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RateTable - Class in curam.core.facade.base
This process class provides the functionality for the Rate Table presentation layer.
RateTable() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.base.RateTable
RateTable - Interface in curam.core.facade.intf
This process class provides the functionality for the Rate Table presentation layer.
RateTableFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.fact
Factory class to create an instance of RateTable class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
reactivate(ReactivationDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Reopens a Product Delivery case with status as either Closed or Pending Closure.
reactivateCaseNominee1(ModifyNomineeStatusDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Modifies the specifed case nominee status to be 'Operational'.
read(ConcernRoleAlternateIDKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.impl.ConcernRoleAlternateID
Facade method to read the concern role alternate id details
read(QueryKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseQuery
Read query name and case search criteria.
read(ConcernRoleAlternateIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ConcernRoleAlternateID
Read operation is used to read the AlternativeIDDetails by concern role id.
read(QueryKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.InvestigationQuery
Read query name and investigation search criteria.
read(ProductKey) - Method in interface curam.core.intf.CachedProduct
Reads the cached Product record.
read(ProductDeliveryKey) - Method in interface curam.core.intf.CachedProductDelivery
Reads the cached ProductDelivery record.
read(ProductDeliveryCertDiaryKey) - Method in interface curam.core.intf.CachedProductDeliveryCertDiary
Reads the cached ProductDeliveryCertDiary record.
read(ProductDeliveryPatternKey) - Method in interface curam.core.intf.CachedProductDeliveryPattern
Reads the cached ProductDeliveryPattern record.
read(ProductDeliveryPatternInfoKey) - Method in interface curam.core.intf.CachedProductDeliveryPatternInfo
Reads the cached ProductDeliveryPatternInfo record.
read(ProviderLocationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.intf.CachedProviderLocation
Reads the cached ProviderLocation record.
read(SupplierReturnHeaderKey) - Method in interface curam.core.intf.CachedSupplierReturnHeader
Reads the cached SupplierReturnHeader record.
read(long, CMSLINKRELATEDTYPEEntry) - Method in interface
Method to read a file from the Content Management System.
read(EvidenceMetadataKey) - Method in interface
read(ParticipantCommentKey) - Method in interface curam.participantcomment.facade.intf.ParticipantComment
Reads the details of a participant comment.
readAbsenceReasonConfiguration(AbsenceReasonConfigurationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Reads an Absence reason configuration details.
readAction1(ActionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Action
Method to read the Action Details based on the actionID passed.
readActionAndAllegationDetails(ActionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.InvestigationDelivery
Method to read Action and associated Allegation details list.
readActionPageDetails(ReadActionPageDetailsKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkAllocation
This function is deprecated and therefore should not be used.
readActionPlan(ActionPlanKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.InvestigationDelivery
Reads details of an action plan.
readActionPlanAndAction(ActionPlanKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.InvestigationDelivery
Method to read Action Plan details and associated Action details list.
readActionPlanAndSituation(ActionPlanKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.InvestigationDelivery
Method to read Action Plan details and associated Situation details list.
readActionsMenuDetails(TabKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Tab
Updates the actions menu details for a tab.
readActiveByProductCategoryCode(PRODUCTCATEGORYEntry) - Method in interface curam.piwrapper.caseconfiguration.impl.AdminIntegratedCaseDAO
Retrieves an active AdminIntegratedCase record based on the passed in product category code.
readActiveByReference(String) - Method in interface curam.piwrapper.outcomeplan.impl.OutcomePlanActivityAdminBaseDAO
Returns an active OutcomePlanActivityAdmin record for the given reference code if one exists, otherwise returns null.
readActiveByReference(String) - Method in class curam.piwrapper.outcomeplan.impl.OutcomePlanActivityAdminBaseDAOImpl
Returns an active OutcomePlanActivityAdmin record for the given reference code if one exists, otherwise returns null.
readActiveCertification(PDCertDiaryEvidenceStruct) - Method in interface curam.core.intf.CachedProductDeliveryCertDiary
Reads the cached active ProductDeliveryCertDiary record.
readActivitiesForCase(MeetingCaseKey) - Method in interface curam.meetings.meetingminutes.facade.intf.MeetingMinutesManagement
Lists meeting activities for a case.
readActivityAttendeeList(MaintainAttendeeActivityKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Activity
Reads an Activity Attendee List based on an activity ID
readActivityContextDescription(ActivityContextDescriptionKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.Activity
Reads the description of the Activity.
readActivityDetailsAndInviteesList(ActivityIdKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Activity
Returns Activity details and Invitees list.
readActivityExternalOwnerDetails(ActivityOwnerDetailsKey) - Method in class
readActivityInternalOwnerDetails(ActivityOwnerDetailsKey) - Method in class
readAddress(ReadParticipantAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Employer
This method retrieves address details for a specified concern role address.
readAddress(ReadParticipantAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Participant
This method retrieves address details for a specified concern role address.
readAddress(ReadParticipantAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
This method retrieves address details for a specified concern role address.
readAddress(ReadParticipantAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductProvider
This method retrieves address details for a specified concern role address.
readAddress(ReadParticipantAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
This method retrieves address details for a specified concern role address.
readAddress(ReadParticipantAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
This method retrieves address details for a specified concern role address.
readAddress(ReadParticipantAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ServiceSupplier
This method retrieves address details for a specified concern role address.
readAdhocBonusCriteria(ReadAdhocBonusCriteriaKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Reads ad hoc bonus criteria details.
readAdjustmentInstruction1(ReadAdjustmentInstructionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Reads details of an adjustment instruction.
readAdminCaseRole(ReadAdminCaseRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Returns the details for a specified admin case role.
readAdminIntegratedCase1(ReadAdminIntegratedCaseKey_fo) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Reads the details of an Admin Integrated Case.
readAgeDetails(ConcernRolePersonKeyStruct) - Method in class curam.core.impl.MaintainPersonAssistant
Returns the age details of a person.
readAllDescriptionsForProperty(PropertyAndDescriptionDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.PropertyAdmin
Read all the descriptions for a property.
readAllegation(AllegationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.InvestigationDelivery
Reads an allegation details.
readAllegationForModify(AllegationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.InvestigationDelivery
Returns allegation details and a list of participants on a case that can be selected when modifying the allegation source.
readAllegationHomeDetails(AllegationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.InvestigationDelivery
Reads allegation details for the view page, including the list of allegation roles and finding details.
readAllegationRole(AllegationRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.InvestigationDelivery
Reads Allegation Role details.
readAllExternalPartyLocationHoliday(ExternalPartyReadAllLocationHolidayKey_fo) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method returns an XML string containing the Location Holidays to be displayed on the calendar when accessed from the external party navigation hierarchy.
readAllLocationHoliday(ReadAllLocationHolidayKey_fo) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Returns an XML string containing the Location Holidays to be displayed on the calendar.
readAllocationTarget(ReadAllocationTargetKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkAllocation
Called by an administrator from the workflow section of the admin application to return the details of an allocation target.
readAllocationTargetSummaryDetails(ReadAllocationTargetSummaryDetailsKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkAllocation
This function is deprecated and therefore should not be used.
readAllocationTargetSummaryDtls(ReadAllocationTargetSummaryDetailsKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkAllocation
Called by an administrator from the workflow section of the admin application to return summary details of an allocation target.
readAllOrNumberOfTransactions(CaseIDKey, boolean) - Method in class
Fetches the list of all or first 'N' transactions for a given case.
readAllProperties(ReadAllPropertiesIn) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.PropertyAdmin
Reads all the Property details from the database, optionally filtering on language code and/or category.
readAllTransactions(CaseIDKey) - Method in class
Fetches the list of all transactions for a given case.
readAllTransactions(CaseIDKey) - Method in interface
Fetches the list of all transactions for a given case.
readAllWithoutContent() - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Reads all data from available document templates except the content data.
readAllWithoutContentAndVersionNo() - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Reads all data (including the version number) from available document templates except the content data.
readAlternateID(ReadParticipantAlternateIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Employer
Retrieves the details of the specified alternate ID.
readAlternateID(ReadParticipantAlternateIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Participant
Retrieves the details of the specified alternate ID.
readAlternateID(ReadParticipantAlternateIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Retrieves the details of the specified alternate ID.
readAlternateID(ReadParticipantAlternateIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductProvider
Retrieves the details of the specified alternate ID.
readAlternateID(ReadParticipantAlternateIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
Retrieves the details of the specified alternate ID.
readAlternateID(ReadParticipantAlternateIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Retrieves the details of the specified alternate ID.
readAlternateID(ReadParticipantAlternateIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ServiceSupplier
Retrieves the details of the specified alternate ID.
readAlternateLoginEnabled() - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Read the alternateLoginEnabled flag from Enviroment.
readAlternativeName(ReadPersonNameKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Presentation layer operation to retrieve the name of the details specified
readAlternativeName(ReadPersonNameKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Presentation layer operation to retrieve the name of the details specified
readAnnouncement(AnnouncementKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Method to allow an administrator to read the details of a specified announcement that has been configured for the organization.
readAppeal(ReadAppealKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Operation to read details on a case appeal.
readApplicationNavigationDetails(ApplicationNavKeyDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.ApplicationView
Reads the navigation bar items in an external application document.
readApplicationSearchRecord(ApplicationSearchKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Allows a User to read single record across all defined Application Objects e.g.
readAppliedDeductionParticipantsWithoutProspect() - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Returns a list of the participant types the user can search on when creating an applied deduction.
readAppliedDeductionWizardDetails(WizardStateID) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Retrieves the fixed deduction details of an Applied deduction.
readApprovalCheckForInvestigation(ReadInvestigationApprovalCheckKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
This method allows an administrator to view an approval check for a particular investigation.
readApprovalEvent(ReadApprovalEventKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Reads approval event details.
readApprovalRequest(ApprovalRequestKey) - Method in interface
This method returns an ApprovalRequest record corresponding to given key.
readApprovalRequestApprovePage(ApprovalRequestReadPageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ApprovalRequest
Returns the the approval page for an approval request.
readApprovalRequestDetails(ApprovalRequestKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf.Evidence
Reads the approval request details for a evidence.
readApprovalRequestHomePage(ApprovalRequestReadPageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ApprovalRequest
Returns the the home page of the record the approval request is in relation to.
readApprovalRequestRejectPage(ApprovalRequestReadPageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ApprovalRequest
Returns the the reject page for an approval request.
readAssessment(ReadAssessmentConfigurationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Resource
Presentation layer operation to read the Assessment Configuration details.
readAssessmentCaseDecision(ReadAssessmentCaseDecisionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Reads the details of a specified case decision.
readAssessmentName(ReadAssessmentConfigurationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Resource
Presentation layer operation to read the assessment configuration name for the tab context panel (tab title).
readAssessmentRulesLink(ReadAssessmentRulesLinkKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Resource
Reads details of an assessment rules link.
readAttachment(AttachmentLinkKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Attachment
Method to read Attachment details.
readAttachment(ReadAttachmentKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Method to return attachment details.
readAttachment(AttachmentKey) - Method in class
Service layer method to read an Attachment
readAttachment(AttachmentKey) - Method in interface
The following methods are defined.
readAttachmentAndAttachmentInfo(AttachmentKey) - Method in class
Reads the details of an Attachment and its corresponding Attachment Info record.
readAttachmentAndAttachmentInfo(AttachmentKey) - Method in interface
readAttachmentLink(AttachmentLinkID) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AttachmentLink
Reads attachment link record.
readAuditorForRemoval(AuditorKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Auditor
Method to read auditor details for display.
readAuditPlanFindings(AuditPlanKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AuditPlan
Retrieves the summary finding details for an audit plan.
readAuditPlanScheduleDetails(AuditPlanKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AuditPlan
Method to return the schedule details for an audit plan.
readAuditPlanTabDetails(AuditPlanKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AuditPlan
Method to read the tab details for an audit plan.
readAuditPlanTransaction(AuditPlanTransactionLogKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AuditPlanTransactionLog
Method which returns the details of a specific transaction.
readAuditTeam(AuditorKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Auditor
Method to view the details of an audit team.
readAvailableProductsForPaymentGroup(PaymentGroupKey) - Method in class curam.paymentgroup.facade.base.PaymentGroupAdmin
Retrieves available products for payment group.
readBank(ReadBankKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Read all details for a bank.
readBankAccount(ReadParticipantBankAccountKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Employer
Retrieves bank account details for the concern role.
readBankAccount(ReadBankAccountKey_fo) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Reads the Bank Account record specified by the input key
readBankAccount(ReadParticipantBankAccountKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Participant
Retrieves bank account details for the concern role.
readBankAccount(ReadParticipantBankAccountKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Retrieves bank account details for the concern role.
readBankAccount(ReadParticipantBankAccountKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductProvider
Retrieves bank account details for the concern role.
readBankAccount(ReadParticipantBankAccountKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
Retrieves bank account details for the concern role.
readBankAccount(ReadParticipantBankAccountKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Retrieves bank account details for the concern role.
readBankAccount(ReadParticipantBankAccountKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ServiceSupplier
Retrieves bank account details for the concern role.
readBankBranch(ReadBankBranchKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Read all details for a branch.
readBannerMenuItemDetails(ApplicationKeyAndMenuItemDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.ApplicationView
Reads the details of a banner menu item on a banner in an external application document.
readBannerMenuItemParamDetails(ApplicationKeyAndParamName) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.ApplicationView
Reads the details of a banner menu item parameter on a banner in an external application document.
readBatchErrorCode(ReadBatchErrorCodeKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Reads batch error code details.
readBatchParameterDetails(ReadParameterDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Reads details on a specified batch parameter.
readBatchParameters(ReadBatchProcessKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Returns a tab delimited list of parameters for a specific batch process.
readBatchProcess(ReadBatchProcessKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Read details of a batch process.
readBatchProcessAndParamDetails(ReadBatchProcessAndParamsKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Returns the details and list of paameters for a specified batch process.
readBenefitCaseAdministrationTabDetails(ProductKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AdminTab
Reads benefit case administration tab display details.
readBenefitProduct(WizardData) - Method in interface curam.wizard.facade.intf.ProductWizard
Operation to read Benefit Product
readBenefitProduct1(ReadBenefitProductKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Reads details of a benefit product.
readBenefitSummary(WizardData) - Method in interface curam.wizard.facade.intf.ProductWizard
Operation to read Benefit Summary.
readBenefitUnderpmtHomePageDetails1(ReadHomePageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Reads the details required to populate the benefit underpayment home page.
readBusinessObjectIssuesPage(SuccessionID) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf.Evidence
Returns the Business Object Issues page name for the evidence type of the given succession ID.
readBusinessObjectIssuesPage(EIEvidenceKey) - Method in interface
Reads the issues page for the evidence business object.
readBusinessObjectPage(SuccessionID) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf.Evidence
Returns business object page name details depending on evidence type.
readBusinessObjectPage(EIEvidenceKey) - Method in interface
Reads the business object page for the given evidence.
readBusinessObjectVerificationsPage(SuccessionID) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf.Evidence
Returns the business object page name for the evidence type of the given succession ID.
readBusinessObjectVerificationsPage(EIEvidenceKey) - Method in interface
Reads the verifications page for the given evidence business object.
readByAlternateID(RepresentativeAlternateIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Representative
Method to check if there is a Representative registered with a specific alternateID.
readByAlternateID(String, CONCERNROLESTATUSEntry) - Method in interface curam.participant.impl.ConcernRoleDAO
readByAltIDTypeCode(AlternateIDTypeCodeKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.impl.ConcernRoleAlternateID
Facade method to read the concern role alternate id details
readByAltIDTypeCode(AlternateIDTypeCodeKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ConcernRoleAlternateID
Read operation is used to read the ConcernRoleAlternateIDDtls by alternate id type code.
readByCaseIDAndTypeCode(CaseIDTypeCodeKey) - Method in class
This method returns case participant role details
readByCaseReference(CaseReference) - Method in class curam.core.facade.impl.CaseHeader
Reads a case by case reference.
readByCaseReference(CaseReference) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseHeader
Reads a case by case reference.
readByIDAndCaseType(Long, CASETYPECODEEntry) - Method in interface curam.piwrapper.caseconfiguration.impl.CaseConfigurationDAO
Retrieves a case configuration record for a specific case type based on the ID of the case configuration record.
readByParticipantRole(ConcernRole, EXTERNALUSERSPARTRELTYPEEntry) - Method in interface curam.piwrapper.user.impl.ExternalUserParticipantLinkDAO
Searches for an external user link record for the specified participant role.
readByProductAndDate(ProductRulesLinkByProdAndDates) - Method in interface curam.core.intf.CachedProductRulesLink
Reads the cached ProductRulesLink record.
readByReference(String) - Method in interface curam.piwrapper.caseheader.impl.CaseHeaderDAO
Retrieves a case header instance based on the case reference.
readByReferenceAndType(OUTCOMEPLANACTIVITYTYPEEntry, String) - Method in interface curam.piwrapper.outcomeplan.impl.OutcomePlanActivityAdminDAO
Gets a reference to a logical entity which already exists on the physical database.
readByReferenceNumber(EmployerAlternateSearchKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Employer
Retrieves name and address details for an employer, specified by alternative reference number.
readByReferenceNumber(PersonAlternateIDSearchKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Since Curam
readByReferenceNumber(EmployerAlternateSearchKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
Retrieves name and address details for an employer, specified by alternative reference number.
readByReferenceNumber(PersonAlternateIDSearchKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Presentation Layer operation to return person details associated with the alternate ID specified
readByUserCaseAndType(User, CaseHeader, CASEUSERROLETYPEEntry) - Method in interface curam.piwrapper.casemanager.impl.CaseUserRoleDAO
Returns a CaseUserRole record for the specified username, or null if one is not found.
readCaseAttachment(ReadCaseAttachmentKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Operation to read Case Attachment details.
readCaseAttachmentForModify(ReadCaseAttachmentForModifyKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Reads back the details for a specified attachment.
readCaseAudit(CaseAuditKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseAudit
Method to read a case audit for display
readCaseAuditAndFocusAreaFindings(CaseAuditKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseAuditFindings
Method to read the case audit findings and the focus area findings for a specified case audit.
readCaseAuditFeedback(CaseAuditFeedbackKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseAuditFindings
Method to return display details of the feedback record
readCaseAuditFeedbackList(CaseAuditKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseAuditFindings
Retrieves a list of feedback records associated with a specified case audit.
readCaseAuditFinding(CaseAuditKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseAuditFindings
Method to read the findings for the case audit
readCaseAuditForModify(CaseAuditKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseAudit
Method to read details of a case audit to be modified
readCaseAuditTabDetails(CaseAuditKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseAudit
Method to read tab details for a case audit.
readCaseAuditTransaction(CaseAuditTransactionLogKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseAuditTransactionLog
Method which returns the details of a specific transaction.
readCaseAuditType(AuditCaseConfigKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseAuditConfiguration
Method to read the case audit type for the tab title on the View Case Audit Configuration screen.
readCaseConcernRoleName(CaseIDDetails) - Method in class curam.core.facade.impl.CaseHeader
Retrieve the ConcernPrimaryAlternateID for the concern role.
readCaseConcernRoleName(CaseIDDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseHeader
Retrieve the ConcernPrimaryAlternateID for the concern role.
readCaseContactLog(CaseContactLogKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Method to read Contact Log details for a case.
readCaseContactLogAttachments(CaseContactLogKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
returns a list of attachments associated with case contact log.
readCaseContextDescription(CaseContextDescriptionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Method to read Case context information.
readCaseDetails1(IntegratedCaseIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Reads the details of an integrated case.
readCaseDetails2(IntegratedCaseIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Reads the details of an integrated case.
readCaseEventInvitedAttendeeParticipants() - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Reads the application property to see which participant types the user can search on when inviting an attendee to an activity.
readCaseHeader(CaseIDDetails) - Method in class curam.core.facade.impl.CaseHeader
Reads a case by case id.
readCaseHeader(CaseIDDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseHeader
Reads a case by case id.
readCaseHeaderAuditFeedBack(CaseAuditKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseAuditFindings
Method to read the details of a case using case audit ID.
readCaseHeaderICHomePageName(CaseKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.impl.CaseHeader
Retrieve the Integrated Case home page name for a specified CaseID.
readCaseHeaderICHomePageName(CaseKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseHeader
Retrieve the Integrated Case home page name.
readCaseHeaderIntegratedCaseIDByCaseID(CaseKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.impl.CaseHeader
Retrieve the IntegratedCaseID for a specified caseID.
readCaseHeaderIntegratedCaseIDByCaseID(CaseKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseHeader
Retrieve the IntegratedCaseID for a specified caseID.
readCaseIDandEvidenceType(EvidenceDescriptorKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf.Evidence
Returns case ID , related ID and the Evidence type details for an Evidence.
readCaseIDandParticipantRoleIDDetails(CaseParticipantRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Reads the case id and participant role id for a case particpant.
readCaseIDByReference(CaseReference) - Method in class
Returns a case ID and case type based on a case reference value.
readCaseMember1(ReadClientRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Reads details of a case member.
readCaseNomineeContextDescription(CaseNomineeContextDescriptionKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.Case
Method to return CaseNominee context description.
readCaseObjectiveContextDescription(CaseObjectiveContextDescriptionKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.Case
Method to read case and objective context specific information.
readCaseParticipantDetails(CaseIDDetails) - Method in class curam.core.facade.impl.CaseHeader
Reads case participant details by case id.
readCaseParticipantDetails(CaseIDDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseHeader
Reads case participant details by case id.
readCaseReferenceAndStatusByCaseID(CaseIDDetails) - Method in class curam.core.facade.impl.CaseHeader
Reads case reference and status by case id.
readCaseReferenceAndStatusByCaseID(CaseIDDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseHeader
Reads case reference and status by case id.
readCaseReferenceByCaseID(CaseIDDetails) - Method in class curam.core.facade.impl.CaseHeader
Reads case reference by case id.
readCaseReferenceByCaseID(CaseIDDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseHeader
Reads case reference by case id.
readCashExclusionDate(ReadAllExclusionDateKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Return a list of dates to the Cash payment calendar on which Cash payments cannot be processed by the organization.
readCertification(MaintainCertificationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Reads the certification details for a product delivery.
readCertificationFrequency(ReadProductDeliveryFreqKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Reads the certification frequency of a product delivery.
readChequeExclusionDate(ReadAllExclusionDateKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Return a list of dates to the Check payment calendar on which Check payments cannot be processed by the organization.
readChildren(ShortcutPanelKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.ShortcutPanel
Reads the children elements associated with a section shortcut panel configuration.
readCitizenship(ReadCitizenshipKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Retrieves the details of the specified citizenship, along with a context description.
readCitizenship(ProspectReadCitizenshipKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Prospect
Since Curam replaced with . This method is deprecated because 'Prospect' participant type is no longer in use. Equivalent method from ProspectPerson can be used instead. See release note : CR00348318. Presentation layer operation to read details of a citizenship for a prospect.
readCitizenship(ReadCitizenshipKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Retrieves the details of the specified citizenship, along with a context description.
readClientEvidence(ReadPersonKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Reads the client's evidence details.
readClientRole1(ReadClientRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Reads details of a concern case role.
readCloseUserDetails(UserKeyStruct) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Reads the details to display on close user page.
readClosureDetails(CaseHeaderKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.InvestigationDelivery
Returns the case closure details for an investigation delivery.
readClosureDetails(ReadCaseClosureKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Reads the closure details for a product delivery.
readClosureDetails1(CloseCaseDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IssueDelivery
Reads the closure details for an issue case.
readCodeDetails(ReadCodeTableItemKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Reads the details for a specified codetable item.
readCodeTable(CodeTableName) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Reads the details for a specified codetable.
readCodetableHierarchyDetails(CodeTableName) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Reads the hierarchy details for a particular codetable.
readCodeTableItem(ReadCodeTableItemKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Reads the details for a specified codetable item.
readCollaborationConfiguration() - Method in interface curam.collaboration.facade.intf.Collaboration
Reads the collaboration configuration determining if the system is configured to allow collaboration on cases.
readCommunication(ReadCommunicationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Reads the details of a communication on a case.
readCommunicationAttachment(ReadAttachmentKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Employer
Method to return communication attachment details.
readCommunicationAttachment(ReadAttachmentKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Participant
Method to return communication attachment details.
readCommunicationAttachment(ReadAttachmentKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Method to return communication attachment details.
readCommunicationAttachment(ReadAttachmentKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductProvider
Method to return communication attachment details.
readCommunicationAttachment(ReadAttachmentKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
Method to return communication attachment details.
readCommunicationAttachment(ReadAttachmentKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Method to return communication attachment details.
readCommunicationAttachment(ReadAttachmentKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ServiceSupplier
Method to return communication attachment details.
readCommunicationException(ReadParticipantCommunicationExceptionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Employer
Retrieves the details of a specified communication exception.
readCommunicationException(ReadParticipantCommunicationExceptionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Participant
Retrieves the details of a specified communication exception.
readCommunicationException(ReadParticipantCommunicationExceptionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Retrieves the details of a specified communication exception.
readCommunicationException(ReadParticipantCommunicationExceptionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductProvider
Retrieves the details of a specified communication exception.
readCommunicationException(ReadParticipantCommunicationExceptionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
Retrieves the details of a specified communication exception.
readCommunicationException(ReadParticipantCommunicationExceptionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Retrieves the details of a specified communication exception.
readCommunicationException(ReadParticipantCommunicationExceptionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ServiceSupplier
Retrieves the details of a specified communication exception.
readConcernContact(ReadContactKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Employer
Reads a contact for a participant.
readConcernContact(ReadContactKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Participant
This method returns details of a contact for a participant.
readConcernContact(ReadContactKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
This method returns details of a contact for a participant.
readConcernContact(ReadContactKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
This method returns details of a contact for a participant.
readConcernContact(ReadContactKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
This method returns details of a contact for a participant.
readConcernRole(ConcernRoleKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.impl.ConcernRole
Retrieve the Concern Role details for the specified concernRoleID.
readConcernRole(ConcernRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ConcernRole
Retrieve the Concern Role details for the specified concernRoleID.
readConcernRoleAttachment(ConcernRoleAttachmentLinkKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ConcernRoleAttachment
Method to read an attachment for a participant.
readConcernRoleID(CaseParticipantRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Reads the concern role id for a member of an integrated case.
readConcernRoleName(ConcernRoleIDKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.impl.ConcernRole
Reads the name of a concern role.
readConcernRoleName(ConcernRoleIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ConcernRole
Reads the name of a concern role.
readConcernRoleNames(ClientMergeParticipantKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ClientMerge
Returns the concern role name for the original and duplicate concern role.
readConcernRolePreferredCommunication(ConcernRoleKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.impl.ConcernRole
Retrieves a concern role preferred communication details for this concern role.
readConcernRolePreferredCommunication(ConcernRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ConcernRole
Reads the preferred communication of a concern role.
readConcernRolePrimaryAlternateID(ConcernRoleKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.impl.CaseHeader
Retrieve the ConcernPrimaryAlternateID for the concern role for a specified concernRoleID.
readConcernRolePrimaryAlternateID(ConcernRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseHeader
Retrieve the ConcernPrimaryAlternateID for the concern role.
readConcernRoleType(ReadParticipantConcernRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Employer
Reads the concern role type for a participant.
readConcernRoleType(ReadParticipantConcernRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Participant
Reads the concern role type for a participant.
readConcernRoleType(ReadParticipantConcernRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Reads the concern role type for a participant.
readConcernRoleType(ReadParticipantConcernRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductProvider
Reads the concern role type for a participant.
readConcernRoleType(ReadParticipantConcernRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
Reads the concern role type for a participant.
readConcernRoleType(ReadParticipantConcernRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Reads the concern role type for a participant.
readConcernRoleType(ReadParticipantConcernRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ServiceSupplier
Reads the concern role type for a participant.
readConfiguration(RuleObjPropConfigKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.propagator.intf.RuleObjectPropagatorConfiguration
Reads the details of a configuration.
readContact(ReadContactKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Employer
Since Curam 6.0 SP3, replaced by #readConcernContact(). The return struct of the current method readContact has an aggregation to the struct ConcernContactDtls, the attribute statusCode in the struct ConcernContactDtls is modeled with a domain of CONTACTSTATUS code-table, but the corresponding entity attribute ConcernRoleContactDtls.statusCode is modeled with a domain of RECORD_STATUS_CODE. So new method is introduced to return new struct ReadConcernContactDetails which has an aggregation to the new struct ConcernContactRMultiDtls where the attribute statusCode is modeled with a domain of RECORD_STATUS_CODE. See release note: CEF-8999.
readContact(ReadContactKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Participant
Since Curam 6.0 SP3, replaced by #readConcernContact(). The return struct of the current method readContact has an aggregation to the struct ConcernContactDtls, the attribute statusCode in the struct ConcernContactDtls is modeled with a domain of CONTACTSTATUS code-table, but the corresponding entity attribute ConcernRoleContactDtls.statusCode is modeled with a domain of RECORD_STATUS_CODE. So new method is introduced to return new struct ReadConcernContactDetails which has an aggregation to the new struct 'ConcernContactRMultiDtls' where the attribute statusCode is modeled with a domain of RECORD_STATUS_CODE. See release note:CEF-8999.
readContact(ReadContactKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Since Curam 6.0 SP3, replaced by #readConcernContact(). The return struct of the current method readContact has an aggregation to the struct ConcernContactDtls, the attribute statusCode in the struct ConcernContactDtls is modeled with a domain of CONTACTSTATUS code-table, but the corresponding entity attribute ConcernRoleContactDtls.statusCode is modeled with a domain of RECORD_STATUS_CODE. So new method is introduced to return new struct ReadConcernContactDetails which has an aggregation to the new struct ConcernContactRMultiDtls where the attribute statusCode is modeled with a domain of RECORD_STATUS_CODE. See release note: CEF-8999.
readContact(ReadContactKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductProvider
This method returns details of a contact for a participant.
readContact(ReadContactKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
Since Curam 6.0 SP3, replaced by readConcernContact() .The return struct of the current method readContact has an aggregation to the struct ConcernContactDtls, the attribute statusCode in the struct ConcernContactDtls is modeled with a domain of CONTACTSTATUS code-table, but the corresponding entity attribute ConcernRoleContactDtls.statusCode is modeled with a domain of RECORD_STATUS_CODE. So new method is introduced to return new struct ReadConcernContactDetails which has an aggregation to the new struct ConcernContactRMultiDtls where the attribute statusCode is modeled with a domain of RECORD_STATUS_CODE. See release note: CEF-8999.
readContact(ReadContactKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Since Curam 6.0 SP3, replaced by readConcernContact() .The return struct of the current method readContact has an aggregation to the struct ConcernContactDtls, the attribute statusCode in the struct ConcernContactDtls is modeled with a domain of CONTACTSTATUS code-table, but the corresponding entity attribute ConcernRoleContactDtls.statusCode is modeled with a domain of RECORD_STATUS_CODE. So new method is introduced to return new struct ReadConcernContactDetails which has an aggregation to the new struct 'ConcernContactRMultiDtls' where the attribute statusCode is modeled with a domain of RECORD_STATUS_CODE. See release note: CEF-8999.
readContact(ReadContactKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ServiceSupplier
This method returns details of a contact for a participant.
readContactLog1(ContactLogKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ContactLog
Reads the details for the contact log.
readContactLogAttachments(ContactLogKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ContactLog
returns a list of attachments associated with contact log
readContactLogCaseDetails(ContactLogKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ContactLog
Reads contact tab details.
readContactLogDetails(ContactLogKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ContactLog
Since Curam, replaced with previewContactLogs(ContactLogPreviewIDKey).This method has been deprecated as the create date sholud be displayed as datetime. See release note: CR00348367. Reads contact tab details.
readContactLogForModify(ContactLogKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ContactLog
Method to read Contact Log details for the modify screen.
readContactLogNarrative(ContactLogKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ContactLog
Reads the contact log narrative details.
readContextDescription(ActivityContextKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Activity
Reads the description of the Activity.
readContextDescription(AlertContextKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Alert
Returns the context description for an alert.
readContextDescription(CommunicationContextKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Communication
Method return the context description for a communication.
readContextDescription(ParticipantContextKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Employer
Retrieves a context description for the specified participant.
readContextDescription(ListTaskKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Inbox
Returns the context description for specified inbox.
readContextDescription(ParticipantContextKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Retrieves a context description for the specified participant.
readContextDescription(ParticipantContextKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
Retrieves a context description for the specified participant.
readContextDescription(ParticipantContextKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Retrieves a context description for the specified participant.
readContextDescription(TaskManagementTaskKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.TaskManagement
Returns the context description for the specified task.
readContract(ReadServiceSupplierContractKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ServiceSupplier
Reads a Service Contract.
readContractDetails(ReadCaseContractKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Reads details for a contract and also tasks due on an integrated case.
readCorrection(ReadBenefitProductKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Reads details of a payment correction product.
readCreatePage(EvidenceKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf.Evidence
Returns create page name details depending on evidence type. workspaces.
readCreatePage(EIEvidenceKey) - Method in interface
Reads the create page for the evidence.
readCreateResolvePage(EvidenceKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf.Evidence
Returns create resolve page name based on evidence nature.
readCreateResolvePage(EIEvidenceKey) - Method in interface
Returns create resolve page name based on evidence nature.
readCreateStaticEvdPage(CaseIDAndEvidenceTypeKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf.Evidence
Returns create evidence page for static evidence type.
readCreditDebitType(ReadInstructionLineItemKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Reads the credit debit type details.
readCriteria(CriteriaKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.SelectionQuery
Method to read criteria associated with a selection query.
readCurrencyExchange(ReadCurrencyExchangeKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Reads the currency exchange record specified by the input key.
readCurrentApprovalRequest(EvidenceDescriptorKey) - Method in class
This method is called from within the controller.
readCurrentStatusByCase(CaseHeader) - Method in interface curam.piwrapper.casemanager.impl.CaseStatusDAO
Reads the current case status record for the specified case.
readDailySchedule(DailyScheduleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Reads the details of a daily schedule record.
readDailyScheduleContextDescription(DailyScheduleKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.Organization
gets the context description for a daily schedule
readDeadlineDetails(TaskManagementTaskKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.TaskManagement
Returns the deadline details of a task.
readDebitsForAllocation1(AllocationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Returns a list of debits against which a credit can be allocated.
readDecision(ReadCaseDecisionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Read a case decision for a product delivery.
readDecisionComparisonTabDetail(DecisionComparisonHeaderKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.DecisionComparisonTab
Reads the details required for the decision comparison tab.
readDeduction(DeductionProductLinkKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Retrieves the details for a specified Product Deduction record.
readDeduction(DeductionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Resource
Retrieves the details for a specified Deduction record.
readDeduction1(ReadDeductionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Reads the details of an applied deduction.
readDeductionByName(DeductionNameCaseID) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Resource
Presentation layer operation to return the case deduction items for a given deduction name.
readDeductionCategory(ReadDeductionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Reads the category for a case deduction.
readDeductionLiabilityDetails(CaseIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Reads the deduction details to be displayed on the create deduction details page.
readDeductionPaymentDetails(ReadFinInstructionIDAndDeductionDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Reads the deduction payment for a product delivery.
readDefaultDeductionDetails(DefaultDeductionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Reads the initial data for the creation of applied, fixed and variable deductions.
readDeferredProcessError(DeferredProcessNameAndIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkflowAdministration
Called by an administrator from the workflow section of the admin application to return the details of an error associated with a specific workflow process instance.
readDeliveryMethod(ReadDeliveryMethodKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Resource
Reads details of a delivery method.
readDeliveryMethodIndicators(DeliveryMethodType) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
This method sets indicators based on the type of delivery method used.
readDeliveryPattern(WizardData) - Method in interface curam.wizard.facade.intf.ProductWizard
Operation to read Delivery Pattern.
readDeliveryPatternCommentsTextTranslation(LocalizableTextDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
This method is indented to be used by users to read localizable text translation of DeliverPattern Comments.
readDeliveryPatternNameTextTranslation(LocalizableTextDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
This method is indented to be used by users to read localizable text translation of DeliverPattern name.
readDescriptionTextTranslation(LocalizableTextDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization

This method is intended to be used by users responsible for reading the text translations for the Organisation attribute,


readDetails(ApplicationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.ApplicationView
Reads the details for an application.
readDetails(SectionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Section
Reads the section details.
readDetails(ShortcutPanelKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.ShortcutPanel
Reads the details for a section shortcut panel configuration.
readDetails(TabKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Tab
Reads the tab details.
readDetailsPanel(ApplicationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.ApplicationView
Reads the details panel for an application.
readDetailsPanel(SectionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Section
Reads the details panel details.
readDetailsPanel(TabKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Tab
Reads the details panel for a tab.
readDocumentTemplate1(ReadDocumentTemplateKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Reads the details of a specified document template.
readDuplicateByConcernRole(ConcernRoleDuplicateKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ClientMerge
Retrieves the details for a specified concern role duplicate.
readDynamicEvidenceObject(EvidenceDescriptorKey) - Method in class
Read dynamic evidence object for an evidence descriptor key.
readDynamicUimPage(DynamicUimPageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.DynamicUIMAdmin
Read dynamic UIM page
readEducation(EducationReadKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Presentation layer operation to read an education record based on the education record key
readEducation(EducationReadKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Presentation layer operation to read an education record based on the education record key
readEducationalInstitute(MaintainConcernRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ParticipantTab
Reads Educational Institute tab details.
readEducationalInstituteHomePageDetails(ConcernRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.EducationalInstitute
Reads information required to display on the Educational Institute Home page
readEducationalInstituteToModify(ConcernRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.EducationalInstitute
This method is used to read an Educational Institute to modify.
readEFTExclusionDate(ReadAllExclusionDateKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Return a list of dates to the EFT payment calendar on which EFT payments cannot be processed by the organization.
readEligibleCaseGroupMembers(CaseIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Returns a list of previously determined eligible case members.
readEmail(ReadEmailCommKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Communication
Method read an email communication
readEmailAddress(ReadParticipantEmailAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Employer
Retrieves the details of the specified email address.
readEmailAddress(ReadParticipantEmailAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Participant
Retrieves the details of the specified email address.
readEmailAddress(ReadParticipantEmailAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Retrieves the details of the specified email address.
readEmailAddress(ReadParticipantEmailAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductProvider
Retrieves the details of the specified email address.
readEmailAddress(ReadParticipantEmailAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
Retrieves the details of the specified email address.
readEmailAddress(ReadParticipantEmailAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Retrieves the details of the specified email address.
readEmailAddress(ReadParticipantEmailAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ServiceSupplier
Retrieves the details of the specified email address.
readEmailAndCaseMember(ReadEmailCommKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Communication
Method read an email communication and case member details.
readEmployer(MaintainConcernRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ParticipantTab
Reads Employer tab details.
readEmployerDetails(ReadEmployerDetailsKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Employer
Retrieves details for the specified employer.
readEmployerDetails(CaseParticipantRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Reads the details for an employer case participant on an integrated case.
readEmployerDetails(ReadEmployerDetailsKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
Retrieves details for the specified employer.
readEmployment(ReadEmploymentKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
This method retrieves details for an existing employment for a participant.
readEmployment(ProspectReadEmploymentKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Prospect
Since Curam replaced with . This method is deprecated because 'Prospect' participant type is no longer in use. Equivalent method from ProspectPerson can be used instead. See release note : CR00348318. Presentation layer operation to read details of an employment for a prospect.
readEmployment(ReadEmploymentKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
This method retrieves details for an existing employment for a participant.
readEmploymentWorkingHour(EmploymentWorkingHourKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Presentation layer operation to read an employment working hour record.
readEmploymentWorkingHour(EmploymentWorkingHourKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Presentation layer operation to read an employment working hour record.
readEmploymentWorkingHourContextDescription(EmploymentWorkingHourContextDescriptionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Returns the employment working hour context description.
readEmploymentWorkingHourContextDescription(EmploymentWorkingHourContextDescriptionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Returns the employment working hour context description.
readEvidence(EIEvidenceKey) - Method in interface
Method for read case evidence.
readEvidenceApprovalCheck(ReadEvidenceApprovalCheckKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Reads details of an evidence approval check.
readEvidenceDescriptor(EvidenceDescriptorKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf.Evidence
Returns Evidence Descriptor details for an evidence entity.
readEvidenceDescriptorByRelatedIDAndType(RelatedIDAndEvidenceTypeKey) - Method in interface
This method reads Evidence Descriptor details using related ID and type.
readEvidenceDescriptorDtls(EvidenceDescriptorKey) - Method in interface
This method returns Evidence Descriptor entity details for a given Evidence Descriptor entity key.
readEvidenceForm(ReadEvidenceFormKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Resource
Presentation layer operation to read Evidence Form details.
readEvidenceGroupPage(ReadEvidenceGroupPageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Returns details of an Evidence Group Page for a specific Product.
readEvidenceMetadata(EvidenceMetadataKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Reads Evidence Metadata details.
readEvidencePage(ReadEvidencePageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Returns details of an Evidence Page for a specific Product.
readEvidenceSiteMapDetails(CaseKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf.Evidence
Returns the site map details for the product.
readEvidenceSiteMapDetails(CaseKey) - Method in interface
This method returns a filtered list of site map details for a given case.
readEvidenceTabHeaderDetails(CaseKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf.Evidence
Returns the header details for the evidence tab summary.
readEvidenceTypeDescription(EIEvidenceKey) - Method in interface
This method returns full text description of an evidence type.
readExclusionDate(ReadExclusionDateKey_fo) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
To view an exclusion date from the financial calendar for a particular delivery method.
readExpStartAndEndDate(MilestoneWaiverApprovalRequestKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.MaintainWaiverApprovalRequest
This method reads the expected start date and end date of a waiver request.
readExternalParty(MaintainConcernRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ParticipantTab
Reads External Party tab details.
readExternalPartyAddress(ReadConcernRoleAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method displays the external party address details.
readExternalPartyAdjustmentInstruction(ReadAdjustmentInstructionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method displays the external party adjustment instruction details.
readExternalPartyAlternateID(ReadConcernRoleAltIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method displays the external party alternate ID details.
readExternalPartyBankAccount(ReadConcernRoleBankAcKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method displays the external party bank account details.
readExternalPartyCommunication1(ReadRecordedCommKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method displays the external party recorded communication details.
readExternalPartyCommunicationException(ReadConcernRoleCommExcKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method displays the external party communication exception details.
readExternalPartyConcernContact(ContactReadKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method displays the external party contact details.
readExternalPartyContact(ContactReadKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
Since Curam 6.0 SP3, replaced by #readExternalPartyConcernContact(). The return struct of the current method readExternalPartyContact has an aggregation to the struct ConcernContactDtls, the attribute statusCode in the struct ConcernContactDtls is modeled with a domain of CONTACTSTATUS code-table, but the corresponding entity attribute ConcernRoleContactDtls.statusCode is modeled with a domain of RECORD_STATUS_CODE. So new method is introduced to return new struct ExternalPartyConcernContactDetails which has an aggregation to the new struct ConcernContactRMultiDtls where the attribute statusCode is modeled with a domain of RECORD_STATUS_CODE. See release note: CEF-8999.
readExternalPartyEmail(ReadEmailCommKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method displays the external party email communication details.
readExternalPartyEmailAddress(ReadConcernRoleEmailKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method displays the external party email address details.
readExternalPartyHomePageDetails(ExternalPartyKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method displays the external party home page details.
readExternalPartyInstructionLineItemDetails(ReadInstructionLineItemKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method reads details of an Instruction Line Item for an external party.
readExternalPartyInteraction(ReadInteractionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method displays the external party interaction details.
readExternalPartyLocation(ExternalPartyReadLocationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method reads details about the external party location specified by the key.
readExternalPartyMSWord(ReadMSWordCommunicationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method displays the external party Microsoft Word communication details.
readExternalPartyNote1(ParticipantNoteKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method displays the external party note details.
readExternalPartyOffice(ExternalPartyOfficeKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method displays the external party office details.
readExternalPartyPaymentInstruction(ReadPaymentInstructionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method returns details of a Payment Instruction for an external party.
readExternalPartyPhoneNumber(ReadConcernRolePhoneKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method displays the external party phone number details.
readExternalPartyProForma(ReadProFormaCommKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method displays the external party pro forma communication details.
readExternalPartyResource(ExternalPartyResourceKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method returns a resource details.
readExternalPartySecurityRole(ExternalPartySecurityRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method reads details of the security role when accessed from the external party hierarchy.
readExternalPartyUserHomePageDetails(ExternalPartyUserHomePageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
Retrieve the homepage details for a user.
readExternalPartyWebAddress(ConcernRoleWebAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method displays the external party web address details.
readExternalUserTabDetails(ExternalUserKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AdminTab
Reads external user tab display details.
readFinancialInstructionByFinID(FinancialInstructionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Retrieves Financial Instruction details using the financial instruction key.
readFinancialInstructionByFinIDStatusCode(FinancialInstructionStatusCode) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Retrieves Financial Instruction details using financial instruction key and status code information.
readFinancialInstructionType(FinancialInstructionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Reads the Financial Instruction Type.
readFinding(FindingKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.InvestigationDelivery
Method to read finding details.
readForAltID(SearchForAltIDKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.impl.ConcernRoleAlternateID
Facade method to read the concern role alternate id details
readForAltID(SearchForAltIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ConcernRoleAlternateID
Read operation is used to read the ConcernRoleAlternateIDDtls by concern role alternate id.
readForeignResidency(ReadPersonForeignResidencyKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Presentation Layer operation to read the details of a foreign residency specified by the foreign residency key.
readForeignResidency(ReadForeignResidencyKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Prospect
Since Curam replaced with . This method is deprecated because 'Prospect' participant type is no longer in use. Equivalent method from ProspectPerson can be used instead. See release note : CR00348318. Presentation layer operation to read details of a foreign residency for a prospect.
readForeignResidency(ReadPersonForeignResidencyKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Presentation Layer operation to read the details of a foreign residency specified by the foreign residency key.
readFullNameAndAddress(ReadEmployerDetailsKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Employer
Reads the employer's full name and address.
readFullNameAndAddress(ReadPersonKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Reads the person's full name and address.
readFullNameAndAddress(ReadEmployerDetailsKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
Reads the employer's full name and address.
readFullNameAndAddress(ReadPersonKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Reads the person's full name and address.
readFurtherDetails(PersonSearchMaintainConcernRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Presentation layer operation called to return further details about a person selected from the person search
readFurtherDetails(PersonSearchMaintainConcernRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Presentation layer operation called to return further details about a person selected from the person search
readFurtherDetails(ApplicationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.ApplicationView
Reads the further options details associated with an application.
readGroupDetails(NavigationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Navigation
Reads the navigation group details.
readHeader(CaseHeaderKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.InvestigationDelivery
Returns case header details for an investigation case.
readHeader1(ReadHeaderKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Reads details of the product delivery header.
readHelpBannerMenuDetails(ApplicationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.ApplicationView
Reads the details of the help banner menu in an external application document.
readHierarchyDetails(HierarchyName) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Reads the details of a particular hierarchy.
readHistoryRecordPage(EvidenceKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf.Evidence
Returns create page name details depending on evidence type.
readHistoryRecordPage(EIEvidenceKey) - Method in interface
This method returns the name of History Record Page for a given Evidence, depending upon its evidence type.
readHomePageDetails(CaseHeaderKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.paymentcorrection.intf.PaymentCorrectionCaseAdmin
Method to activate a payment correction case.
readHomePageDetails(ReadEmployerHomeKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Employer
Retrieves details to be displayed on a home page for an employer.
readHomePageDetails(ReadInformationProviderHomeKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.InformationProvider
Called to retrieve details to be displayed on the information provider home page.
readHomePageDetails(ReadPersonHomeKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Presentation layer operation to retrieve home page information for a person.
readHomePageDetails(ProspectEmployerKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
Retrieves details to be displayed on a home page for a prospect employer
readHomePageDetails(ReadProspectPersonHomeKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Presentation layer operation to retrieve home page information for a prospect person.
readHomePageDetails(ReadServiceSupplierHomeKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ServiceSupplier
Called to retrieve details to be displayed on the service supplier home page.
readHomePageDetails(ReadUtilityHomeKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Utility
Called to retrieve the details to be displayed on the specified utility home page.
readHomePageDetails1(InvestigationDeliveryKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.InvestigationDelivery
This method is used to display the investigation delivery case homepage.
readHomePageDetails1(CaseHeaderKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IssueDelivery
This method is used to display the issue delivery case homepage.
readHomePageDetails1(ReadHomePageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Reads the details to populate a product delivery home page.
readHomePageDetailsShowTasks(ReadPersonHomeKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Presentation layer operation to retrieve home page information for a person.
readICAssessmentConfiguration(ReadICAssessmentConfigurationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Resource
Reads an Integrated Case and Assessment configuration.
readICBenefitUnderpmtHomePageDetails1(ReadICProductHomePageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Reads details to populate an integrated case benefit underpayment home page.
readICEvidenceGroupPage(ReadICEvidenceGroupPageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Resource
Retrieves a specified EvidenceScreen record.
readICEvidencePage(ReadICEvidencePageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Resource
Retrieves a specified EvidenceScreen record.
readICProductHomePageDetails1(ReadICProductHomePageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Reads the home page details for a product on an integrated case.
readICSiteMapPage(ReadICSiteMapKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Resource
Reads Site Map details.
readImage(ConcernRoleImageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ConcernRoleImage
Returns a concern role's image.
readIncidentTabDetails(IncidentKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IncidentTab
Reads the details required for the Incidents tab detail panel.
readInfoByAttachmentID(AttachmentKey) - Method in interface
The following methods are defined.
readInformationalMessage(MaintainConcernRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
This method is used to read the information message.
readInformationalMessage(MaintainConcernRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Returns the list of informational message based on concernRoleKey.
readInformationProvider(MaintainConcernRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ParticipantTab
Reads Information Provider tab details.
readInformationProviderDetails(ReadInformationProviderDetailsKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.InformationProvider
Retrieves details of the specified information provider.
readInformationProviderDetails(CaseParticipantRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Reads the details for an information provider case participant on an integrated case.
readInstructionLineItemDetails(ReadInstructionLineItemKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Reads details of an instruction line item.
readIntegCaseAttachment(ReadIntegCaseAttachmentKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Retrieves the case attachment details for a specified integrated case.
readIntegratedCaseAdministrationTabDetails(AdminIntegratedCaseKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AdminTab
Reads integrated case administration tab display details.
readIntegratedCaseIDByCaseID(ResolveIntegratedCaseKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Reads to see if a case has an integrated case
readIntegratedCases(WizardData) - Method in interface curam.wizard.facade.intf.ProductWizard
Operation to read Integrated Cases
readIntegratedInvestigationHomeDetails1(InvestigationDeliveryKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.InvestigationDelivery
Returns investigation home page details for an investigation case created from an integrated case.
readInteraction(ReadInteractionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Employer
This method retrieves a person's interaction details.
readInteraction(ReadInteractionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Participant
This method retrieves a person's interaction details.
readInteraction(ReadInteractionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
This method retrieves a person's interaction details.
readInteraction(ReadInteractionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductProvider
This method retrieves a person's interaction details.
readInteraction(ReadInteractionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
This method retrieves a person's interaction details.
readInteraction(ReadInteractionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
This method retrieves a person's interaction details.
readInteraction(ReadInteractionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ServiceSupplier
This method retrieves a person's interaction details.
readInvCAssessmentConfiguration(ReadInvCAssessmentConfigKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Resource
Reads an Investigation Case and Assessment configuration.
readInvestigationAdministrationTabDetails(InvestigationConfigKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AdminTab
Reads investigation administration tab display details.
readInvestigationApprovalCheckForOrgUnit(ReadInvestigationApprovalCheckKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Allows an administrator to view a approval check for an org unit.
readInvestigationApprovalCheckForUser(ReadInvestigationApprovalCheckKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
This method allows an administrator to view a approval check for a user.
readInvestigationConfiguration(InvestigationConfigKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Returns the details for an investigation configuration record.
readInvestigationTabDetails(InvestigationDeliveryKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.InvestigationTab
Reads the Investigation tab display details.
readInvoiceExclusionDate(ReadAllExclusionDateKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Return a list of dates to the Invoice calendar on which invoices cannot be issued by the organization.
readIssueAdministrationTabDetails(IssueConfigurationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AdminTab
Reads issue administration tab display details.
readIssueCaseHeader(CaseHeaderKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IssueDelivery
This method is used to retrieve the details required to modify the issue delivery case header.
readIssueConfiguration(IssueConfigurationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Returns the details for an issue configuration record.
readIssueTabDetail(CaseIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IssueTab
Read the issue home page tab details.
readIssueTimeConstraint(IssueTimeConstraintKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Reads details of an issue time constraint record.
readJobContextDescription(JobKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.Organization
Method to return context description for specified job.
readLandingPageDetails(ApplicationKeyAndIconName) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.ApplicationView
Reads the details of the landing page in an external application document.
readLanguageDetails() - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Reads the details of all languages on the system.
readLanguageLocaleDetails(LanguageLocaleMapKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Reads the language and locale code details including the locale code list from the code table.
readLanguageLocaleMap(LanguageLocaleMapKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Reads the details of a language locale map.
readLanguageLocaleMap(LanguageLocaleMapKey) - Method in class
Read a Language Locale Map item details.
readLanguageLocaleMap(LanguageLocaleMapKey) - Method in interface
Reads a Language Locale Map details.
readLastPaymentDate(CaseIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Reads the last payment date for a product delivery.
readLiabilityCaseAdministrationTabDetails(ProductKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AdminTab
Reads benefit case administration tab display details.
readLiabilityInstruction1(ReadLiabilityInstructionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Reads details of a liability instruction.
readLiabilityOverbillingHomePageDetails1(ReadHomePageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Reads the home page details for a liability overbilling product delivery.
readLiabilityProduct(ProductKeyStruct) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
by readLiabilityProduct1. Reads details of a liability product.
readLiabilityProduct1(ProductKeyStruct) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Reads details of a liability product.
readLiabilitySummary(WizardData) - Method in interface curam.wizard.facade.intf.ProductWizard
Operation to read Liability Summary.
readLineItem(ReadLineItemKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ServiceSupplier
Presentation layer operation to read the details of a line item
readLocation(ReadLocationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Reads details about the location specified by the key.
readLocationContextDescription(LocationContextDescriptionKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.Organization
Reads the description of the Location.
readLocationHoliday(ReadLocationHolidayKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Retrieves all information about an existing location holiday.
readLocationIDByLocationHolidayKey(LocationHolidayIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
This method is intended to be used by users responsible for administrating services.
readLocationNonStandardWorkingPattern(NSPatternByDayIndexKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
This method reads the non-standard working pattern details for a specific day for a location.
readLocationStructure(LocationStructureKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Method to read the Location Structure Details.
readLocationStructureIDForLocationID(LocationKeyStruct) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Reads the location structure ID associated with the given location ID.
readLocationTabDetails(LocationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AdminTab
Reads location tab display details.
readLocationWorkingPattern(WorkingPatternKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
This method reads the details of the specified working pattern.
readMap(AddressKeyStruct) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AddressMap
Facade to return the google map location of an address.
readMeetingAttendee(MeetingAttendeeKey) - Method in interface curam.meetings.meetingminutes.facade.intf.MeetingMinutesManagement
Reads a single meeting attendee.
readMeetingAttendence(MeetingCaseKey, MeetingMinutesKey, ActivityKey) - Method in interface curam.meetings.meetingminutes.facade.intf.MeetingMinutesManagement
This operation returns meeting attendance records for all attendees who attended a particular meeting.
readMeetingDecisions(MeetingMinutesKey) - Method in interface curam.meetings.meetingminutes.facade.intf.MeetingMinutesManagement
Read back the decisions made at a meeting.
readMeetingDetailsForCase(MeetingMinutesKey, MeetingCaseKey) - Method in interface curam.meetings.meetingminutes.facade.intf.MeetingMinutesManagement
Reads the meeting minutes details.
readMeetingMinutesPageIndicators(MeetingMinutesKey) - Method in interface curam.meetings.meetingminutes.facade.intf.MeetingMinutesManagement
Reads the indicators used within conditionals for linking to pages.
readMeetingNotes(MeetingMinutesKey) - Method in interface curam.meetings.meetingminutes.facade.intf.MeetingMinutesManagement
Read the notes associated with a meeting.
readMeetingPageIndicators(ActivityKey) - Method in interface curam.meetings.facade.intf.MeetingManagement
Reads indicators used to decide conditions for page navigation
readMegaBannerMenuDetails(ApplicationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.ApplicationView
Reads the details of the mega banner menu in an external application document.
readMemberDetails(CaseParticipantRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Reads the details for a member of an integrated case.
readMemberNote1(ReadMemberNoteKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Reads the details of a member note on an integrated case.
readMenuItemDetails(MenuKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Menu
Reads the menu item details.
readMilestone(MilestoneDeliveryKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Reads the milestone details for a product delivery milestone.
readMilestoneCommentsTextTranslation(LocalizableTextDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
This method is indented to be used by users to read localizable text translation of Milestone comments.
readMilestoneConfiguration(MilestoneConfigurationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Returns the details for a milestone configuration record.
readMilestoneConfigurationLink(MilestoneLinkKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Returns milestone link details based on the milestone link id.
readMilestoneDeliveryDetails(MilestoneDeliveryKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.MaintainWaiverApprovalRequest
This method read the milestone details such as expected start date and end date configured for the milestone administratively.
readMilestoneNameTextTranslation(LocalizableTextDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
This method is indented to be used by users to read localizable text translation of Milestone name.
readMilestoneTypeTextTranslation(LocalizableTextDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
This method is indented to be used by users to read localizable text translation of Milestone Type.
readMilestoneWaiverRequests(MilestoneWaiverApprovalRequestKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.MaintainWaiverApprovalRequest
This method reads the details of waiver request..
readModifyDeductionDetails(DeductionProductLinkKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Reads deduction details to modify deduction priority.
readModifyPage(EvidenceKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf.Evidence
Returns modify page name details depending on evidence type.
readModifyPage(EIEvidenceKey) - Method in interface
This method returns the modify page name for the evidence, depending upon its evidence type.
readMSWordCommunication1(ReadMSWordCommunicationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Communication
Presentation layer method to read an Microsoft Word Communication.
readMSWordCommunicationAndCaseMember(ReadMSWordCommunicationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Communication
Presentation layer method to read an Microsoft Word Communication.
readmultiByCaseID(ProductDeliveryCertDiaryCaseIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.intf.CachedProductDeliveryCertDiary
Reads the list of cached ProductDeliveryCertDiary record.
readNameTextTranslation(LocalizableTextDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
This method is intended to be used by users responsible for reading the text translations for the Organisation attribute,


readNavigationDetails(NavigationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Navigation
Reads the details of a navigation link in an external application document.
readNavigationDetails(TabKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Tab
This method reads the navigation details associated with a tab.
readNavigationGroupChildren(NavigationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Navigation
Reads all child elements for the specified navigation group.
readNavigationType(TabKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Tab
Reads the type of navigation specified for a tab.
readNearestDeliveryPatternForCaseNominee(CaseNomineeAndEffectiveDateKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Reads the nearest active delivery pattern for a case nominee on an integrated case.
readNearestProdDelPatInfo(PDPIByProdDelPatIDStatusAndDateKey) - Method in interface curam.core.intf.CachedProductDeliveryPatternInfo
Reads the nearest cached evidence on the ProductDeliveryPatternInfo record.
readNickname(NicknameKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Reads the details for a specified nickname.
readNodeDetails(ShortcutPanelKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.ShortcutPanel
Reads the details for the specified node within a section shortcut panel.
readNomineeForUpdate(CaseNomineeViewKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Retrieves case nominee summary details which are to be modified.
readNote1(CaseNoteKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Retrieves the details of the case note specified in the key.
readNote1(ParticipantNoteKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Employer
Retrieves the details of the specified participant note.
readNote1(ParticipantNoteKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Participant
Retrieves the details of the specified participant note.
readNote1(ParticipantNoteKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Retrieves the details of the specified participant note.
readNote1(ParticipantNoteKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductProvider
Retrieves the details of the specified participant note.
readNote1(ParticipantNoteKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
Retrieves the details of the specified participant note.
readNote1(ParticipantNoteKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Retrieves the details of the specified participant note.
readNote1(ParticipantNoteKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ServiceSupplier
Retrieves the details of the specified participant note.
readNumberOfTransactions(CaseIDKey) - Method in class
Fetches the list of 'N' transactions for a given case, where 'N' is configured in the application.
readNumberOfTransactions(CaseIDKey) - Method in interface
Fetches the list of 'N' transactions for a given case, where 'N' is configured in the application.
readObjectSummaryHeaderDetails(SuccessionID) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf.Evidence
Returns the header details for the evidence business object summary.
readOfficeAddress(ExternalPartyOfficeAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method displays the external party office address details.
readOfficeMember(ExternalPartyOfficeMemberKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method displays the external party office member details.
readOfficeMemberEmailAddress(ReadConcernRoleEmailKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method displays the external party office member email address details.
readOfficePhoneNumber(ExternalPartyOfficePhoneNumberKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method displays the external party office phone number details.
readOrganisationStructureContextDescription(OrganisationStructureKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.Organization
Method to return context description for specified organization structure.
readOrganisationStructureTabDetails(OrganisationStructureKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AdminTab
Reads organization structure tab display details.
readOrganisationTabDetails(OrganisationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AdminTab
Reads organization tab display details.
readOrganisationUnitContextDescription(OrganisationUnitKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.Organization
Method to return context description for specified organization unit.
readOrganisationUnitDetailsAndUserList(OrgStructureAndOrgUnitKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Returns organization unit details and assigned user list.
readOrganisationUnitTabDetails(OrgStructureAndOrgUnitKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AdminTab
Reads organization unit tab display details.
readOrganizationContextDescription(OrganizationContextDescriptionKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.Activity
Protected Method to read organization context information.
readOrganizationContextDescription(OrganizationContextDescriptionKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.Organization
Reads the description of the Organization.
readOrganizationHomePage1() - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization

This method is intended to be used by users for reading Organisation details.

readOrganizationNonStandardWorkingPattern(ReadOrganizationNonStandardWorkingPatternKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Returns the details for a non standard working pattern day for an organization.
readOrganizationUserHomePage(ReadUserHomePageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Reads the User record specified by the input key.
readOrganizationWorkingPattern(ReadOrganizationWorkingPatternKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Reads a working pattern for an organization.
readOrgUnitCaseApproval(ReadOrgUnitCaseApprovalKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Retrieves the details of the specified organization unit case approval check information.
readOrgUnitEvidenceApproval(ReadOrgUnitEvidenceApprovalKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Retrieves the details of the specified evidence approval check information.
readOriginalAndDuplicateDetails1(OriginalAndDuplicateKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ClientMerge
Gets the original and duplicate concern role details.
readOverUnderPayment(ReadOverUnderPaymentDetailsKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Reads the over/under payment details.
readOverview() - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Placeholder method used to add the Overview Renderer to the Case.
readOverviewMessageXML() - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Reads the messages XML details of a case.
readOwner(CaseHeaderKey) - Method in class
Method to read the case owner details.
readOwner(CaseHeaderKey) - Method in interface
Method to read the case owner details.
readOwnerAndSupervisor(CaseHeaderKey) - Method in class
Reads the case owner and supervisor.
readOwnerAndSupervisor(CaseHeaderKey) - Method in interface
Method to read a case owner and supervisor.
readOwnerAndType(CaseIDDetails) - Method in class curam.core.facade.impl.CaseHeader
Reads case owner and type information by case id.
readOwnerAndType(CaseIDDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseHeader
Reads case owner and type information by case id.
readOwnerName(OrgObjectLinkKey) - Method in class
Method to read the case owner name.
readOwnerName(OrgObjectLinkKey) - Method in interface
Method to read the case owner name.
readPageDetails(NavigationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Navigation
Reads the navigation page details for a
readPageRefreshDetails(TabRefreshKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Tab
Reads the page refresh options for the specified page ID.
readParentCode(ReadCodeTableItemKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Reads the details for a parent codetable item.
readParentLocationDetails(ReadParentLocationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Method to read the parent locationID details for a location
readParticipantContactContextDescription(ContactContextDescriptionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Employer
Reads the description of the Contact.
readParticipantContactContextDescription(ContactContextDescriptionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Participant
Reads the description of the Contact.
readParticipantContactContextDescription(ContactContextDescriptionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Reads the description of the Contact.
readParticipantContactContextDescription(ContactContextDescriptionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductProvider
Reads the description of the Contact.
readParticipantContactContextDescription(ContactContextDescriptionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
Reads the description of the Contact.
readParticipantContactContextDescription(ContactContextDescriptionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Reads the description of the Contact.
readParticipantContactContextDescription(ContactContextDescriptionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ServiceSupplier
Reads the description of the Contact.
readParticipantImage(MaintainConcernRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ParticipantTab
Reads a Participants image.
readPaymentDetails(ReadPaymentDetailsKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Reads the details for a specified payment.
readPaymentGroupAndAvailableProductDetails(PaymentGroupKey) - Method in interface curam.paymentgroup.facade.intf.PaymentGroupAdmin
Retrieves payment group details and related case type list.
readPaymentInstruction1(ReadPaymentInstructionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Returns details of a Payment Instruction including the payment date.
readPaymentInstructionByPmtInstrumentID(PaymentInstrumentKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Reads payment instrument details for a payment instrument key.
readPaymentInstrument(ReadPaymentDetailsKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Reads the details for a specified payment instrument and returns indicators that can be used to conditionally display the approriate actions and details.
readPaymentInstrumentDetails(PaymentInstrumentKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Reads payment instrument details for a payment instrument key.
readPaymentReceivedInstruction1(ReadPaymentReceivedInstructionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Reads details of a payment received instruction.
readPDAssessmentConfiguration(PDAssessmentConfigurationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
This method reads the details of the association between product and assessment.
readPerson(MaintainConcernRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ParticipantTab
Reads Person tab details.
readPerson(ReadPersonKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Reads the details of the specified person.
readPerson(ReadPersonKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Reads the details of the specified person.
readPersonBannerMenuDetails(ApplicationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.ApplicationView
Reads the details of the person banner menu in an external application document.
readPersonDetails(CaseParticipantRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Reads the details for a person case participant on an integrated case.
readPersonDetails(ConcernRoleIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Reads the details of the specified person.
readPersonEvidence(ReadPersonKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Reads the person's evidence details.
readPersonEvidenceForModify(ReadPersonKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Reads the person's evidence details.
readPhoneDetailsForConcernRole(PhoneForConcernRoleKey) - Method in class
Reads the phone details by phone number ID and concern role ID.
readPhoneDetailsForConcernRole(PhoneForConcernRoleKey) - Method in interface
Reads the address details by primary address ID and concern role ID.
readPhoneNumber(ReadParticipantPhoneNumberKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Employer
Retrieves details of the specified phone number for the participant, along with a context description.
readPhoneNumber(ReadParticipantPhoneNumberKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Participant
Retrieves details of the specified phone number for the participant, along with a context description.
readPhoneNumber(ReadParticipantPhoneNumberKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Retrieves details of the specified phone number for the participant, along with a context description.
readPhoneNumber(ReadParticipantPhoneNumberKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductProvider
Retrieves details of the specified phone number for the participant, along with a context description.
readPhoneNumber(ReadParticipantPhoneNumberKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
Retrieves details of the specified phone number for the participant, along with a context description.
readPhoneNumber(ReadParticipantPhoneNumberKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Retrieves details of the specified phone number for the participant, along with a context description.
readPhoneNumber(ReadParticipantPhoneNumberKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ServiceSupplier
Retrieves details of the specified phone number for the participant, along with a context description.
readPhoneNumber(GetPhoneNumberKey) - Method in class curam.core.impl.MaintainPhoneNumber
Method to return the phone number
readPositionContextDescription(PositionKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.Organization
Method to return context description for specified position.
readPositionDetailsAndUserList(OrgStructureAndPositionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Returns position details and assigned user list.
readPositionSlotAvailability(ReadPositionSlotAvailabiliySlotID) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Reads the details of a position slot availability record.
readPriorityDetails(TaskManagementTaskKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.TaskManagement
Returns the priority details of a task.
readProcessInstanceError(ProcessInstanceErrorKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkflowAdministration
Called by an administrator from the workflow section of the admin application to return the details of an error associated with a specific workflow process instance.
readProductApprovalCheck(ReadProductApprovalCheckKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Reads details of a product approval check.
readProductCategory(WizardData) - Method in interface curam.wizard.facade.intf.ProductWizard
Operation to read Product Category.
readProductDeliveryPattern(ReadDeliveryPatternKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
This method is intended to be used by user to reads details of a delivery pattern.
readProductDetailsForPaymentGroupCreate() - Method in interface curam.paymentgroup.facade.intf.PaymentGroupAdmin
Retrieves product details for payment group creation.
readProductEvidenceFormLink(ReadProductEvidenceFormKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Reads details of a product evidence form link.
readProductID(CaseIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Reads the product identifier for a product delivery.
readProductProvider(MaintainConcernRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ParticipantTab
Reads Product Provider tab details.
readProductProvider(ReadProductProviderKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductProvider
Retrieves details for a product provider.
readProductProviderContract(ReadProductProviderContractKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductProvider
Presentation Layer operation to read the details of the specified contract for a product provider.
readProductProviderDetails(CaseParticipantRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Reads the details for a product provider case participant on an integrated case.
readProductProviderHomePageDetails(ReadProductProviderHomePageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductProvider
Presentation layer operation to get the home page details for the selected product provider.
readProductProviderLocationDetails(ReadProductProviderLocationDetailsKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductProvider
Presentation layer operation to retrieve the location details for a specified location
readProductProvision(ProductProvisionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Reads details of a product provision.
readProductProvision(WizardData) - Method in interface curam.wizard.facade.intf.ProductWizard
Operation to read Product Provision.
readProductTimeConstraint(ProductTimeConstraintKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Presentation layer method to read product time constraint record.
readProductType(ProductDeliveryKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Reads the product type for a product delivery.
readProductTypeByProductID(ProductKeyStruct) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Returns a list of products which share evidence with the specified product.
readProForma1(ReadProFormaCommKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Communication
Reads a pro forma communication.
readProFormaAndCaseMember(ReadProFormaCommKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Communication
Reads a pro forma communication and return the case member name and type.
readProperty(PropertyAndDescriptionDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.PropertyAdmin
Read the details of a property.
readPropertyDescription(PropertyDescriptionDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.PropertyAdmin
Reads the details of a property description.
readProspectEmployer(MaintainConcernRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ParticipantTab
Reads Prospect Employer tab details.
readProspectEmployerDetails(ReadEmployerDetailsKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
Method to read the details of a Prospect Employer who is registered on the system.
readProspectPerson(MaintainConcernRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ParticipantTab
Reads Prospect Person tab details.
readProspectPerson(ReadProspectPersonKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Reads the details of the specified prospect person.
readProspectPersonDetails(CaseParticipantRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Returns the details for a prospect person case participant on an integrated case.
readProspectPersonHomePage(ReadProspectPersonHomePageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Prospect
Since Curam replaced with . This method is deprecated because 'Prospect' participant type is no longer in use. Equivalent method from ProspectPerson can be used instead. See release note : CR00348318. Presentation layer operation to read the home page details of the prospect.
readProspectPersonNameDetails(ReadProspectPersonNameKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Prospect
Since Curam replaced with . This method is deprecated because 'Prospect' participant type is no longer in use. Equivalent method from ProspectPerson can be used instead. See release note : CR00348318. Presentation layer operation to read the details of a prospect person.
readProvisionLocation(ReadProvisionLocationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Reads details of a product provision location.
readProvisionLocation(WizardData) - Method in interface curam.wizard.facade.intf.ProductWizard
Operation to read Provision Location.
readQuickLink(QuickLinkKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Method to allow an administrator to read the details of a specified quick link that has been recorded for the organization.
readQuickLinkApplicationLink(QuickLinkApplicationLinkKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Method to read the details of the quick link application link recorded for the organization.
readRateByDate(DateStruct) - Method in class
Method to return the rate of taxation applicable on the specified date.
readRateCellData(ReadRateCellKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.RateTable
Reads cell data for modification.
readRateCellValue(ReadValueByColumnAndRowIndexKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.RateTable
Reads the value of a rate cell.
readRateColumn(ReadRateColumnKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.RateTable
Reads rate column data for modification.
readRateRow(ReadRateRowKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.RateTable
Reads rate row data for modification.
readRateTable(ReadRateTableKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.RateTable
Reads the details of the rate table.
readRateTableDescription(ReadRateTableDescriptionKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.RateTable
Reads the context description for RateTable.
readRateTableHeader(ReadRateTableKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.RateTable
Reads Rate Header information.
readRateTableReadOnly(ReadRateTableKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.RateTable
Reads Rate Table data for read-only purposes.
readRecordedCommunication1(ReadRecordedCommKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Communication
Read a recorded communications details.
readRecordedCommunicationAndCaseMember(ReadRecordedCommKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Communication
Read a recorded communications details.
readRecurringOrganizationActivity(ReadRecurringOrganizationActivityKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Activity
Reads a recurring organization activity based on the pattern selected.
readRecurringUserActivity(ReadUserActivityKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.Activity
Retrieves details of a recurring user activity.
readReferral(ReadReferralKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Reads details of a case referral.
readRefreshDetails(TabKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Tab
Reads all refresh options for all page IDs within a tab.
readRejectDetails(IssueApprovalRequestKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IssueDelivery
This method is used to retrieve the rejection details required to modify the issue Approval Request.
readRelatedCaseID(ReadDeductionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Reads the related case identifier for a deduction.
readRelatedCaseIDAndThirdPartyID(ReadDeductionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Reads the related case identifier and the third party concern role identifier for a case deduction.
readRelationship(ReadEmployerRelationshipKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Employer
Retrieves details of the specified relationship, along with a context description for the employer.
readRelationship(ReadPersonRelationshipDetailsKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Presentation layer operation to display relationship details for the specified key.
readRelationship(ReadProspectPersonRelationshipDetailsKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Prospect
Since Curam replaced with . This method is deprecated because 'Prospect' participant type is no longer in use. Equivalent method from ProspectPerson can be used instead. See release note : CR00348318. Presentation layer operation to read details of a relationship for a prospect.
readRelationship(ReadEmployerRelationshipKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
Retrieves details of the specified relationship, along with a context description for the employer.
readRelationship(ReadPersonRelationshipDetailsKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Presentation layer operation to display relationship details for the specified key.
readRelationship1(ReadRelationshipKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Return the details of a case to case relationship.
readReport(ReportKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Method to allow an administrator to read the details of a specified report that has been recorded for the organization.
readReportedByName(IncidentKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Incidents
Reads the full name of the reporter of the incident.
readRepresentativeContextDescription(RepresentativeContextKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Representative
Method to return a context description for a Representative.
readRepresentativeDetails(CaseParticipantRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Returns the details for a representative case participant on an integrated case.
readResolutionApprovalCheckForIssue(ReadIssueResolutionApprovalCheckKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
This method allows an administrator to view a resolution approval check for a particular issue.
readResolutionApprovalCheckForOrgUnit(ReadIssueResolutionApprovalCheckKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
This method allows an administrator to view a resolution approval check for an org unit.
readResolutionApprovalCheckForUser(ReadIssueResolutionApprovalCheckKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
This method allows an administrator to view a resolution approval check for a user.
readResolutionChangeHistory(ResolutionStatusHistoryKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.InvestigationDelivery
Reads the details required to display the record resolution change history screen.
readResolutionConfiguration(ResolutionConfigurationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Reads an existing Issue Resolution record.
readResolutionStatusHistory(ResolutionStatusHistoryKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IssueDelivery
Reads the details required to display the record resolution status history screen.
readResource(ReadResourceKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Returns a resource details.
readResourceContextDescription(OrganizationResourceContextDescriptionKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.Organization
Reads the description of the Organization.
readReturn(ReadReturnKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ServiceSupplier
Method to read a supplier return header.
readReversalInstruction1(ReadReversalInstructionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Reads details of a reversal instruction.
readReview1(ReadReviewKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Reads details of a case review.
readRuleSet() - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Read details on a specific ruleSet.
readRuleSet() - Method in interface curam.core.impl.ProductIntf
Reads the details of a specific ruleSet.
readRuleSetAssignmentDetails(ReadRuleSetAssignmentDetailsKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Reads an assignment link between products and rules.
readRulesObjective(ReadRulesObjectiveKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Reads details on a rules objective.
readRulesObjectiveTag(ReadRulesObjectiveTagKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Reads details on a rules objective tag.
readSearchCriteria(PersonMatchSearchCriteriaKey) - Method in interface curam.personmatch.facade.intf.PersonMatchSearchCriteria
Reads the person match search criteria.
readSearchDetails(ApplicationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.ApplicationView
Reads the details associated with an application search element of the application.
readSearchPageDetails(SearchPageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.ApplicationView
Reads the details for a search page within an application search element.
readSearchWithNicknamesIndicator() - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
This method returns a true/false result depending on whether the 'Search With Nicknames' environment variable is set to true or false.
readSectionDetails(ApplicationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.ApplicationView
Reads detials for the specified section.
readSecurityGroup(SecurityGroupKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Reads the details for a particular security group.
readSecurityGroupForModify(SecurityGroupKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Reads security group details for modifying purposes.
readSecurityIdentifier(SecurityIdentifierKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Reads the security identifier details.
readSecurityRole(SecurityRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Reads the details for a specified security role.
readSecurityRoleForModify(SecurityRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Read security role details for modifying purposes.
readSelectionQuery(SelectionQueryKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.SelectionQuery
Method to read a specific selection query.
readService(ReadServiceKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Resource
Reads details of a service.
readService(Long, Boolean) - Method in interface curam.providerservices.registry.impl.ServiceRegistry
Reads the details of a Service instance.
readServiceDetails(Long, Boolean) - Method in interface curam.providerservices.registry.impl.Services
readServicePlanAdministrationTabDetails(ServicePlanKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AdminTab
Reads service plan administration tab display details.
readServicesCovered(ReadServicesCoveredKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ServiceSupplier
Presentation layer operation to read the services supplied for a contract by a service supplier.
readServiceSupplier(MaintainConcernRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ParticipantTab
Reads Service Supplier tab details.
readServiceSupplierDetails(CaseParticipantRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Reads the details for a service supplier case participant on an integrated case.
readServiceSupplierDetails(ReadServiceSupplierDetailsKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ServiceSupplier
Retrieves details about the specified service supplier.
readServiceSupplierService(ReadServiceSupplierServiceKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ServiceSupplier
reads a single service Link record using the ServiceLinkKey
readServiceSupplierServiceNotSupplied(ReadServiceSupplierServiceNotSuppliedListKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ServiceSupplier
Reads a list of the services not currently supplied by a service supplier to the SSA.
readShortcutPanelRef(SectionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Section
Reads the shortcut panel reference for a section.
readShortcutsPanelDetails(SectionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Section
Reads the shortcuts panel details for a section.
readSimulationDetails(SimulationHeaderKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Returns the details of a payment simulation.
readSiteMap(ReadSiteMapKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Returns details of a Site Map for a specific Product.
readSlot(SlotKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Reads the details of a slot record.
readSlotContextDescription(SlotKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.Organization
returns the context description for a slot.
readSpecialCaution(SpecialCautionKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.impl.SpecialCaution
This method read the special caution details.
readSpecialCaution(SpecialCautionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.SpecialCaution
This method read special caution details of a concern.
readStandardOrganizationActivity(ReadStandardOrganizationActivityKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Activity
Reads a non recurring organization activity.
readStandardUserActivity(ReadUserActivityKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.Activity
Returns details of a standard user activity.
readStatusHistory(CaseStatusKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Reads the product delivery status history.
readSubMenuChildren(MenuKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Menu
Reads all children elements for the specified sub menu element.
readSubMenuDetails(MenuKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Menu
Reads details for the specified sub menu.
readSupervisor() - Method in interface curam.piwrapper.caseheader.impl.CaseHeader
Method to return the supervisor for this case header.
readSupervisorForCaseOwner() - Method in interface curam.piwrapper.caseheader.impl.CaseHeader
Method to return the supervisor based on the case owner.
readSuspenseAccount(ReadSuspenseAccountKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Reads the details of a suspense account item.
readSuspenseItemIssuerDetails(ReadSuspenseItemIssuerDetailsKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Reads suspense account issuer details.
readSystemMenuDetails(ApplicationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.ApplicationView
Reads the system menu details for an application.
readTaskDefinitionDetails(ReadTaskDefinitionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkAllocation
This function is deprecated and therefore should not be used.
readTaskDefinitionForModificationDetails(ReadTaskDefinitionForModificationDetailsKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkAllocation
This function is deprecated and therefore should not be used.
readTaskForModification(ReadTaskForModificationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkAllocation
This function is deprecated and therefore should not be used.
readTaskSummaryDetails(ReadTaskSummaryDetailsKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkAllocation
This function is deprecated and therefore should not be used.
readTaskVersionNo(TaskManagementTaskKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.TaskManagement
Returns the optimistic locking version number details for the specified task.
readTemporalEvidenceApprovalCheck(TemporalEvidenceApprovalCheckKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Method to read an evidence approval check record.
readTemporalEvidenceApprovalCheck(TemporalEvidenceApprovalCheckKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Reads details of a single Temporal Evidence Approval Check entry.
readTemporalEvidenceApprovalCheckDetails(TemporalEvidenceApprovalCheckKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Resource
Retrieves a specified TemporalEvidenceApprovalCheck record using the details provided.
readThirdPartyDeductionParticipantsWithoutProspect() - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Reads an application property to see which participant types the user can search on when they are creating a third party deduction.
readTimeWorked(TaskManagementTaskKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.TaskManagement
Returns the amount of time worked on a specified task represented as a date time.
readTradingStatus(ReadTradingStatusKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Employer
Retrieves details of an existing trading status, along with a context description for the employer.
readTradingStatus(ReadTradingStatusKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
Retrieves details of an existing trading status, along with a context description for the employer.
readTranslationRequiredInd(CaseIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Reads the primary case participant's details including if they need a translator for an integrated case.
readTranslatorRequiredForMember(IntegratedCaseIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Returns a list of case members details including if they need a translator for an integrated case.
readUnappliedDeductionWizardDetails(WizardStateID) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Retrieves the fixed deduction details of an Un-applied deduction.
readUser(ReadUserKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Reads the User record specified by the input key.
readUserCaseApproval(ReadUserCaseApprovalKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Retrieves the details of the specified user case approval check information.
readUserContextDescription(OrganizationUserContextDescriptionKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.Activity
readUserContextDescription(OrganizationUserContextDescriptionKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.Organization
Reads the description of the User.
readUserDetails(UsersKey) - Method in class
Reads user detail for the specified user.
readUserDetails(UsersKey) - Method in interface
Reads user detail for specified user.
readUserEvidenceApproval(ReadUserEvidenceApprovalKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Retrieves the details of the specified evidence approval check information.
readUserFullName(UsersKey) - Method in class
Reads user full name for specified user.
readUserFullName(UsersKey) - Method in interface
Reads user full name for specified user.
readUserLocation(UsersKey) - Method in class
Reads user location details for specified user.
readUserLocation(UsersKey) - Method in interface
Reads user location for specified user.
readUserName(UsersKey) - Method in interface
Retrieves the username for the user.
readUserNonStandardWorkingPattern(ReadUserNonStandardWorkingPatternKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Returns the details for a non standard working pattern day for a user.
readUserRole(UsersKey) - Method in class
Reads user role details for specified user.
readUserRole(UsersKey) - Method in interface
Reads user role for specified user.
readUserRoleAndContactDetails1(UsersKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Returns user names, role name and contact details.
readUserSkillContextDescription(UserSkillKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.Organization
Reads user skill context description.
readUserSummaryDetails1(UserSummaryDetailsKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Method to return a summary of a user's details.
readUserTabDetails(UsersKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AdminTab
Reads user tab display details.
readUserWorkingPattern(ReadUserWorkingPatternKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Reads a working pattern for a user.
readUtility(MaintainConcernRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ParticipantTab
Reads Utility tab details.
readUtilityDetails(CaseParticipantRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Reads the details for a utility case participant on an integrated case.
readUtilityDetails(ReadUtilityDetailsKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Utility
Retrieves details of the specified utility.
readUtilityPayment(ReadUtilityPaymentKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Presentation layer operation to read specific details of a utility payment specified by the key passed in.
readUtilityPayment(ReadUtilityPaymentKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Presentation layer operation to read specific details of a utility payment specified by the key passed in.
readValueByColumnAndRow(ReadValueByColumnAndRowKey) - Method in interface curam.core.intf.CachedRateTable
Reads the cached RateCell record.
readViewPage(EvidenceKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf.Evidence
Returns view page name details depending on evidence type.
readViewPage(EIEvidenceKey) - Method in interface
This method returns the view page name for the evidence, depending upon its evidence type.
readViewSnapshotPage(EvidenceKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf.Evidence
Returns the name of view snapshot evidence page for a given piece of evidence.
readViewSnapshotPage(EIEvidenceKey) - Method in interface
This method returns the view snap shot page name for the evidence, depending upon its evidence type.
readVoucherExclusionDate(ReadAllExclusionDateKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Return a list of dates to the Voucher payment calendar on which Voucher payments cannot be processed by the organization.
readWebAddress(ParticipantWebAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Employer
Retrieves the details of the specified web address.
readWebAddress(ParticipantWebAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Participant
Retrieves the details of the specified web address.
readWebAddress(ParticipantWebAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Retrieves the details of the specified web address.
readWebAddress(ParticipantWebAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductProvider
Retrieves the details of the specified web address.
readWebAddress(ParticipantWebAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
Retrieves the details of the specified web address.
readWebAddress(ParticipantWebAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Retrieves the details of the specified web address.
readWebAddress(ParticipantWebAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ServiceSupplier
Retrieves the details of the specified web address.
readWizardDetails(WizardStateID) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ContactLog
Retrieves the wizard details from the WizardPersistenceState(cache).
readWizardDetails(WizardStateID) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Incidents
This operation reads the wizard details cached in the WizardPersistentState.
readWizardMenu(WizardStateID) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ContactLog
Reads the wizard menu properties.
readWizardMenu(WizardStateID) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Incidents
Reads the wizard menu properties.
readWorkAllocationFunction(ReadWorkAllocationFunctionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkAllocation
This function is deprecated and therefore should not be used.
readWorkingPatternContextDescription(WorkingPatternContextDescriptionKey) - Method in class curam.core.facade.base.Organization
Reads the description of the working pattern
readWorkQueue(ReadWorkQueueKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkAllocation
Called by an administrator from the workflow section of the admin application to return the details of a specified work queue.
readWorkQueueDetailsAndSubscriberList(WorkQueueKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkAllocation
Returns work queue name, administrator user name details and subscribed organization object list.
readWorkspacePage(EvidenceKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf.Evidence
Returns workspace page name details depending on evidence type.
readWorkspacePage(EIEvidenceKey) - Method in interface
This method returns the name of workspace page for the evidence, depending on its evidence type.
readWorkspaceTypeSummaryDetails(CaseIDAndEvidenceTypeKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf.Evidence
Returns the tab name and title for the Evidence Type Workspace tab.
readWriteOffInstruction1(ReadWriteOffInstructionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Reads details of a write off instruction.
readXSLTemplate(XSLTemplateKey1) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Reads the details of a specified XSL template.
reallocate(ReallocateTaskDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.TaskManagement
Reallocates a task.
reallocate(long, String, int) - Method in interface curam.core.hook.task.impl.TaskActions
Reallocates a task.
reallocate(long, String, int) - Method in class curam.core.hook.task.impl.TaskActionsImpl
Reallocates a task.
reallocateTask(ReallocateTaskKey_eo) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkAllocation
This function is deprecated and therefore should not be used.
reassess(CasesAndReassessPeriods) - Method in interface
reassessBenefit(ReassessBenefitKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Reassesses a benefit product delivery.
reassessCaseDetermination(ReassessCreoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Reassesses the case determination on the product delivery.
reassessEligibility(DetermineEligibilityKey, boolean) - Method in interface
Provides the "Release" eligibility determination and the "PrePayment" eligibility review operations.
reassessEligibility(DetermineEligibilityKey, boolean) - Method in class
Hook point called during the AssessmentEngine.reassessEligibility() method.
ReassessEligibilityHook - Class in
This class contains a number of hooks which support custom processing during eligibility assessment.
ReassessEligibilityHook() - Constructor for class
ReassessEligibilityHookResult - Class in
Results of the reassess eligibility hook methods
ReassessEligibilityHookResult(boolean, ReassessmentResult) - Constructor for class
reassessLiability(ReassessLiabilityKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Reassesses a liability case.
ReassessmentProduct - Class in
Business object for reassessment product processing.
ReassessmentProduct() - Constructor for class
recalculate(AttributeValueRecalculator) - Method in class
recalculationRequired(AttributeValueRecalculator) - Method in class
recalculationRequired(AttributeValueRecalculator) - Method in class
receivePayment(ReceivePaymentDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Captures a payment received.
ReciprocalEvidenceConversion - Interface in
This interface contains methods that can be used by custom code to perform reciprocal evidence conversion operations.
recordCaseTransaction(String, LocalisableString, long, long) - Method in class
Inserts the Transaction Log record.
recordCaseTransaction(String, LocalisableString, long, long) - Method in interface
Inserts the Transaction Log record.
recordEvidenceChangeHistory(String, EvidenceDescriptorDtls) - Method in class
An internal method to create an Evidence Change History record.
recursiveSearchChildOrgUnit(OrgStructureAndOrgUnitKey, ArrayList<Long>) - Method in class
Method to list all the organization unit ID from parent and sub unit organization unit.
redirectTasksForUser(TaskRedirectionsForUserDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.UserTaskRedirection
Creates a task redirection record for a specified user.
refundMultipleReceivedPayments(AddMultiRefundPayments) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Refunds some or all of mutiple received payment received.
refundPaymentReceived(RefundFinancialInstructionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Refunds some or all of a payment received.
regenerateCanceledPayment(FinInstructionID) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Re-issues the canceled payment.
regenerateCanceledPaymentInstrument(PaymentInstrumentKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Method re-issues a payment instrument.
regenerateFinancials(RegenerateCaseFinancialsKey) - Method in interface
Regenerates financial components on a case.
regeneratePaymentByDeduction(RegenerateDeductionDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Reissues a payment by applying deduction.
regeneratePaymentForNominee(RegeneratePaymentForNomineeDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Re-issues a cancelled payment for either the original nominee or a specified new nominee.
register(EmployerRegistrationDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Employer
Registers a new employer with the organization.
register(InformationProviderRegistrationDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.InformationProvider
Called to register a new information provider.
register(PersonRegistrationDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Called to register a new person.
register(EmployerRegistrationDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
Registers a new employer with the organization.
register(PersonRegistrationDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Called to register a new person.
register() - Static method in class curam.core.impl.SecurityImplementationFactory
Registers a security implementation object for the current transaction based on the type of the transaction in progress.
register(DataBasedSecurity) - Static method in class curam.core.impl.SecurityImplementationFactory
Registers a given security implementation object for the current transaction.
register() - Method in interface
Implementors should use this method to add details of the evidence controller hooks to use on a product by product basis.
registerAll(Map<String, Method>) - Method in class
Registers all the maps of assessment delivery hook implementations from corresponding module class during the process of this class instance creation.
registerEducationalInstitute(EducationalInstituteRegistrationDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.EducationalInstitute
This method is used to registers an Educational Institute.
registerExternalParty(ExternalPartyRegistrationDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ExternalParty
This method registers an external party with the organization.
registerPersonFromProspect(RegisterPersonFromProspectKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Prospect
Since Curam replaced with . This method is deprecated because 'Prospect' participant type is no longer in use. Equivalent method from ProspectPerson can be used instead. See release note : CR00348318. Registers a person from a prospect person by converting the concern type to person and creating the associated concern role mandatory data not previously required when creating a prospect person. Called during application processing.
registerProductProviderWithTextBankAccountSortCode(RegisterProductProviderWithTextBankAccountSortCodeDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductProvider
Presentation layer operation to register a new product provider.
registerProspectEmployer(ProspectEmployerRegistrationDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
Registers a new prospect employer with the organization.
registerProspectEmployerAsEmployer(ProspectEmployerKey, ProspectEmployerRegistrationDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
Registers an existing prospect employer as an employer with the organization.
registerProspectPerson(RegisterProspectPersonDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Prospect
Since Curam replaced with . This method is deprecated because 'Prospect' participant type is no longer in use. Equivalent method from ProspectPerson can be used instead. See release note : CR00348318. Presentation layer operation to register a prospect person.
registerProspectPerson(ProspectPersonRegistrationDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Method to create a prospect person record.
registerProspectPersonAsPerson(ReadProspectPersonKey, ProspectPersonRegistrationDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Called to register a prospect person as a person with the organization.
registerRepresentative(RepresentativeRegistrationDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Representative
Method to register a Representative to the organization.
registerWithTextBankAccountSortCode(ServiceSupplierRegistrationWithTextBankAccountSortCodeDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ServiceSupplier
Called to register a new service supplier.
registerWithTextBankAccountSortCode(UtilityRegistrationWithTextBankAccountSortCodeDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Utility
Called to register a new utility with the organization.
reject1(ProductDeliveryApprovalKey1) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.InvestigationDelivery
Rejects an investigation delivery that was submitted for approval.
reject1(RejectCaseKey_fo1) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Rejects a product delivery.
rejectApprovalRequest(EvidenceKey, EvidenceRejectionDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf.Evidence
Rejects an Approval Request made by a caseworker against a piece of Evidence.
rejectApprovalRequest(EvidenceKey, EvidenceRejectionDetails) - Method in interface
Rejects an Approval Request for a piece of evidence.
rejectApprovalRequests(RejectedEvidenceApprovalRequestDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf.Evidence
Rejects a list of evidence Approval Requests made by a caseworker.
rejectApprovalRequests(RejectedEvidenceApprovalRequestDetails) - Method in interface
Rejects a list of Approval Requests.
rejectInvitation(ActivityInvitationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Activity
Rejects an invitation for the current user to the specified activity.
rejectResolution(RejectResolutionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IssueDelivery
This method is used to reject a submitted Resolution.
rejectWaiver(MilestoneWaiverApprovalRequestKey, RejectionReasonAndCommentsDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.MaintainWaiverApprovalRequest
This method allows to reject the waiver request.
relatedReference() - Method in interface
The related reference of this objective, if any.
reloadByCaseIDAndProductCheckType(long, int) - Method in class curam.core.base.CachedProductEvidenceSecurity
This class implements the following methods.
reloadDtlsCache(ProductDeliveryCertDiaryKey) - Method in interface curam.core.intf.CachedProductDeliveryCertDiary
Reloads the cache when a cache miss is identified.
reloadDtlsCache(ProductDeliveryPatternKey) - Method in interface curam.core.intf.CachedProductDeliveryPattern
Reloads the cache when a cache miss is identified.
reloadDtlsCache(ProductDeliveryPatternInfoKey) - Method in interface curam.core.intf.CachedProductDeliveryPatternInfo
Reloads the cache when a cache miss is identified.
reloadDtlsList(ProductDeliveryCertDiaryCaseIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.intf.CachedProductDeliveryCertDiary
Reloads the cache list when a cache miss is identified.
reloadDtlsListCache(ProductDeliveryCertDiaryDtlsList, ProductDeliveryCertDiaryCaseIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.intf.CachedProductDeliveryCertDiary
Reloads the cache list when a cache miss is identified.
reloadDtlsListCache(PDPIByProdDelPatIDStatusAndDateKey) - Method in interface curam.core.intf.CachedProductDeliveryPatternInfo
Reloads the cache list when a cache miss is identified.
reloadRateHeaderDtlsList(ReadValueByColumnAndRowKey) - Method in interface curam.core.intf.CachedRateTable
Loads the RateHeader details.
remove(AlertKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Alert
Removes an alert.
remove(SlotAllocationRemoveDetails) - Method in class
A slot allocation is retrieved for a slot on a certain date.
removeAction(ActionIDSituationIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Situation
Method to remove a action record association from a Situation
removeActivity(ActivityIdKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Activity
Removes an activity.
removeAddress(ReadParticipantAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Employer
This method removes the specified address details for the concern role.
removeAddress(ReadParticipantAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Participant
This method removes the specified address details for the concern role.
removeAddress(ReadParticipantAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
This method removes the specified address details for the concern role.
removeAddress(ReadParticipantAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductProvider
This method removes the specified address details for the concern role.
removeAddress(ReadParticipantAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
This method removes the specified address details for the concern role.
removeAddress(ReadParticipantAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
This method removes the specified address details for the concern role.
removeAddress(ReadParticipantAddressKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ServiceSupplier
This method removes the specified address details for the concern role.
removeAllegationAssociation(AllegationIDSituationIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Situation
Method to remove association between an Allegation and a Situation
removeAllegationRole(AllegationRoleKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.InvestigationDelivery
Removes an allegation participant from an allegation.
removeAllocationTargetItem(DeleteAllocationTargetItemKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkAllocation
Called by an administrator from the workflow section of the admin application to remove an item (i.e. position, job, user) from a specified allocation target.
removeAllSimulations(CaseKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Remove all of the saved payment simulations for a product delivery.
removeAssignmentCaseAudits(CaseAuditAssignDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseAudit
Method to remove the assigned auditor or audit team from the case audits for the audit plan selected.
removeAttachment(CancelAttachmentKey) - Method in interface curam.meetings.meetingminutes.facade.intf.MeetingMinutesManagement
The key to an attachment link.
removeAttendee(MeetingAttendeeKey) - Method in interface curam.meetings.facade.intf.MeetingManagement
Cancels the invitation for an attendee and issues a cancellation request to the attendee.
removeAuditorFromPlan(RemoveAuditorDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Auditor
Method to remove an auditor or audit team from an audit plan.
removeBatchErrorCode(RemoveBatchErrorCodeKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Removes a batch error code.
removeBatchGroup(RemoveBatchGroupKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Removes all details relating to a batch group.
removeBatchProcess(RemoveBatchProcessKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Removes a batch process description.
removeBatchProcessRequest(RemoveProcessRequestKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Removes a batch process request.
removeCaseAudit(CaseAuditAndVersionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseAudit
Method to physically delete a case audit record.
removeCaseContactLogAttendee(CancelCaseContactLogAttendeeDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Method to remove Attendee from Case Contact Log.
removeCategoryFromProduct(RemoveCategoryFromProductKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Removes a product category from a product.
removeCategoryFromService(RemoveCategoryFromServiceKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Resource
Removes a service category from a service.
removeCodeTable(CodeTableName) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Removes a codetable.
removeCodeTableItem(RemoveCodeTableItem) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Removes a codetable item from a specified codetable.
removeConfiguration(RuleObjectPropagatorConfigKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.propagator.intf.RuleObjectPropagatorConfiguration
Creates an action to remove a live configuration.
removeContactLogAttendee(CancelContactLogAttendeeDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ContactLog
Method to remove Attendee for Contact Log.
removeCriteria(CriteriaIDAndVersionNo) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.SelectionQuery
Method to remove criteria from a selection query.
removeCurrencyExchange(RemoveCurrencyExchangeKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Removes the Currency Exchange record identified by the input key.
removeDeduction(DeductionProductLinkKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Removes a deduction product link record.
removeDuplicatesFromUserIDList(List<String>) - Method in class
Removes any duplicate user identifiers from the specified list of user identifiers and returns the result.
removeDynamicUimPage(DynamicUimPageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.DynamicUIMAdmin
Remove dynamic UIM page
removeEmployment(RemoveEmploymentKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Prospect
Since Curam replaced with . This method is deprecated because 'Prospect' participant type is no longer in use. Equivalent method from ProspectPerson can be used instead. See release note : CR00348318. Presentation layer operation to remove an employment for a prospect.
removeEvidence(EIEvidenceKey, EIEvidenceModifyDtls) - Method in interface
Method to remove participant evidence.
removeEvidence(EvidenceDescriptorKey) - Method in interface
This mehtod removes participant evidence.
removeEvidenceRelationship(EvidenceRelationshipParentChildKey) - Method in interface
Physically removes an Evidence Relationship record.
removeFacilityFromProviderLocation(RemoveFacilityFromLocationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductProvider
Removes a facility from a Provider Location.
removeGroupFromRole(RemoveGroupFromRole) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Removes a security group from a security role.
removeImage(ConcernRoleImageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ConcernRoleImage
Removes a concern role's image.
removeLanguageLocaleMap(LanguageLocaleMapKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Removes a language locale map.
removeLocationAccess(RemoveLocationAccessKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
remove additional location access
removeLocationfromOrgUnit(OrgUnitLocationDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Method used to remove a location from an organization unit.
removeLocationFromPosition(RemovePositionLocationDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
This method removes a location assigned to a position
removeLocationResource(RemoveResourceKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
removes the resource from a location only, if remove from related locations is not selected.
removeMeeting(MeetingMinutesKey, VersionNo) - Method in interface curam.meetings.meetingminutes.facade.intf.MeetingMinutesManagement
Remove a meeting.
removeMeetingAttendee(MeetingAttendeeKey, VersionNo) - Method in interface curam.meetings.meetingminutes.facade.intf.MeetingMinutesManagement
Removes a meeting attendee.
removeMilestone(MilestoneLinkKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Removes the link between a milestone and a product.
removeProcessFromGroup(GroupProcessDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Removes a batch process from a batch group.
removeProductFromContract(RemoveProductFromContractKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductProvider
Presentation layer operation to remove a product from a product providers contract.
removeProperty(PropertyAndDescriptionDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.PropertyAdmin
Remove a property and it's associated descriptions.
removePropertyDescription(PropertyDescriptionDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.PropertyAdmin
Removes a property description.
removeQuickLinkFromApplicationCode(QuickLinkApplicationLinkKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Removes an association between a quick link and a user security role.
removeRateCellData(RemoveRateCellKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.RateTable
Removes data from a rate cell record.
removeRateColumn(RemoveRateColumnKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.RateTable
Removes a column from a rate table.
removeRateRow(RemoveRateRowKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.RateTable
Removes a row from a rate table.
removeReportForUser(ReportUserLinkKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Removes an association between a report and a user.
removeReportFromSecurityRole(ReportSecurityRoleLinkKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Removes an association between a report and a security role.
removeReportsToFromPosition(OrgStructureAndPositionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Remove ReportsTo value from a Position.
removeResolution(ResolutionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.InvestigationDelivery
Remove the resolution from this investigation delivery.
removeResolutionConfiguration(ResolutionConfigurationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Removes a resolution configuration record.
removeResourceFromOrgUnit(RemoveResourceFromOrgUnitDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Presentation layer operation to remove a resource from a org unit
removeSecurityGroup(RemoveSecurityGroup) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Removes a security group.
removeSecurityIdentifier(SecurityIdentifierKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Removes a security identifier.
removeSecurityRole(RemoveSecurityRole) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Removes a security role.
removeSelected(AlertMultiRemoveKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Alert
Removes the alerts specified in the comma-delimited list.
removeSelectionQuery(SelectionQueryIDAndVersionNo) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.SelectionQuery
Method to remove a selection query along with any associated criteria.
removeServiceFromContract(RemoveServiceFromContractKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ServiceSupplier
Presentation layer method to remove a service from a contract.
removeSIDFromGroup(RemoveSIDFromGroup) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Removes a security identifier from a security group.
removeSimulation(SimulationHeaderID) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Removes a saved payment simulation.
removeSubColumn(RemoveSubColumnKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.RateTable
Removes a sub-column from a rate table.
removeSubRow(RemoveSubRowKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.RateTable
Removes a sub-row from a rate table.
removeTaskFromContract(RemoveTaskFromContractKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Cancels a task from a contract on an integrated case.
removeTextTranslation(LocalizableDescTxtDtls) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Delete a translation for a code table name.
removeUserFromPosition(RemoveUserFromPositionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Method to remove user from specified position.
removeWaitListEntry(RemoveWaitListDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WaitList
Cancels the wait list entry from the wait list.
removeWorkQueueSubscription(DeleteWorkQueueSubscriptionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkAllocation
Called by an administrator from the workflow section of the admin application to remove a user subscription from a specified work queue.
renumberWaitListEntries(short, boolean, WaitList) - Method in interface curam.waitlist.impl.WaitListRenumberLogic
Renumbers wait list entries in a wait list.
reopen(ReactivationDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.InvestigationDelivery
Reopens an investigation delivery.
reopenCase(ReactivationDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Reopens a closed integrated case.
reopenUser(ReopenUserDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Inserts the details to reopen the User.
reorderBannerMenuItem(ApplicationKeyAndMenuItemKeys) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.ApplicationView
Reorders banner menu items within a banner in an external application document.
reorderChild(MenuReorderKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Menu
Reorders the specified menu item before another menu item.
reorderGroupNodeBefore(ShortcutPanelIDNodeID) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.ShortcutPanel
Reorders the specified group before another group element within the section shortcut panel configuration.
reorderNavChild(NavReorderKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Navigation
Reorders the specified navigation child element before another navigation child element.
reorderNavPage(NavReorderKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Navigation
Reorders the specified navigation page element in front of another element.
reorderNodeBefore(ShortcutPanelIDNodeID) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.ShortcutPanel
Reorders the specified node before another node element within the section shortcut panel configuration.
reorderSection(SectionReorderKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.ApplicationView
Reorders the specified section before another section.
reorderSubMenuChild(MenuReorderKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Menu
Reorders the specified sub menu before another sub menu.
Representative - Class in curam.core.facade.base
Manipulates information for the Representative entity.
Representative() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.base.Representative
Representative - Interface in curam.core.facade.intf
Manipulates information for the Representative entity.
RepresentativeFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.fact
Factory class to create an instance of Representative class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
requestedAt - Variable in class curam.core.impl.CuramBatch
reserve(ReserveTaskDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.TaskManagement
Adds the task to the user's My Tasks list.
reserveMultipleTasks(MultipleTaskDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.TaskManagement
Adds the specified tasks to the user's My Tasks list.
reserveNextTask(ReserveNextTaskKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Inbox
Adds the next task available for the specified user to the their list of tasks to work on.
reserveNextTaskFromPreferredOrgUnit(ReserveNextWorkQueueTaskKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Inbox
Adds the next task to the list of tasks to work on from the user's preferred organization unit.
reserveNextTaskFromPreferredWorkQueue(ReserveNextWorkQueueTaskKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Inbox
Adds the next task to the list of available tasks to work on from the user's preferred work queue.
reserveNextWorkQueueTask(ReserveNextWorkQueueTaskKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Inbox
Adds the next task to the list of tasks to work on from the specified work queue which the specified user is subscribed to.
reserveTask(ReserveTaskKey_eo) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkAllocation
This function is deprecated and therefore should not be used.
resetDefaults() - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.PropertyAdmin
Reset the property cache to the values held in the default value fields.
resetPage(ResetPageDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.UserPageConfig
Resets the configuration preferences for a specified userName and workspace page to the default configuration setting for that userName's security role.
resetPropertyValue(PropertyKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.PropertyAdmin
Reset a single property to its default value.
resetToDefault(PageID1) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.PodContainer
Reset the Pod Container to a default setting.
resolveAllDeferredProcesses(FailureMessageIDList) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkflowAdministration
Resolve all deferred process instances - changing their status to resolved.
resolveAllocationTarget(AllocationTargetDetails) - Method in class
Resolves the specified allocation target into the corresponding list of specific user identifiers and returns the result.
resolveAuditorHomePage(AuditorKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Auditor
Method to resolve the auditor home page.
resolveCaseAuditHomePageName(CaseAuditKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseAudit
Method to resolve the case audit home page.
resolveCaseAuditList(AuditPlanKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AuditPlan
Method to resolve the case audit list page.
resolveCaseHome(ResolveHomePageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Return the home page name for an integrated case.
resolveCaseHomePageName(ReadCaseHomePageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Resolves the home page name for a case.
resolveCaseHomePageName(ReadCaseHomePageKey) - Method in class curam.meetings.meetingminutes.facade.base.MeetingMinutesManagement
This method resolves the home page name for a given case.
resolveCaseOwnerHome(OrgObjectReferenceOrgObjectType) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Returns the home page name for the Case Owner.
resolveCasePageURL(CaseHeaderKey) - Method in class
Method to resolve case client page.
resolveCasePageURL(CaseHeaderKey) - Method in interface
Method to resolve case client page.
resolveCaseTabPageURL(CaseIDAndTypeCodeDetails) - Method in class
Method to resolve case tab details page.
resolveCaseTabPageURL(CaseIDAndTypeCodeDetails) - Method in interface
Method to resolve case tab details client page.
resolveCaseType(ReadCaseTypeKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Returns the case type code for a particular case.
resolveContextPanel(CaseContextPanelKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Method to resolve the context panel to display for a case.
resolveCorrespondentHome(ResolveCorrespondentHomeKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Communication
Read an integrated case id and type based on a case participant role id.
resolveDeferredProcesses(ProcessFailedDPMessageDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkflowAdministration
Resolve the DP error message.
resolveDynamicSearchDetails(AuditPlanAndRandInd) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AuditCaseSample
Method to resolve the dynamic search page and query identifier for the case type associated with this audit plan.
resolveEvidenceCreatePage(ResolveEvidencePageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Resolves the evidence create page to be navigated to.
resolveEvidenceGroupPage(ResolveEvidenceGroupPageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Resolves the evidence group page to be navigated to.
resolveEvidenceListPage(ResolveEvidencePageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Resolves the evidence list page to be navigated to.
resolveEvidenceModifyPage(ResolveModifyPageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Resolves the modify page to be navigated to.
resolveEvidenceViewPage(ResolveEvidencePageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Resolves the evidence view to be navigated to.
resolveIntegratedInvestigation(CaseHeaderKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.InvestigationDelivery
Indicates if an investigation has been created from an integration case or integrated product delivery.
resolveInvestigationHomePageName(ReadInvestigationHomePageNameKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.InvestigationDelivery
Resolves the investigation home page name.
resolveJob(AllocationTargetDetails) - Method in class
Resolves a specific job into a list of user identifiers.
resolveListSelectionCriteriaPageName(AuditPlanKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AuditPlanCriteria
Returns the name of the list selection criteria page to display.
resolveMemberHome(IntegratedCaseIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Returns the home page name for case members on an integrated case.
resolveMemberHome(ConcernRoleKeyStruct) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Resolves the home page for person and prospect person.
resolveParticipantHome(CaseParticipantRoleIDKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Returns the home page name for participants on an integrated case
resolveParticipantPageURL(ConcernRoleIDType) - Method in class
Method to resolve participant client page.
resolveParticipantPageURL(ConcernRoleIDType) - Method in interface
Method to resolve participant client page.
resolveParticipantTabPageURL(ConcernRoleIDType) - Method in class
Method to resolve participant tab details page.
resolveParticipantTabPageURL(ConcernRoleIDType) - Method in interface
Method to resolve participant tab details client page.
resolvePosition(AllocationTargetDetails) - Method in class
Resolves a specific position into a list of user identifiers.
resolveProduceCaseSampleDetails(AuditPlanKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AuditCaseSample
Method to resolve the first page of the Produce Case Sample wizard.
resolveProspectHome(ConcernRoleKeyStruct) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Employer
Resolves the participant home page based on the key
resolveProspectHome(ConcernRoleKeyStruct) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Participant
Resolves the participant home page based on the key
resolveProspectHome(ConcernRoleKeyStruct) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Person
Resolves the participant home page based on the key
resolveProspectHome(ConcernRoleKeyStruct) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductProvider
Resolves the participant home page based on the key
resolveProspectHome(ConcernRoleKeyStruct) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
Resolves the participant home page based on the key
resolveProspectHome(ConcernRoleKeyStruct) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
Resolves the participant home page based on the key
resolveProspectHome(ConcernRoleKeyStruct) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ServiceSupplier
Resolves the participant home page based on the key
resolveQuerySelection(AuditPlanAndRandInd) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AuditCaseSample
Method to resolve the page to display based on the types of queries available to the coordinator.
resolveRootOrganisationUnit() - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Returns the organization unit ID for the root organization unit for the current active structure.
resolveSiteMapPage(ResolveSiteMapKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Resolves the site map page to be navigated to.
resolveUnit(AllocationTargetDetails) - Method in class
Resolves a specific organization unit into a list of user identifiers.
resolveUser(AllocationTargetDetails) - Method in class
Resolves the identifier of the specified user contained in the allocation target.
resolveWizardStartPage(WizardStartPageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AuditCaseSample
Method to resolve the generate case sample wizard start page based on the query type or external service.
resolveWork(TaskDetails, AllocationTargetList, boolean) - Method in class
Assigns the task to an agent or agents that can work on it.
resolveWork(TaskDetails, Object, boolean) - Method in class
Assigns the task to an agent or agents that can work on it.
resolveWork(TaskDetails, Map, boolean) - Method in class
Assigns the task to an agent or agents that can work on it.
resolveWork(TaskDetails, String, boolean) - Method in class
Assigns the task to an agent or agents that can work on it.
resolveWork(TaskDetails, AllocationTargetList, boolean) - Method in class
Assigns the task to an agent or agents that can work on it.
resolveWorkQueue(AllocationTargetDetails) - Method in class
Returns a list of identifiers for all of the users that are subscribed to the work queue specified in the allocation target details.
Resource - Class in curam.core.facade.base
Contains facade methods for the Resource presentation layer.
Resource() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.base.Resource
Resource - Interface in curam.core.facade.intf
Contains facade methods for the Resource presentation layer.
ResourceAccessor - Interface in curam.waitlist.impl
Business interface to represent a resource for which a wait list is created.
ResourceFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.fact
Factory class to create an instance of Resource class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
restart(BatchProcessingDate) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.RestartTask
Searches for tasks based on a status of deferred (WS6) and whose restart date time has expired.
restart(RestartTaskDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.TaskManagement
Restarts a task that had been previously deferred.
restart(long, String, int) - Method in interface curam.core.hook.task.impl.TaskActions
Restarts a deferred task.
restart(long, String, int) - Method in class curam.core.hook.task.impl.TaskActionsImpl
Restarts a task that had been previously deferred.
RestartTask - Class in curam.core.facade.base
Once a task has been added to the user's My Tasks to work on, it may be deferred until a later date.
RestartTask() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.base.RestartTask
RestartTask - Interface in curam.core.facade.intf
Once a task has been added to the user's My Tasks to work on, it may be deferred until a later date.
RestartTaskFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.fact
Factory class to create an instance of RestartTask class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
RESTFileValidationHook - Interface in
This class contains a hook point, which is used by the Doc Service REST APIs when uploading a file.
resumeProcessInstance(ProcessInstanceKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkflowAdministration
Called by an administrator from the workflow section of the admin application to resume a suspended workflow process instance.
retrieveAndLinkPrtcptDataForIntegratedCase(CaseIDConcernAndICTypeKey) - Method in interface
Retrieves all participant data to be used as evidence on the Integrated Case and then creates an evidence descriptor and change history record for the evidence type to record the link between the evidence and the case.
retrieveCaseFinancials(RetrieveCaseFinancialsKey) - Method in interface
Retrieves case financial details.
retrieveData(long, int) - Method in interface curam.eligibilitytimelinecalendar.impl.TimelineCalendarDataRetrieval
Retrieves a list of TimelineCalendarRow for a given caseID & year.
retrieveEventOutputMappingsData(ProcessInstanceActivityKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkflowAdministration
Called by an administrator from the workflow section of the admin application to return the details of all of the event output mappings that have been specified for an event associated with a specific event wait or manual activity instance.
retryAllFailedProcesses(ProcessKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkflowAdministration
Called by an administrator from the workflow section of the admin application to retry all of the instances for a specific workflow process that caused an error.
retryFailedProcess(ProcessInstanceErrorMessageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkflowAdministration
Called by an administrator from the workflow section of the admin application to retry a workflow process instance that had previously caused an error.
reverseFinancialInstruction(ReverseFinancialInstructionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Reverses a financial instruction.
reverseInstructionLineItem(ReverseInstructionLineItemKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Reverses an instruction line item.
Reviewable - Interface in curam.piwrapper.outcomeplan.impl
Represents an item that may be reviewed as part of a curam.outcomeplanning.outcomeplan.impl.PlanReview.
ReviewableBaseDAO<ENTITY extends Reviewable> - Interface in curam.piwrapper.outcomeplan.impl
Base interface that all DAOs of Reviewable items should implement.
reviewAssessmentDates(DateList) - Method in class
Reviews the date list built up for Curam Rules eligibility assessment
reviewCreatedDecisionsAndComponents(CreateDecisionsAndComponentsResultDtls) - Method in class
Reviews the complete decision set that has been created for the case.
reviewDecisionAndComponents(CreateDecisionsAndComponentsResultDtls) - Method in class
Reviews the rolled up decisions created as a result of the assessment process.
reviewGeneratedDecision(CompleteDecisionCreation) - Method in class
Reviews a decision created as part of an eligibility run.
rollUpComponents(ComponentDetailsList) - Method in class
Rolls up matching contiguous components.
roundDeduction(Amount, FinancialComponentDtls) - Method in interface curam.core.impl.FinancialManagerHooks
Allows the deduction amount to be rounded/adjusted.
roundDeduction(Amount, FinancialComponentDtls) - Method in class curam.core.impl.FinancialManagerHooksImpl
Allows the deduction amount to be rounded/adjusted.
RuleObjectPropagatorConfiguration - Class in curam.core.facade.infrastructure.propagator.base
RuleObjectPropagatorConfiguration() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.infrastructure.propagator.base.RuleObjectPropagatorConfiguration
RuleObjectPropagatorConfiguration - Interface in curam.core.facade.infrastructure.propagator.intf
RuleObjectPropagatorConfigurationFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.infrastructure.propagator.fact
Factory class to create an instance of RuleObjectPropagatorConfiguration class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
runAssessmentWriteDecision(RunAssessmentKey) - Method in class
Run the assessment and produce a decision on the case evidence.
runChunkMain(String, Object, BatchMain, BatchProcessingIDList, ChunkMainParameters, BatchStream) - Method in class curam.core.impl.BatchStreamHelper
This method is used to run the main of a batch program.
runRules(GuidedChangeCOCNextStepDtls) - Method in interface curam.guidedchanges.impl.GuidedChangeCOCNextStepRules
Runs the business rules which determine the list of change types that are required to be completed and/or considered in order to bring a Guided Change of Circumstance to completion.
runStream(BatchProcessStreamKey, BatchStream) - Method in class curam.core.impl.BatchStreamHelper
Runs the batch process stream.
runStreamForUnprocessedItems(BatchProcessStreamKey, BatchStream, BatchProcessChunkDtlsList, BatchProcessDtls) - Method in class curam.core.impl.BatchStreamHelper
Runs the batch process stream for a specified list of unprocessed chunks.
runTaskQuery(QueryKey, ReadMultiOperationDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.hook.task.impl.TaskQuery
Runs a task query that has been previously saved.
runTaskQuery(TaskQueryDetails, ReadMultiOperationDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.hook.task.impl.TaskQuery
Runs a task query using the criteria details as entered by the user.
runTaskQuery(QueryKey, ReadMultiOperationDetails) - Method in class curam.core.hook.task.impl.TaskQueryImpl
Runs a task query that has been previously saved.
runTaskQuery(TaskQueryDetails, ReadMultiOperationDetails) - Method in class curam.core.hook.task.impl.TaskQueryImpl
Runs a task query using the criteria details as entered by the user.
runtimeText - Variable in class curam.core.impl.CuramBatch
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