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WaitList - Class in curam.core.facade.base
Business interface to maintain the wait list functionality.
WaitList() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.base.WaitList
WaitList - Interface in curam.core.facade.intf
Business interface to maintain the wait list functionality.
WaitList - Interface in curam.waitlist.impl
Business interface to maintain a wait list.
WaitList.WaitListAddEntryEvents - Interface in curam.waitlist.impl
Business interface to maintain events to allow the system to write and attach custom work flows for adding entries to the wait list.
WaitList.WaitListAddWaitListEntryEvents - Interface in curam.waitlist.impl
Business interface to maintain events to allow the system to write and attach custom work flows for adding entries to the wait list.
WaitList.WaitListInsertEvents - Interface in curam.waitlist.impl
Business interface to maintain events to allow the system to write and attach custom work flows for the insertion of wait lists.
WaitListAccessor - Interface in curam.waitlist.impl
Business interface to maintain a wait list.
WaitListEntry - Interface in curam.waitlist.impl
Business interface to maintain the wait list entries.
WaitListEntry.WaitListEntryAllocateEvents - Interface in curam.waitlist.impl
Business interface to maintain events to allow the system to write and attach custom work flows for the allocation of wait list entries.
WaitListEntry.WaitListEntryCancelEvents - Interface in curam.waitlist.impl
Business interface to maintain events to allow the system to write and attach custom work flows for the cancellation of wait list Entries.
WaitListEntry.WaitListEntryCreateWaitListEntryEvents - Interface in curam.waitlist.impl
Business interface to maintain events to allow the system to write and attach custom work flows for the creation of wait list entries.
WaitListEntry.WaitListEntryDeferReviewEvents - Interface in curam.waitlist.impl
Business interface to maintain events to allow the system to write and attach custom work flows for the deferred review of wait list Entries.
WaitListEntry.WaitListEntryExpireEvents - Interface in curam.waitlist.impl
Business interface to maintain events to allow the system to write and attach custom work flows for the expiry of wait list entries.
WaitListEntry.WaitListEntryInsertEvents - Interface in curam.waitlist.impl
Business interface to maintain events to allow the system to write and attach custom work flows for the insertion of wait list Entries.
WaitListEntry.WaitListEntryModifyEvents - Interface in curam.waitlist.impl
Business interface to maintain events to allow the system to write and attach custom work flows for the modification of wait list Entries.
WaitListEntry.WaitListEntryModifyWaitListEntryEvents - Interface in curam.waitlist.impl
Business interface to maintain events to allow the system to write and attach custom work flows for the modification of wait list Entries.
WaitListEntryAccessor - Interface in curam.waitlist.impl
Business interface to maintain the wait list entries.
WaitListEntryHistoryAccessor - Interface in curam.waitlist.impl
Business interface to maintain the history of wait list entry.
WaitListEntryStatusHistoryAccessor - Interface in curam.waitlist.impl
Business interface to maintain the history of wait list entry.
WaitListFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.fact
Factory class to create an instance of WaitList class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
WaitListRenumberLogic - Interface in curam.waitlist.impl
Business interface to maintain the wait list functionality.
WebAddress - Interface in curam.piwrapper.webaddress.impl
A wrapper interface to the for the WebAddress entity.
webAddressDAO - Variable in class curam.participant.impl.ConcernRoleImpl
WebAddressDAO - Interface in curam.piwrapper.webaddress.impl
Data access for WebAddress.
WorkAllocation - Class in curam.core.facade.base
Provides the functions required for a workflow administrator to manage work queues and allocation targets.
WorkAllocation() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.base.WorkAllocation
WorkAllocation - Interface in curam.core.facade.intf
Provides the functions required for a workflow administrator to manage work queues and allocation targets.
WorkAllocationFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.fact
Factory class to create an instance of WorkAllocation class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
WorkflowAdministration - Class in curam.core.facade.base
Provides the functions required for a workflow administrator to manage workflow process instances.
WorkflowAdministration() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.base.WorkflowAdministration
WorkflowAdministration - Interface in curam.core.facade.intf
Provides the functions required for a workflow administrator to manage workflow process instances.
WorkflowAdministrationFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.fact
Factory class to create an instance of WorkflowAdministration class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
WorkflowAllocationFunction - Class in
To select a specific agent or group of agents that can do the work for a specific task, an allocation strategy is defined.
WorkflowAllocationFunction() - Constructor for class
WorkflowAllocationFunction - Interface in
To select a specific agent or group of agents that can do the work for a specific task, an allocation strategy is defined.
WorkflowAllocationFunctionFactory - Class in
Factory class to create an instance of WorkflowAllocationFunction class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
WorkflowDeadlineFunction - Class in
An event wait pauses a workflow process in lieu of some event being raised.
WorkflowDeadlineFunction() - Constructor for class
WorkflowDeadlineFunction - Interface in
An event wait pauses a workflow process in lieu of some event being raised.
WorkflowDeadlineFunctionFactory - Class in
Factory class to create an instance of WorkflowDeadlineFunction class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
workQueueTaskAllocationStrategy(WorkQueueIDKey) - Method in interface
Returns a list of allocation targets that includes the specified work queue.
writeOffInstructionLineItem(WriteOffInstructionLineItemKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Writes off a liability instruction line item.
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