetings.meetingminutes.facade.intf.MeetingMinutesManagement
Modifies the subject, due date time and assignment of a meeting action.
EducationalInstitute - Class in curam.core.facade.base
Process class to maintain educational institute functionality
EducationalInstitute() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.base.EducationalInstitute
EducationalInstitute - Interface in curam.core.facade.intf
Process class to maintain educational institute functionality
EducationalInstituteFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.fact
Factory class to create an instance of EducationalInstitute class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
effectiveDateTime - Variable in class curam.participantmessages.impl.ParticipantMessage
The date time at which this message should be displayed.
effectiveDateTimeDescription - Variable in class curam.participantmessages.impl.ParticipantMessage
The effective date description
elapsedTime - Variable in class curam.core.impl.CuramBatch
eligibilityEntitlementTimeline() - Method in interface
Gets the varying eligibility and entitlement for this determination.
EmailAddress - Interface in curam.piwrapper.impl
A read only wrapper object for the EmailAddress entity.
emailAddressDAO - Variable in class curam.participant.impl.ConcernRoleImpl
EmailAddressDAO - Interface in curam.piwrapper.impl
Data access for EmailAddress.
emailMessage - Variable in class curam.core.impl.CuramBatch
Employer - Class in curam.core.facade.base
This process class provides the functionality for the Employer presentation layer.
Employer() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.base.Employer
Employer - Interface in curam.core.facade.intf
This process class provides the functionality for the Employer presentation layer.
EmployerFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.fact
Factory class to create an instance of Employer class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
enableUser(UserStatusDetails_fo) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
This method enables a user.
encodeBatchParameters(Object) - Method in class curam.core.impl.BatchStreamHelper
Encodes the batch program parameters into a string format.
encodeIban(BankAccountDtls) - Method in interface curam.core.impl.AccountNumberAlgorithm
Encodes International Bank Account Number(IBAN).
ENCODING - Static variable in class curam.piwrapper.impl.ClientURI
The encoding to be used when escaping URLs.
endDecisionProcessing() - Method in class
This is called at the end of the decision creation process.
endDeduction(EndDeductionDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Employer
Adds an end date to any active third party deductions for a participant who has been ended.
endDeduction(EndDeductionDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Participant
Adds an end date to any active third party deductions for a participant who has been ended.
endDeduction(EndDeductionDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Adds an end date to any active third party deductions for a participant who has been ended.
endDeduction(EndDeductionDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductProvider
Adds an end date to any active third party deductions for a participant who has been ended.
endDeduction(EndDeductionDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
Adds an end date to any active third party deductions for a participant who has been ended.
endDeduction(EndDeductionDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Adds an end date to any active third party deductions for a participant who has been ended.
endDeduction(EndDeductionDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ServiceSupplier
Adds an end date to any active third party deductions for a participant who has been ended.
endMerge(EndMergeKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ClientMerge
Ends a Client Merge
endTime - Variable in class curam.core.impl.CuramBatch
endTimeSet - Variable in class curam.core.impl.CuramBatch
entitledObjectives() - Method in interface
Gets the objectives to which the product delivery is entitled during this interval, or null if the product delivery is not eligible.
equals(Object) - Method in class
errMsg - Variable in class curam.core.impl.CuramBatch
error - Variable in class
This variable contains the error (if there is one), which is displayed to the user instead of drawing the timelineCalendar widget
escapeURL(String) - Static method in class curam.piwrapper.impl.ClientURI
Replaces invalid URL characters with URL escape sequences.
evaluateCase(CheckEligibilityKey) - Method in interface
Evaluates eligibility on a case.
Evidence - Class in curam.core.facade.infrastructure.base
Business Interface containing "evidence infrastructure" methods for manipulating evidences.
Evidence() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.infrastructure.base.Evidence
Evidence - Interface in curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf
Business Interface containing "evidence infrastructure" methods for manipulating evidences.
EvidenceActivation - Interface in
Hook for supporting the auto evidence activation.
EvidenceComparisonHelper - Class in
This class contains helper methods for comparing evidence.
EvidenceComparisonHelper() - Constructor for class
EvidenceController - Class in
The EvidenceController provides an API for managing case evidence.
EvidenceController() - Constructor for class
EvidenceController - Interface in
The EvidenceController provides an API for managing case evidence.
EvidenceControllerFactory - Class in
Factory class to create an instance of EvidenceController class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
EvidenceControllerHook - Class in
EvidenceControllerHook() - Constructor for class
EvidenceControllerHook - Interface in
EvidenceControllerHookFactory - Class in
Factory class to create an instance of EvidenceControllerHook class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
EvidenceControllerHookRegistrar - Interface in
This class contains custom hooks that can be used by custom code to perform operations during evidence manipulation.
EvidenceControllerHookRegistrar.HookMap - Class in
The HookMap class is a generic product name to Curam factory class mapping.
EvidenceControllerInterface - Interface in
This interface provides methods (which cannot be modeled) for manipulating case evidence and is implemented by the EvidenceController class.
EvidenceControllerInterface.EvidenceActivationEvents - Interface in
Interface to the evidence events functionality surrounding evidence activation method.
EvidenceControllerInterface.EvidencePreActivationEvents - Interface in
Interface to the evidence events functionality before the evidence activation method.
EvidenceControllerInterface.EvidencePreModifyEvent - Interface in
Interface to the evidence events functionality before the evidence modify method.
EvidenceControllerInterface.EvidenceValidationEvents - Interface in
Interface to allow listeners to implement custom validations.
EvidenceDashboardFilter - Class in
Business Interface containing methods for manipulating evidence dashboard filters.
EvidenceDashboardFilter() - Constructor for class
EvidenceDashboardFilter - Interface in
Business Interface containing methods for manipulating evidence dashboard filters.
EvidenceDashboardFilterFactory - Class in
Factory class to create an instance of EvidenceDashboardFilter class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
EvidenceDescriptor - Interface in curam.piwrapper.evidence.impl
A read only wrapper object for the EvidenceDescriptor entity.
EvidenceDescriptorDAO - Interface in curam.piwrapper.evidence.impl
Read only data access object for the EvidenceDescriptor entity.
EvidenceEffectivePeriodCalculation - Class in
Default Evidence Effective Period Calculation Strategy implementation.
EvidenceEffectivePeriodCalculation() - Constructor for class
EvidenceFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.infrastructure.fact
Factory class to create an instance of Evidence class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
EvidenceInterface - Interface in
This interface extends the StandardEvidenceInterface, therefore any class that implements EvidenceInterface must provide its own implementations of the methods defined in the standard interface.
EvidenceIssues - Interface in
Generic interfaces that supports the reporting of "issues" with evidence
EvidenceMap - Interface in
EvidenceMapping - Interface in
An interface for evidence mapping.
EvidenceMetadata - Class in
EvidenceMetadata() - Constructor for class
EvidenceMetadata - Interface in
EvidenceMetadataFactory - Class in
Factory class to create an instance of EvidenceMetadata class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
EvidencePeriodHook - Interface in curam.core.hook.impl
An interface that provides a hook point for overriding the start and end dates of the period that appears on the active and in-edit evidence list pages.
EvidenceRelationship - Class in
EvidenceRelationship() - Constructor for class
EvidenceRelationship - Interface in
EvidenceRelationshipFactory - Class in
Factory class to create an instance of EvidenceRelationship class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
EvidenceTypeRelationship - Interface in curam.evidence.impl
Evidence type relationship API.
evidenceVerification - Variable in class
EvidenceVerification - Interface in
Abstracts the usage of verifications on evidence.
excludeEvidence(AutoEndDateEvidenceItemDtls, ListAutoEndDateEvidenceKey, Set<Long>, Set<Long>) - Method in class
Evaluate if evidence should be removed from auto end date evidence details.
excludeEvidenceFromMultiDiscard(MultiEvidenceDtls) - Method in class
Evaluate if evidence should be removed from evidence list used for multiple participant evidence discard operation.
excludeEvidenceFromMultiDiscard(MultiEvidenceDtls) - Method in class
Evaluate if evidence should be excluded from discard operation evidence list by participant and descriptor ID.
excludeEvidenceFromMultiModify(MultiEvidenceDtls) - Method in class
Evaluate if evidence should be removed from evidence list used for multiple participant evidence modify operation.
excludeEvidenceFromMultiModify(MultiEvidenceDtls) - Method in class
Evaluate if evidence should be excluded from modify operation evidence list by participant and end date.
excludeParticipantFromMultiCreate(MultiParticipantDtls) - Method in class
Evaluate if participant should be removed from participant list used for multiple participant evidence create operation.
excludeParticipantFromMultiCreate(MultiParticipantDtls) - Method in class
Evaluate if participant should be excluded from create operation participant list by status, end date and dynamic evidence definition participant search type(s).
executeBatchProcess(AddBatchRequestDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Adds a specified batch process request to the queue for execution.
exists(long) - Method in interface curam.piwrapper.caseconfiguration.impl.ProductDAO
Checks whether a given Product record exists on the system.
expire(int) - Method in interface curam.waitlist.impl.WaitListEntry
Sets the wait list entry's status as expired if the current date crosses the expiry date of the wait list entry only if the wait list entry is in open state.
expireCaseNominee1(ModifyNomineeStatusDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Modifies the status of a specified case nominee to be 'Expired'.
exportContents(DynamicUimPageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.DynamicUIMAdmin
Exports UIM file and properties file.
ExternalParty - Class in curam.core.facade.base
ExternalParty() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.base.ExternalParty
ExternalParty - Interface in curam.core.facade.intf
ExternalPartyFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.fact
Factory class to create an instance of ExternalParty class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
ExternalUserAccessSecurity - Class in
Abstract class that must be implemented to provide authentication of external users not stored in the External User table.
ExternalUserAccessSecurity() - Constructor for class
ExternalUserParticipantLink - Interface in curam.piwrapper.user.impl
Read only wrapper object for the curam.core.intf.ExternalUserParticipantLink entity.
ExternalUserParticipantLinkDAO - Interface in curam.piwrapper.user.impl
Read only data access wrapper for the curam.core.intf.ExternalUserParticipantLink entity.
ExternalUserParticipantLinkDAO.SortByExternalParticipantType - Interface in curam.piwrapper.user.impl
Sorts a list of ExternalUserParticipantLink object alphabetically by EXTERNALUSERSPARTRELTYPEEntry.
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