- validateAlgorithmParameters(CaseSampleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AuditCaseSample
Method to validate the algorithm configuration parameters.
- validateAssignCaseAudit(CaseAuditAssignDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseAudit
Method to validate the assign case audits function.
- validateCancelPositionDetails(CancelPositionByWorkFlowKey) - Method in class curam.core.sl.impl.Position
Makes sure that the position has no links left before it is
- validateCaseOwner(CaseOwnerAndType) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.AuditCaseSample
Method to validate that the case owner and case owner type are a valid
- validateCaseOwner(CaseHeaderKey, OrgObjectLinkDtls) - Method in class curam.core.sl.base.CaseUserRole
Method to validate a case owner.
- validateCaseReopen(ReactivationDtls) - Method in class curam.core.base.IntegratedCase
Validates the case reopen functionality.
- validateCaseReopen(ReactivationDtls) - Method in class curam.core.impl.IntegratedCase
Validates the case reopen functionality.
- validateCaseSampleAmount(CaseSampleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AuditCaseSample
Method to validate the number and percentage of cases to audit.
- validateCaseSelectCriteria(CaseSelectSearchCriteria) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.CaseAudit
Validates case selection criteria entered by the user.
- validateCaseSupervisor(CaseHeaderKey, UserNameKey) - Method in class curam.core.sl.base.CaseUserRole
Method to validate a case supervisor.
- validateChanges(ApplyChangesDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.sl.infrastructure.intf.EvidenceController
Validates a list of evidence records of the same type.
- validateChanges1(CaseIDAndEvidenceTypeKey, ApplyWIPChangeDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf.Evidence
Validates the selected evidence records of one evidence type.
- validateConcernRoleSecurityResult(DataBasedSecurityResult) - Method in class curam.participant.impl.ConcernRoleImpl
Validates the result of the concern role security and location check
ensuring the user has access rights for viewing this concern role.
- validateConfiguration(CaseTypeAndCatTypeName) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseAuditConfiguration
Method to ensure that the case audit configuration can be created.
- validateDynamicUimPage(DynamicUIMMessageInputs) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.DynamicUIMAdmin
ValidateDynamic UIM Page
- validateEvidence(EIEvidenceKey, boolean) - Method in interface curam.core.sl.infrastructure.impl.EvidenceControllerInterface.EvidenceValidationEvents
Fired from EvidenceController#performValidations and
- validateExternalUserDetails(ExternalUserDetails, OperationType) - Method in class curam.core.sl.base.UserAccess
This class implements the following methods.
- validateFile(Blob, String) - Method in interface curam.documentservice.rest.hook.RESTFileValidationHook
The validateFile() method is the only method defined in this interface, so
the implementation of this method must provide ALL file checking and virus
- validateFocusAreas(CreateAuditCaseConfigDetails) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.CaseAuditConfiguration
Method to ensure that the correct focus area information has been entered.
- validateICSearchCriteria(CommonICSearchCriteria) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AuditCaseSample
Method to validate the IC case sample search criteria entered.
- validateImage(ConcernRoleImageDtls) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ConcernRoleImage
Validates the concern role's uploaded image.
- validateIncidentParticipantDetails1(CreateIncidentParticipantRoleDetails1) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.Incidents
Method to validate the entered participant details.
- validateInsert(EvidenceMetadataDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.sl.infrastructure.intf.EvidenceMetadata
Validates the insert evidence metadata details
- validateIntegratedCaseDetails(IntegratedCaseRegistrationDetails) - Method in class curam.core.impl.IntegratedCase
Method to validate the integrated case creation details.
- validateIntegratedCaseDetails(IntegratedCaseRegistrationDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.intf.IntegratedCase
Method to validate the integrated case creation details.
- validateInvestigationCaseSearchCriteria(CommonInvestigationCaseSearchCriteria) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AuditCaseSample
Method to validate the investigation case sample search criteria entered.
- validateLPDSearchCriteria(CommonLPDSearchCriteria) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AuditCaseSample
Method to validate the Liability PD case sample search criteria entered.
- validateManageFocusAreas(AuditPlanKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.CaseAuditFindings
Method to validate changing the focus areas associated with an audit plan.
- validateModify(EvidenceMetadataDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.sl.infrastructure.intf.EvidenceMetadata
Validates the modify evidence metadata details
- validateOrgUnitOwner(CaseHeaderKey, OrgObjectLinkDtls) - Method in class curam.core.sl.base.CaseUserRole
Method to validate an organization unit owner.
- validateOrUndoQuery(ValidateOrUndoQueryDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.SelectionQuery
Method to validate or undo a query.
- validatePDSearchCriteria(CommonPDSearchCriteria) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AuditCaseSample
Method to validate the PD case sample search criteria entered.
- validatePhoneNumber(PhoneNumberDetails) - Method in class curam.core.impl.MaintainPhoneNumber
Validates the phone number details.
- validatePositionOwner(CaseHeaderKey, OrgObjectLinkDtls) - Method in class curam.core.sl.base.CaseUserRole
Method to validate a position owner.
- validateQueries(CreateAuditCaseConfigDetails) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.CaseAuditConfiguration
Method to ensure that the correct query information has been entered.
- validateReporterDetails1(CreateIncidentParticipantRoleDetails1, IncidentDtls) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.Incidents
Method to validate the entered reporter details.
- validateReturn(ValidateReturnKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ServiceSupplier
Method to validate a supplier return.
- validateSearchTask(TaskQueryKey) - Method in interface curam.core.hook.task.impl.SearchTask
Validates the task search details before performing a search.
- validateSearchTask(TaskQueryKey) - Method in class curam.core.hook.task.impl.SearchTaskImpl
Validates search details before performing a search.
- validateSelectCriteria(CreateAuditorsDetails) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.Auditor
Validates that an auditor has
been selected for addition to the audit plan.
- validateSelectedQueryAndExternalService(SelectionQueryAndExternalCaseAuditDataKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AuditCaseSample
Method to validate that either a query or an external service has been
- validateSelectedTeam(NewOrExistingTeamDetails) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.Auditor
Method to validate that either new or existing audit team details have
been entered when a user selects to add users to both an audit plan and
audit team as part of the same action.
- validateTaskQuery(TaskQueryDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.hook.task.impl.TaskQuery
Validates the task query criteria before performing a search.
- validateTaskQuery(TaskQueryDetails) - Method in class curam.core.hook.task.impl.TaskQueryImpl
Validates the task query criteria before performing a search.
- validateUserOwner(CaseHeaderKey, OrgObjectLinkDtls) - Method in class curam.core.sl.base.CaseUserRole
Method to validate a user owner.
- validateUserPassword(UserPasswordDetails) - Method in class curam.core.sl.base.UserAccess
- validateWorkQueueOwner(CaseHeaderKey, OrgObjectLinkDtls) - Method in class curam.core.sl.base.CaseUserRole
Method to validate a work queue owner.
- view(AlertKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Alert
Returns the details of an alert.
- view(ActivityKey) - Method in interface curam.meetings.facade.intf.MeetingManagement
Facade layer operation for viewing a meeting.
- viewApprovalRequest(PDApprovalRequestKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Reads details of a product delivery approval request.
- viewAssessmentDecision(ViewAssessmentDecisionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Screening
To view the result of a screening assessment.
- viewAssignmentList1(TaskManagementTaskKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.TaskManagement
Returns a list of all the assignments for the specified task.
- viewAssignmentsForTask(TaskManagementTaskKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.TaskManagement
Returns a list of all the assignment details for the specified task
including the name of the object that task is assigned to and also the
type of that object (i.e. user, work queue, organization unit, position or
- viewAttachment(AttachmentLinkKey) - Method in interface curam.meetings.meetingminutes.facade.intf.MeetingMinutesManagement
Retrieves an attachment for viewing.
- viewAuditCaseConfiguration(AuditCaseConfigKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseAuditConfiguration
Method to retrieve the details of an audit case configuration.
- viewAuditPlan(AuditPlanKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AuditPlan
Method to view an audit plan.
- viewCaseNomineeDetails1(CaseNomineeViewKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Reads the details of a specified case nominee.
- viewClientDetails(ScreeningClientKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Screening
To retrieve the details of a specified client
- viewExternalPartyAssignmentList1(ExternalPartyTaskManagementTaskKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method retrieves the list of users and work queues currently assigned
to a task.
- viewExternalPartyHistoryText(ExternalPartyTaskManagementTaskKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
Displays task history text for the specified task when viewed for an
external party.
- viewExternalPartyTaskHome(ExternalPartyTaskManagementTaskKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method returns the details regarding a specific task for an external
- viewFocusAreaFinding(FocusAreaFindingKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseAuditFindings
Method to retrieve details of a given Focus Area Finding record
- viewHistoryForTaskList(TaskManagementTaskKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.TaskManagement
Returns a list of all the task history records associated with the
specified task.
- viewHistoryList(TaskManagementTaskKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.TaskManagement
Returns a list of all the task history records associated with the
specified task.
- viewHistoryText(TaskManagementTaskKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.TaskManagement
Returns a list of the unformatted task history records for the specified
- viewInboxOptionsSummaryForUser() - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Inbox
Returns the inbox options summary for the currently logged on user.
- viewIncident1(IncidentKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Incidents
Method for viewing an Incident in the system.
- viewIncidentDetails(IncidentKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Incidents
Method to read Incident details.
- viewIncidentInjury(IncidentAndInjuryKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IncidentInjuries
Retrieves the incident injury details.
- viewIncidentParticipantRole(IncidentParticipantRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Incidents
Method for viewing an incident participant role.
- viewInstanceDataForOneListWDO(ListWDOInstanceKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkflowAdministration
Called by an administrator from the workflow section of the admin
application to return the instance data for a specified list workflow data
- viewIssueApprovalRequest(IssueApprovalRequestKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IssueDelivery
This method is used to view a resolution approval request homepage.
- viewJob(JobKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Method to return job details.
- viewLocationDetailsForPosition(PositionIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Method to return a list of locations associated with a position.
- viewMainMeetingActionDetails(MeetingActionKey, MeetingMinutesKey) - Method in interface curam.meetings.meetingminutes.facade.intf.MeetingMinutesManagement
Returns the main details for a meeting action.
- viewMeetingActionDetails(MeetingActionKey) - Method in interface curam.meetings.meetingminutes.facade.intf.MeetingMinutesManagement
View the basic details of a task.
- viewMeetingActionHistory(TaskManagementTaskKey) - Method in interface curam.meetings.meetingminutes.facade.intf.MeetingMinutesManagement
Returns the meeting action history and context description for a given
meeting action ID.
- viewMeetingInline(ActivityKey) - Method in interface curam.meetings.facade.intf.MeetingManagement
Facade layer operation for viewing a meeting.
- viewOrganisationStructure1(OrganisationStructureKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Method to view organization structure details.
- viewOrganisationUnit(OrgStructureAndOrgUnitKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Method to return organization unit details.
- viewOrgUnitMWApproval(MilestoneWaiverApprovalCheckKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.MaintainMilestoneWaiverApproval
This method calls the view approval method in the service layer and
returns the milestone waiver approval check details based on the milestone
waiver approval check id.
- viewPaymentGroup(PaymentGroupKey) - Method in interface curam.paymentgroup.facade.intf.PaymentGroupAdmin
Retrieves payment group and related product details.
- viewPosition(OrgStructureAndPositionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Method to return position details.
- viewProcessInstance(ProcessInstanceKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkflowAdministration
Called by an administrator from the workflow section of the admin
application to return the details of a workflow process instance.
- viewProcessInstanceActivity(ProcessInstanceActivityKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkflowAdministration
Called by an administrator from the workflow section of the admin
application to return the details of a specific activity in a workflow
process instance.
- viewProcessInstanceForAlert(AlertKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Alert
Returns the XML representing the graph of the process instance associated
with the specified alert.
- viewReadOnlyActivityDetails(ViewReadOnlyStandardActivityKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Activity
Read activity details to be displayed for an activity where user can only
view details.
- viewReadOnlyRecurringActivityDetails(ViewReadOnlyRecurringActivityKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Activity
Reads a recurring organization activity, based on the pattern selected,
for a specified user for read only purposes.
- viewRecurringUserActivity(ViewRecurringUserActivityKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Activity
Retrieves the details of the specified recurring activity.
- viewRepresentativeHomePage(RepresentativeKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Representative
Method to view a Representative's Homepage details.
- viewScreeningAssessment(ScreeningAssessmentConfigKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Resource
Retrieves a specific relationship details between a Screening
Configuration and an Assessment Configuration.
- viewScreeningCaseApprovalCheck(ScreeningCaseApprovalCheckKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Screening
Allows an administrator to view a approval check.
- viewScreeningConfiguration(ScreeningConfigurationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Resource
Gets the Screening Configuration details requested.
- viewSelectedUserRecurringActivity(ViewSelectedUserActivityKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Activity
Retrieves details of the specified recurring activity for the specified
- viewSelectedUserStandardActivity(ViewSelectedUserActivityKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Activity
Returns details of the specified activity for the specified user.
- viewSituation(SituationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Situation
Method to read a Situation record.
- viewStandardUserActivity(ViewStandardUserActivityKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Activity
Retrieves the details of the specified activity.
- viewTargetSystem(TargetSystemKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.MaintainTargetSystem
This method is intended to be used by administrators for displaying the
specified target system details.
- viewTargetSystemService(TargetSystemServiceKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.MaintainTargetSystemService
This method is intended to be used by administrators for reading the
target system service details.
- viewTaskHistoryDetails(TaskHistoryKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.TaskManagement
Returns the details of one task history life cycle event.
- viewTaskHome(TaskManagementTaskKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.TaskManagement
Returns the full details of the specified task including the task subject
and also the task deadline date time.
- viewUserLanguagesSkill(UserSkillKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
This method returns User Language Details
- viewUserMWApproval(MilestoneWaiverApprovalCheckKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.MaintainMilestoneWaiverApproval
This method calls the view approval method in the service layer and
returns the milestone waiver approval check details based on the milestone
waiver approval check id.
- viewWaitListEntryDetails(WaitListEntryKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WaitList
Returns the wait list entry details for the wait list entry to be viewed.
- viewWaitListEntryToDeferReview(WaitListEntryKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WaitList
Returns the review date and the expiry date for the wait list entry to be
- visualiseExternalPartyProcessInstanceForTask(ExternalPartyTaskManagementTaskKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method retrieves the XML necessary to visualize a process instance
associated with a task.
- visualiseProcessInstanceForAlert(AlertKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Alert
- visualiseProcessInstanceForTask(TaskManagementTaskKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.TaskManagement
Returns the XML representing the graph of the process instance associated
with the specified task.