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abortAllFailedProcesses(ProcessKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkflowAdministration
Called by an administrator from the workflow section of the admin application to abort all of the instances of a specific workflow process that caused an error.
abortFailedProcess(ProcessInstanceErrorMessageKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkflowAdministration
Called by an administrator from the workflow section of the admin application to abort a workflow process instance that had previously caused an error.
abortProcessInstance(ProcessInstanceKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.WorkflowAdministration
Called by an administrator from the workflow section of the admin application to abort a currently running workflow process instance.
AbstractMilestoneWaiverAppReqEvents - Class in curam.milestonewaiver.impl
An abstract implementation of MilestoneWaiverAppReqEvents.
AbstractMilestoneWaiverAppReqEvents() - Constructor for class curam.milestonewaiver.impl.AbstractMilestoneWaiverAppReqEvents
AbstractMultiEvidenceFiltersImpl - Class in
Default MultiEvidenceFilters implementation.
AbstractMultiEvidenceFiltersImpl() - Constructor for class
acceptInvitation(ActivityInvitationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Activity
Accepts an invitation for the current user to the specified activity.
AccountNumberAlgorithm - Interface in curam.core.impl
Action - Class in curam.core.facade.base
This process class provides the functionality for the Action presentation layer.
Action() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.base.Action
Action - Interface in curam.core.facade.intf
This process class provides the functionality for the Action presentation layer.
ActionFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.fact
Factory class to create an instance of Action class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
activate(ActivateCaseKey_fo) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Activates a product delivery and uses delayed processing to determine the initial eligibility for the product delivery.
activateDeduction(DeductionItemKeyVersionNo) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Activates a case deduction.
activateLocationStructure(ActivateLocationStructureDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Method to activate the Location Structure, assigns an activation date to the Structure.
activateOrganisationStructure(ActivateOrgStructureKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Method to activate organization structure.
activeUserDetailsSearch(UserSearchKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Since Curam 6.0 SP2, replaced with Organization.searchActiveUserDetails(UserSearchKey). This method is deprecated as informational messages are not returned. This method is replaced by searchActiveUserDetails(UserSearchKey) which returns the informational message along with user details as well. See release note: CS-09152/CR00282028.
Activity - Class in curam.core.facade.base
This process class provides the functionality for the Activity presentation layer.
Activity() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.base.Activity
Activity - Interface in curam.core.facade.intf
This process class provides the functionality for the Activity presentation layer.
ActivityFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.fact
Factory class to create an instance of Activity class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
add(SlotAllocationAddDetails) - Method in class
Determines if a slot allocation exists for the slot in question.
add(String, String) - Method in class
Store the meta data property and it's value.
add(String, Date) - Method in class
Store the meta data property and it's date value.
add(String, String) - Method in interface
Store the meta data property and it's value.
add(String, Date) - Method in interface
Store the meta data property and it's date value.
addAssessmentToScreeningConfiguration(ScreeningAssessmentAddDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Resource
Attempts to add the specified Assessment Configuration type to this Screening Configuration type for the specified dates.
addAttachment(AttachmentLinkDetails) - Method in interface curam.meetings.meetingminutes.facade.intf.MeetingMinutesManagement
Adds an attachment to the Meeting Minutes.
addAttachmentFile(AttachmentLinkDetails) - Method in interface curam.meetings.meetingminutes.facade.intf.MeetingMinutesManagement
Adds an attachment to the Meeting Minutes.
addAttachmentForIncident(AttachmentLinkDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Incidents
Method to add an attachment for an Incident
addCaseBookmark(CaseID) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Bookmark
Adds a case bookmark for a user
addCaseConfigurationType(Map<CASETYPECODEEntry, CaseConfigurationReaderDAO<? extends CaseConfiguration>>) - Method in interface curam.piwrapper.caseconfiguration.impl.CaseConfigurationDAO.CaseConfigurationDAOEvents
This event provides extensibility for CaseConfiguration by allowing new types of CaseConfiguration to be added to the application.
addCaseType(Map<CASETYPECODEEntry, ReaderDAO<Long, ? extends CaseHeader>>) - Method in interface curam.piwrapper.caseheader.impl.CaseHeaderDAO.CaseHeaderEvents
This event provides extensibility for CaseHeader by allowing new types of Case to be added to the application.
addCashExclusionDate(AddExclusionDateKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
To add a Cash exclusion date to the FinancialCalendar.
addCategoriesToProduct(AddCategoriesToProductKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
This method adds one or more product categories to a specified product.
addCategoriesToService(AddCategoriesToServiceKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Resource
Adds one or more categories to a service.
addChequeExclusionDate(AddExclusionDateKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
To add a Check exclusion date to the FinancialCalendar.
addChildUnit(ChildOrganisationUnitDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Method to create new child organization unit for organization unit.
addComment(String, ConcernRole) - Method in interface curam.citizenactivity.impl.CitizenActivity
Adds a comment relating to this citizen activity to the ParticipantComment table.
addComment(String, ConcernRole) - Method in class curam.citizenactivity.impl.CitizenActivityImpl
addComment(AddTaskCommentDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.TaskManagement
Adds a comment to a task by inserting a record into the task history table.
addComment(long, String) - Method in interface curam.core.hook.task.impl.TaskActions
Adds a comment to a task by inserting a record into the task history table.
addComment(long, String) - Method in class curam.core.hook.task.impl.TaskActionsImpl
Adds a comment to a task by inserting a record into the task history table.
addConcernRoleType(String, ReaderDAO<Long, ? extends ConcernRole>) - Method in interface curam.participant.impl.ConcernRoleDAO
Adds the given Concern Role type to the map of concern role types.
addConcreteReaderDAO(ConcernRoleDAO) - Method in interface curam.participant.impl.ConcernRoleDAO.ConcernRoleGetConcreteReaderDAOsEvent
Event interface invoked in the main body of the get method.
addContactLogAttachment(AttachmentLinkDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ContactLog
Method to add Attachment to Contact Log.
addContactLogAttendee1(CreateCaseContactLogAttendeeDetails1) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Method to add Attendee to a Case Contact Log.
addContactLogAttendee1(CreateContactLogAttendeeDetails1) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ContactLog
Method to add Attendee to specified Contact Log.
addContactLogContact1(CreateIncidentContactLogContactDetails1) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Incidents
Method to add a contact to an Incident Contact Log.
addDecisionDate(DecisionDateDetails) - Method in interface
Adds a date to the event date list.
addDeductionProductLink(AddDeductionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Adds deductions to a product.
addDeliveryPatternCommentsTextTranslation(LocalizableTextDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
This method is indented to be used by user who creates text translations for the DeliverPattern attribute, Comments.
addDeliveryPatternNameTextTranslation(LocalizableTextDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
This method is indented to be used by user who creates text translations for the DeliverPattern attribute, name.
addDescriptionTextTranslation(LocalizableTextDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization

This method is intended to be used by users responsible for creating text translations for Organisation description.

addDynamicUimPage(DynamicUimPageDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.DynamicUIMAdmin
Add dynamic UIM page
addEFTExclusionDate(AddExclusionDateKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
To add an EFT exclusion date to the FinancialCalendar.
addEntry(long, short, WAITLISTENTRYPRIORITYEntry, Date) - Method in interface curam.waitlist.impl.WaitList
Creates a wait list entry.
addEntry(long, WAITLISTENTRYPRIORITYEntry, Date) - Method in interface curam.waitlist.impl.WaitList
Creates a wait list entry.
addEntry(WaitListEntry) - Method in interface curam.waitlist.impl.WaitList
Creates a wait list entry.
addEvidence(IssueDeliveryAddEvidenceDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IssueDelivery
This method allows the user to add further evidence to an issue delivery.
addEvidenceDashboardFilter(DashboardFilterConfigDetailsList) - Method in interface
This method creates an evidence dashboard filter record.
addExistingMilestone(AddMilestoneKey, CaseType) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
This parameter will have all the information given by the user while creating a milestone for a particular case.This method helps to add the existing milestone to a selected product from list of milestones which was created earlier for different products.
addExistingMilestoneWithConfigDetails(AddMilestoneKey, CaseType, MilestoneLinkConfigDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
This parameter will have all the information given by the user while creating a milestone for a particular case.This method helps to add the existing milestone to a selected product from list of milestones which was created earlier for different products.
addFacilitiesToProviderLocation(AddFacilitiesToLocationKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductProvider
Adds one or more facilities to a Provider Location.
addGroup(NavigationDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Navigation
Adds a navigation group to the configuration.
addGroupNodeDetails(ShortcutPanelNodeDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.ShortcutPanel
Adds a group to the section shortcut panel configuration.
addGroupsToRole(AddGroupsToRole) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Adds one or more security groups to a security role.
addImage(ConcernRoleImageDtls) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ConcernRoleImage
Uploads an image for a concern role.
addImage(String) - Method in class curam.participantmessages.impl.ParticipantMessage
Adds an image to be displayed in conjunction with this message.
addIncidentParticipantRole1(IncidentKey, CreateIncidentParticipantRoleDetails1) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Incidents
Adds an Incident Participant to the Incident.
addInvestigationCaseExistingMilestone(AddMilestoneKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
This method allows the user to select milestones to associate with a particular product from a pre-defined list, which displays all active milestones not already associated with a particular product which have an end date greater then or equal to the current date.
addInvestigationCaseExistingMilestoneWithConfig(AddMilestoneKey, MilestoneLinkConfigDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
This method allows the user to select milestones to associate with a particular product from a pre-defined list, which displays all active milestones not already associated with a particular product which have an end date greater then or equal to the current date.
addInvoiceExclusionDate(AddExclusionDateKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
To add an Invoice exclusion date to the FinancialCalendar.
addItemToExplicitMetadata(CMSMetadataItemList, String, String) - Method in interface
Method to add a piece of meta data to the CMSMetadataItemList
addItemToExplicitMetadata(CMSMetadataItemList, String, Date) - Method in interface
Method to add a piece of meta data to the CMSMetadataItemList
additionalInformation - Variable in class
Contains extra information about this period.
addLeafNodeDetails(ShortcutPanelNodeDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.ShortcutPanel
Adds a leaf to the section shortcut panel configuration.
addLink(ParticipantMessageLink) - Method in class curam.participantmessages.impl.ParticipantMessage
Adds a ParticipantMessageLink to this message.
addMapping(String, Class) - Method in class
Add a mapping for the specified evidence to the specified factory class.
addMeetingAttendee(MeetingAttendance, MeetingCaseKey) - Method in interface curam.meetings.meetingminutes.facade.intf.MeetingMinutesManagement
Adds an attendee to the meeting minutes.
addMenuItem(MenuItemDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Menu
Adds a menu item to the menu bar configuration.
addMenuItem(TabMenuItemDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Tab
Adds a menu item to a menu configuration within a tab.
addMenuRef(TabMenuBarKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Tab
Adds a menu bar reference to a tab configuration.
addMenuSeparator(MenuSeparatorDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Menu
Adds a menu separator to the menu bar configuration.
addMessage(ParticipantMessage) - Method in interface curam.participantmessages.impl.ParticipantMessages
Adds a ParticipantMessage message to the list of messages.
addMessages(List<ParticipantMessage>) - Method in interface curam.participantmessages.impl.ParticipantMessages
Adds a list of messages to the existing list of messages.
addMilestoneCommentsTextTranslation(LocalizableTextDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
This method is indented to be used by user who creates translations for Milestone comments.
addMilestoneNameTextTranslation(LocalizableTextDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
This method is indented to be used by user who creates translations for Milestone name.
addMilestoneTypeTextTranslation(LocalizableTextDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
This method is indented to be used by user who creates translations for Milestone type.
addNameTextTranslation(LocalizableTextDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization

This method is intended to be used by users responsible for creating text translations for Organisation name.

addNavigationPage(TabNavKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Tab
Adds a navigation page to a nav bar referenced within a tab configuration.
addNavRef(TabNavKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Tab
Adds a navigation reference to the tab configuration.
addPage(NavigationDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Navigation
Adds a navigation page to the configuration.
addPageParameter(PageParameterDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Tab
Adds a page parameter to the tab.
addPageRefresh(TabRefreshPageTypeDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Tab
Adds refresh options for the specified page within a tab configuration.
addParameter(String, String) - Method in class curam.participantmessages.impl.ParticipantMessage
Adds a parameter to the map.
addParameter(String, String) - Method in class curam.participantmessages.impl.ParticipantMessageLink
Add a parameter to the list of parameters for this link.
addParameters(HashMap<String, String>) - Method in class curam.participantmessages.impl.ParticipantMessage
Adds a number of parameters to the map of parameters for this message.
addProductToContract(AddProductToContractKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductProvider
Presentation layer operation to add products to a product providers contract.
addProductToIntegratedCase(AddProductToICDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Adds a product delivery to an integrated case.
addProgressSendNotificationToCollaborationMembersAndOwner(Progressable) - Method in class curam.piwrapper.outcomeplan.impl.OutcomePlanActivity.OutcomePlanActivityEvents
Event raised to allow listeners to send a notification to the activity owner and all external collaboration members that are configured for sharing with the activity when progress is added to it.
addProperty(PropertyAndDescriptionDetails, PropertyDescriptionDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.PropertyAdmin
Adds a property and a property description.
addPropertyDescription(PropertyDescriptionDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.PropertyAdmin
Add a property description.
addQuickLinkForApplicationCode(QuickLinkApplicationLinkDtls) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Creates an association between a quick link and a user security role.
addReportForUser(ReportUserLinkDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Creates an association between a report and a user.
addReportToSecurityRole(ReportSecurityRoleLinkDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Creates an association between a report and a security role.
Address - Interface in curam.piwrapper.impl
A wrapper object for Address.
addressDAO - Variable in class curam.participant.impl.ConcernRoleImpl
AddressDAO - Interface in curam.piwrapper.impl
Data access for abstract Address.
AddressFormat - Class in curam.core.address.impl
AddressFormat() - Constructor for class curam.core.address.impl.AddressFormat
AddressMap - Class in curam.core.facade.base
AddressMap() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.base.AddressMap
AddressMap - Interface in curam.core.facade.intf
AddressMapFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.fact
Factory class to create an instance of AddressMap class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
addSearchCriteria(PersonMatchSearchCriteriaDetails) - Method in interface curam.personmatch.facade.intf.PersonMatchSearchCriteria
Adds the Person Match Search Criteria.
addSearchPage(SearchItem) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.ApplicationView
Adds a search page to the application configuration.
addSectionRef(AppSectionIDPopupKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.ApplicationView
Adds a section reference to the application configuration.
addServiceToContract(AddServiceToContractKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ServiceSupplier
Presentation layer method to add service to a contract.
addShortcutPanelGroup(ShortcutPanelNodeDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Section
Adds a shortcut panel group to the section.
addSIDsToGroup(AddSIDsToGroup) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Adds one or more security identifiers to a security group.
addSubMenu(SubMenuDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Menu
Adds a sub menu to the menu bar configuration.
addSubMenuDetails(TabSubMenuDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Tab
Adds sub menu details to a menu bar reference within a tab configuration.
addTabRef(SectionTabPopupKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf.Section
Adds a tab reference to the section.
addTaskToContract(AddTaskToContractKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IntegratedCase
Adds a task to a contract on an integrated case.
addToNewOrExistingAuditTeam(NewOrExistingTeamDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Auditor
Allows and audit coordinator add a selected set of auditor users to a new or existing audit team on an audit plan.
addTranslationDescriptionText(AddTranslationDtls) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.System
Adds a localised name for a database header.
addUserForPosition(UserForPositionDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Method to add user for specified position.
addVoucherExclusionDate(AddExclusionDateKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
To add a Voucher exclusion date to the FinancialCalendar.
AdminIntegratedCase - Interface in curam.piwrapper.caseconfiguration.impl
A read only wrapper object for the AdminIntegratedCase entity.
AdminIntegratedCaseDAO - Interface in curam.piwrapper.caseconfiguration.impl
Read only data access for the AdminIntegratedCase interface.
AdminTab - Class in curam.core.facade.base
Facade class to read administration section tab display details.
AdminTab() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.base.AdminTab
AdminTab - Interface in curam.core.facade.intf
Facade class to read administration section tab display details.
AdminTabFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.fact
Factory class to create an instance of AdminTab class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
AdminUser - Class in curam.core.base
This process enables the client to administer an organization's users.
AdminUser() - Constructor for class curam.core.base.AdminUser
AdminUser - Class in curam.core.impl
Functions for manipulating admin user information (insert, modify, etc.)
AdminUser() - Constructor for class curam.core.impl.AdminUser
AdminUser - Interface in curam.core.intf
This process enables the client to administer an organization's users.
AdminUserFactory - Class in curam.core.fact
Factory class to create an instance of AdminUser class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
Alert - Class in curam.core.facade.base
Notifications are used to inform a user that an event has occurred.
Alert() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.base.Alert
Alert - Interface in curam.core.facade.intf
Notifications are used to inform a user that an event has occurred.
AlertFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.fact
Factory class to create an instance of Alert class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
allocate(int) - Method in interface curam.waitlist.impl.WaitListEntry
Sets the wait list entry's status as allocated only if the wait list entry is in open state.
allocateCreditTransaction1(AllocationDetails1) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Stores the allocation amount on the draft allocation line, allocates the amount against the debit instruction line item and removes the draft allocation line.
AllocateParticipantID - Interface in curam.core.impl
Reads the next unique reference number of a participant.
allocateTaskForPlannedItemTaskType(PlannedItemIDKey) - Method in interface
Returns a list of allocation targets that are defined by the allocation strategy specified for tasks associated with plan items.
AlternateName - Class in
Business object to provide access to the functionality in AlternateName.
AlternateName() - Constructor for class
AlternateName - Class in
Business object to provide access to the functionality in AlternateName.
AlternateName() - Constructor for class
AlternateName - Interface in
Business object to provide access to the functionality in AlternateName.
AlternateNameFactory - Class in
Factory class to create an instance of AlternateName class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
appealDeadlineHandler(TaskCreateDetails) - Method in interface
A deadline function which provides the escalation processing for the overall appeal deadline task.
appendParam(String, String) - Method in class curam.piwrapper.impl.ClientURI
Appends a parameter to the URI link.
appendSentenceToMessageBody(String) - Method in class curam.participantmessages.impl.ParticipantMessage
Appends a blank space, and the String argument passed in to the current message body String.
appendToMessageBody(String) - Method in class curam.participantmessages.impl.ParticipantMessage
Appends the String argument to the current message body String.
ApplicationView - Class in curam.core.facade.uiadmin.base
ApplicationView() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.uiadmin.base.ApplicationView
ApplicationView - Interface in curam.core.facade.uiadmin.intf
ApplicationViewFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.uiadmin.fact
Factory class to create an instance of ApplicationView class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
applyAllChanges(CaseKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf.Evidence
Applies all changes in Evidences to case, specified by case key, key.
applyAllChanges(CaseKey) - Method in interface
Applies all changes in Evidences to case, specified by case key, key.
applyChanges1(CaseKey, ApplyWIPChangeDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf.Evidence
Applies changes on the (tabbed) list of evidences passed into the method to the given case.
applyParticipantEvidence(CaseIDList) - Method in class
Apply changes to Participant Evidence to all associated cases where the Participant is a member on the case.
applyUserChanges(CaseKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf.Evidence
Applies changes to evidences, to the case, identified by key, where the currently logged in user was the most recent user to modify the evidences.
applyUserChanges(CaseKey) - Method in interface
Applies changes to evidences, to the case, identified by key, where the currently logged in user was the most recent user to modify the evidences.
ApprovalRequest - Class in curam.core.facade.base
Facade layer processing for approval requests.
ApprovalRequest() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.base.ApprovalRequest
ApprovalRequest - Interface in curam.core.facade.intf
Facade layer processing for approval requests.
ApprovalRequestFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.fact
Factory class to create an instance of ApprovalRequest class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
approve(ProductDeliveryApprovalKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.InvestigationDelivery
Approves an investigation delivery.
approve(ProductDeliveryApprovalKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProductDelivery
Approves a product delivery.
approveApprovalRequest(EvidenceKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf.Evidence
Approves an approval request made against a piece of Evidence.
approveApprovalRequest(EvidenceKey) - Method in interface
Approves an Approval Request on a piece of evidence.
approveApprovalRequests(ApprovedEvidenceApprovalRequestDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.infrastructure.intf.Evidence
Approves multiple approval requests for evidences listed in the input tabbed list.
approveApprovalRequests(ApprovedEvidenceApprovalRequestDetails) - Method in interface
Approves list of Approval Requests.
approvePayment(ApprovePaymentDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Financial
Approves a payment that was suspended.
approveResolution(ApproveResolutionKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.IssueDelivery
This method is used to approve a submitted Resolution.
approveWaiver(MilestoneWaiverApprovalRequestKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.MaintainWaiverApprovalRequest
This method allows to approve the waiver request.
areAllStaticEntityValidationsSuppressed() - Method in interface
Determines if all of the entity validations should be suppressed.
areEqual(Determination, Determination) - Method in interface
Determines whether two determinations contain the same data.
AssessmentDelivery - Class in
This business object provides methods to create assessment deliveries and run assessments.
AssessmentDelivery() - Constructor for class
AssessmentDelivery.AssessmentDeliveryMapImpl - Class in
assessmentDeliveryMap - Static variable in class
AssessmentDeliveryMapImpl() - Constructor for class
assessmentEngine - Variable in class
assessmentEngine - Variable in class
AssessmentEngine - Interface in
This interface defines the set of published functions for the Assessment Engine.
assessmentEngineEntity - Variable in class
AssessmentEngineEntity - Interface in
This interface defines the set of published functions for the Assessment Engine Entities.
AssessmentEngineEvent - Class in
This class contains events which are raised inside the Assessment Engine.
AssessmentEngineEvent() - Constructor for class
assessmentEngineHooks - Variable in class curam.core.impl.MaintainFinancialComponent
AssessmentEngineHooks - Class in
This class contains a number of hooks which support custom processing inside the Assessment Engine.
AssessmentEngineHooks() - Constructor for class
Assessments - Class in curam.core.facade.base
Assessments() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.base.Assessments
Assessments - Interface in curam.core.facade.intf
AssessmentsFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.fact
Factory class to create an instance of Assessments class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
assignCaseAudits(CaseAuditAssignDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.CaseAudit
Assigns the specified auditor to the list of case audit records.
assignLocationAccess(LocationAccessDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Assign additional location access
assignLocationtoOrgUnit(OrgUnitLocationDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Method used to assign a location to an organization unit.
assignLocationToPosition(PositionLocationDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
This method assigns a location to a position
assignObjective(AssignObjectiveKey) - Method in interface
Assigns an objective to a nominee.
assignObjective1(AssignObjectiveAndDelPattKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Case
Method to assign the receipt of an objective from one CaseNominee to another.
assignResourceToLocation(AssignResourceDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Assign Resource to Location
assignResourceToOrgUnit(AddOrgUnitResourceDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Organization
Presentation layer operation to assign a resource to a org unit
assignRuleSetToProduct(AssignRuleSetToProductDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Product
Assigns a ruleSet to a product.
associateAction(AssociateActionWithSituationDtls) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Situation
Method to associate a action record to a Situation.
associateProspectWithRegisteredEmployer(ReadProspectEmployerHomeDetails) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
This method associates the current Prospect Employer to the selected Registered Employer record.
associateSituations(AssociateSituationWithActionDtls) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.Action
Method to associate Situations with the action.
Attachment - Class in curam.core.facade.base
Attachment() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.base.Attachment
Attachment - Interface in curam.core.facade.intf
Attachment - Class in
Attachment() - Constructor for class
Attachment - Class in
Attachment() - Constructor for class
attachment - Variable in class
Attachment - Interface in
Attachment - Interface in curam.piwrapper.impl
A read only wrapper object for the Attachment entity.
AttachmentDAO - Interface in curam.piwrapper.impl
Read only data access object for the Attachment entity.
AttachmentFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.fact
Factory class to create an instance of Attachment class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
AttachmentFactory - Class in
Factory class to create an instance of Attachment class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
AttachmentInfo - Class in
AttachmentInfo() - Constructor for class
AttachmentInfo - Interface in
AttachmentInfoFactory - Class in
Factory class to create an instance of AttachmentInfo class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
AttachmentLink - Class in curam.core.facade.base
Provides wrapper methods for accessing AttachmentLink entity operations.
AttachmentLink() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.base.AttachmentLink
AttachmentLink - Interface in curam.core.facade.intf
Provides wrapper methods for accessing AttachmentLink entity operations.
AttachmentLinkFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.fact
Factory class to create an instance of AttachmentLink class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
attendeeInfo - Variable in class curam.participant.impl.ConcernRoleImpl
attributeCalculationCompleted(AttributeValue<?>) - Method in class
AuditCaseSample - Class in curam.core.facade.base
AuditCaseSample() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.base.AuditCaseSample
AuditCaseSample - Interface in curam.core.facade.intf
AuditCaseSampleFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.fact
Factory class to create an instance of AuditCaseSample class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
auditCoordinatorSearch(UserSearchKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.AuditPlan
Method to search for users with an audit coordinator role.
Auditor - Class in curam.core.facade.base
Auditor() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.base.Auditor
Auditor - Interface in curam.core.facade.intf
AuditorFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.fact
Factory class to create an instance of Auditor class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
AuditPlan - Class in curam.core.facade.base
AuditPlan() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.base.AuditPlan
AuditPlan - Interface in curam.core.facade.intf
AuditPlanCriteria - Class in curam.core.facade.base
AuditPlanCriteria() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.base.AuditPlanCriteria
AuditPlanCriteria - Interface in curam.core.facade.intf
AuditPlanCriteriaFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.fact
Factory class to create an instance of AuditPlanCriteria class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
AuditPlanFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.fact
Factory class to create an instance of AuditPlan class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
AuditPlanTransactionLog - Class in curam.core.facade.base
AuditPlanTransactionLog() - Constructor for class curam.core.facade.base.AuditPlanTransactionLog
AuditPlanTransactionLog - Interface in curam.core.facade.intf
AuditPlanTransactionLogFactory - Class in curam.core.facade.fact
Factory class to create an instance of AuditPlanTransactionLog class, one of its subclasses, a proxy for it or a mock object for it.
authoriseUser(ParticipantKeyStruct, UsersKey) - Method in interface curam.core.impl.InternalUserSecurityHook
Performs Participant sensitivity check.
authoriseUser(ParticipantSecurityCheckKey, UsersKey) - Method in interface curam.core.impl.InternalUserSecurityHook
Performs Participant sensitivity check.
authoriseUser(ParticipantKeyStruct, UsersKey) - Method in class curam.core.impl.InternalUserSecurityHookImpl
Performs Participant sensitivity check.
authoriseUser(ParticipantSecurityCheckKey, UsersKey) - Method in class curam.core.impl.InternalUserSecurityHookImpl
Performs Participant sensitivity check.
AutoEndDateEvidenceHook - Interface in
Auto end date evidence hook points.
autoPopulateRegistrationFields(ProspectEmployerKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectEmployer
This method auto populates the relevant fields on the Register Prospect Employer As Employer Page.
autoPopulateRegistrationFields(ReadProspectPersonKey) - Method in interface curam.core.facade.intf.ProspectPerson
This method auto populates the relevant fields on the Register Prospect Person As Person Page.
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