- Tab - Class in curam.core.facade.uiadmin.base
- Tab() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.uiadmin.base.Tab
- Tab - Interface in curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf
- TabDetailFormatter - Class in curam.core.sl.base
- TabDetailFormatter() - Constructor for class curam.core.sl.base.TabDetailFormatter
- TabDetailFormatter - Class in curam.core.sl.impl
This process class provides the functionality for the Participant tab
- TabDetailFormatter() - Constructor for class curam.core.sl.impl.TabDetailFormatter
- TabDetailFormatter - Interface in curam.core.sl.intf
- TabDetailFormatterFactory - Class in curam.core.sl.fact
Factory class to create an instance of
class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
- TabDetailsHelper - Class in curam.core.sl.impl
This class contains helper methods to display tab details.
- TabDetailsHelper() - Constructor for class curam.core.sl.impl.TabDetailsHelper
- TabFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.uiadmin.fact
Factory class to create an instance of
class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
- target - Variable in class curam.participantmessages.impl.ParticipantMessageLink
The URL or 'href' value of this link.
- targetID() - Method in interface curam.core.sl.infrastructure.assessment.impl.DeterminationIntervalObjective
The identifier of the target of this objective.
- TaskActions - Interface in curam.core.hook.task.impl
Contains a number of hook points which allow for custom specific processing
of task management operations.
- TaskActionsImpl - Class in curam.core.hook.task.impl
- TaskActionsImpl() - Constructor for class curam.core.hook.task.impl.TaskActionsImpl
- TaskManagement - Class in curam.core.facade.base
Tasks are used to assign and track the work of system users.
- TaskManagement() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.base.TaskManagement
- TaskManagement - Interface in curam.core.facade.intf
Tasks are used to assign and track the work of system users.
- TaskManagementFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.fact
Factory class to create an instance of
class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
- TaskQuery - Interface in curam.core.hook.task.impl
Contains a number of hook points which allow for custom specific processing
of task query actions.
- TaskQueryImpl - Class in curam.core.hook.task.impl
- TaskQueryImpl() - Constructor for class curam.core.hook.task.impl.TaskQueryImpl
- taskRedirectionsForUserDetails(TaskRedirectionsForUserDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Creates a task redirection record for the specified user.
- taskSearch(TaskSearchKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkAllocation
- taskSort - Variable in class curam.core.hook.task.impl.SearchTaskImpl
The task sort hook.
- timeline - Variable in class curam.core.sl.util.timelinecalendar.impl.TimelineCalendarTimeline
timeline is a Curam timeline of TimelineCalendarIntervalValue.
- TimelineCalendar - Class in curam.eligibilitytimelinecalendar.base
This process class provides the functionality for the Timeline Calendar
presentation layer.
- TimelineCalendar() - Constructor for class curam.eligibilitytimelinecalendar.base.TimelineCalendar
- TimelineCalendar - Interface in curam.eligibilitytimelinecalendar.intf
This process class provides the functionality for the Timeline Calendar
presentation layer.
- TimelineCalendarDataContainer - Class in curam.core.sl.util.timelinecalendar.impl
The is a java representation of the JSON format which is required for the
TimelineCalendar Widget relating to eligibility results
- TimelineCalendarDataContainer() - Constructor for class curam.core.sl.util.timelinecalendar.impl.TimelineCalendarDataContainer
- TimelineCalendarDataRetrieval - Interface in curam.eligibilitytimelinecalendar.impl
- TimelineCalendarFactory - Class in curam.eligibilitytimelinecalendar.fact
Factory class to create an instance of
class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
- TimelineCalendarIntervalValue - Class in curam.core.sl.util.timelinecalendar.impl
TimelineCalendarIntervalValue represents the interval value used in every
timeline in TimelineCalendar.
- TimelineCalendarIntervalValue() - Constructor for class curam.core.sl.util.timelinecalendar.impl.TimelineCalendarIntervalValue
- TimelineCalendarKeyEvents - Class in curam.core.sl.util.timelinecalendar.impl
- TimelineCalendarKeyEvents() - Constructor for class curam.core.sl.util.timelinecalendar.impl.TimelineCalendarKeyEvents
- TimelineCalendarKeyEventsDataRetrival - Interface in curam.core.sl.util.timelinecalendar.impl
Interface responsible for retrieving key events and applying a default
Interpretation of the evidence change.
- TimelineCalendarKeyEventsRulesDataRetrival - Interface in curam.core.sl.util.timelinecalendar.impl
Interface responsible for retrieving key events and applying a default
Interpretation of the evidence change.
- TimelineCalendarRow - Class in curam.core.sl.util.timelinecalendar.impl
TimelineCalendarRow represents a single row in the TimelineCalendar widget.
- TimelineCalendarRow() - Constructor for class curam.core.sl.util.timelinecalendar.impl.TimelineCalendarRow
- TimelineCalendarTimeline - Class in curam.core.sl.util.timelinecalendar.impl
TimelineCalendarTimeline represents an individual timeline which is used by
- TimelineCalendarTimeline() - Constructor for class curam.core.sl.util.timelinecalendar.impl.TimelineCalendarTimeline
- timelines - Variable in class curam.core.sl.util.timelinecalendar.impl.TimelineCalendarRow
Each row can contain multiple timelines.
- title - Variable in class curam.core.sl.util.timelinecalendar.impl.TimelineCalendarIntervalValue
String title of the interval.
- title - Variable in class curam.core.sl.util.timelinecalendar.impl.TimelineCalendarRow
title contains the string of text which is who to the user as the title of
the row.
- title - Variable in class curam.participantmessages.impl.ParticipantMessage
The title of the message.
- to - Variable in class curam.core.impl.CuramBatch
- toggleCodeTableItem(ToggleCodeTableItemKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Toggle the enabled property of a code table item.
- transactional() - Method in class curam.core.impl.BatchStreamHelper.ChunkKeyTransaction
Provide an indicator of whether this transaction should follow the ACID
- transferEvidence(EvidenceTransferDetails, CaseHeaderKey, CaseHeaderKey) - Method in interface curam.core.sl.infrastructure.impl.EvidenceInterface
Transfers evidence from one case to another.
- transferEvidence1(TransferEvidenceDetails1) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf.Evidence
Transfers the evidence from one case to another for a specified
- transferEvidenceDetails(TransferEvidenceKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf.Evidence
Delegates to the listCaseMembersAndEvidenceForTransfer method or the
getEvidenceDetailsForTransfer method based on the action id passed in.
- transferFromSuspenseAccount(TransferFromSuspenseAccountKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Transfer details from a Suspense Account to a concern's account.
- transferParticipantEvidence(TransferEvidenceDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.sl.infrastructure.intf.EvidenceController
- transferParticipantEvidence1(TransferEvidenceDetails1) - Method in interface curam.core.sl.infrastructure.intf.EvidenceController
This method transfers evidence from one case to another for a case member.
- type - Variable in class curam.participantmessages.impl.ParticipantMessage
The type of message.