See: Description
Class | Description |
ActivityAlertDetails |
A structure containing notification alert details associated with an
ActivityInstanceDetails |
A structure containing the details of an activity instance associated with a
workflow process instance.
ActivityInstanceDetailsList |
A list of activity instance details.
ActivityInstanceID |
A struct containing the unique identifier for an activity instance.
ActivityInstanceIDExecutionPeriod |
A struct containing the activity instance and the execution period for a
workflow audit record.
AllocationCERInputMappingCreateDetailsList |
A list of structure that contains the details required to create cer rule
input mappings.
BizObjAssocCountOpenTasksKey |
A struct containing the details required to count the tasks associated with
a specified business object identifier and business object type that are not
completed or closed.
BizObjAssociationDtls |
BizObjAssociationDtls is the generated Standard Details struct for
BizObjAssociationDtlsList |
BizObjAssociationDtlsList is a generated list wrapper struct for
BizObjAssociationKey |
BizObjAssociationKey is the generated Standard Key struct for
BizObjAssocSearchDetails |
A structure used in the results of a search containing the unique identifier
of a task along with the unique identifier of the business object
BizObjAssocSearchDetailsList |
BizObjAssocSearchDetailsList is a generated list wrapper struct for
BizObjectAssociationDetails |
Business object association details.
BizObjectAssociationDetailsList |
List of business object association details.
BizObjectID |
A structure containing the identifier of a business object association.
BizObjectTypeKey |
A structure used to search by business object type and identifier.
Count |
A structure containing a count on the tasks returned in a query.
CurrentActivityNameAndTypeDetails |
Struct containing details of a currently executing activity.
EventDetailsForActivityInstance |
A structure containing the details of an event wait for the specified
activity instance.
EventDetailsForActivityInstanceList |
A list structure containing the details of all the event waits for the
specified activity instance.
EventIDAndUserID |
A struct containing an event code and user identifier used for searching.
EventWaitForActivityInstanceDetails |
Contains details of an event that is waited on for a specific activity
instance identifier.
EventWaitForActivityInstanceDetailsList |
Contains a list of events that are waited on for a specific activity
instance identifier.
EventWaitOverrideDetails |
A structure containing the details required to override the event wait
associated with a specific activity instance.
HistoryEventCode |
The codetable code for an event as used in the history table.
ListSize |
A structure containing the requested and actual size of the list.
ListWDOInstanceData |
A structure containing all of the details required to describe the instance
data associated with a list workflow data object.
ListWDOInstanceDataList |
A structure containing the details required to describe the instance data
associated with a list of list workflow data objects.
ListWDOName |
A structure containing the details required to describe the name of a list
workflow data object.
ListWDOSnapshot |
A list workflow data object snapshot.
NotificationActionDetails |
A structure containing the details of a notification action, including the
message of the action and the associated URL.
NotificationActionDetailsList |
A list structure containing details of notification actions.
NotificationBody |
A structure containing the details of a notification body.
NotificationBodyList |
A list structure containing details of notification body text strings.
NotificationDetails |
A structure containing the details of an activity notification.
NotificationDetailsList |
A list structure containing the details of notifications.
NotificationKey |
A structure containing the details required to uniquely identify a workflow
activity notification.
NotificationSubject |
A structure containing the details of a notification subject.
NotificationSubjectList |
A list structure containing details of notification subject text strings.
ProcessDefinitionDetails |
A structure containing summary details of a workflow process definition.
ProcessDefinitionDetailsList |
A structure containing a list of process definition summary details.
ProcessDefinitionKey |
The details required to uniquely identify a specific version of a workflow
process definition.
ProcessDefinitionLatestVersionDetails |
A structure containing the details of the latest version of a process
ProcessDefinitionSummaryDetails |
Return struct containing a summary of the workflow process definition
ProcessEnactmentEventData |
Structure containing the process enactment event data which maps an event
field to a WDO attribute.
ProcessEnactmentEventDetails |
Stores the details required to modify/view process enactment details for a
specified event.
ProcessEnactmentEventKey |
The key of a process enactment event record.
ProcessEnactmentEventSummaryDetails |
Stores the summary details of processes to be enacted for specific events.
ProcessEnactmentEventSummaryDetailsList |
Contains a list of processes that are to be enacted for specific events.
ProcessEventClassTypeDetails |
A struct containing an event class and event type.
ProcessEventClassTypeDetailsList |
A list of event class and event type details.
ProcessIDKey |
A structure containing the identifier of a workflow process definition.
ProcessInstanceErrorDetailsList |
A list structure containing the process error instances returned from a
process error instance search.
ProcessInstanceErrorSearchFullDetails |
A structure containing process instance error details list and the
information about requested and actual size of the list.
ProcessInstanceFullDetails |
Return struct containing the details of a process instance.
ProcessInstanceID |
Contains the unique identifier of a process instance.
ProcessInstanceIDAndEventTime |
A combination of the process instance identifier and the event identifier
for searching.
ProcessInstanceIDAndUserID |
A structure containing unique identifier of a process instance and an
associated user identifier.
ProcessInstanceSearchByEventWaitDetailsKey |
A key structure used to search process instances by event class and type.
ProcessInstanceSearchByProcessDetailsKey |
A key structure used to search process instances by process details.
ProcessInstanceSearchDetails |
A structure containing the results of a process instance search.
ProcessInstanceSearchDetailsList |
A list structure containing the process instances returned from a process
instance search.
ProcessInstanceSearchFullDetails |
A structure containing process instance details list and the information
about requested and actual size of the list.
ProcessNameKey |
A structure containing the name of a workflow process definition.
ProcessStartEventIDDetails |
A structure containing the unique identifier of a process enactment event
ProcInstData |
A structure containing an item of process instance data for a process
ReminderDetailsList |
The list of reminder details.
ReminderReturnID |
Contains a reminder identifier.
RemindersDtls |
RemindersDtls is the generated Standard Details struct for Reminders.
ReminderSearchKey |
The key for searching the reminders entity.
RemindersKey |
RemindersKey is the generated Standard Key struct for Reminders.
RemindersReturnStruct |
Contains the activity instance id associated with a reminder.
RemindersReturnStructList |
RemindersReturnStructList is a generated list wrapper struct for
ScanWorkflowDeadlineDetails |
Contains the details of a workflow deadline.
ScanWorkflowDeadlineDetailsList |
List of workflow deadline details.
SearchTasksByBizObjectAndDueDateDetails |
A structure containing all of the task details for a specified business
object type and identifier within a supplied date range.
SearchTasksByBizObjectAndDueDateDetailsList |
SearchTasksByBizObjectAndDueDateDetailsList is a generated list wrapper
struct for searchTasksByBizObjectAndDueDate.
SearchTasksByBizObjectAndDueDateKey |
A key structure containing the fields required to search for tasks
associated with a specified business object type and identifier and within a
supplied date range.
TaskActionDetails |
A structure containing the message, url and primary action indicator of a
task action.
TaskActionDetailsList |
A structure containing a list of task action message, URLs and primary
action indicators associated with that task.
TaskAssignedDateTime |
A structure containing the date time the task action was assigned.
TaskAssignedDateTimeIndexStruct |
An index struct used for the assigned date time column on the Task entity.
TaskBizObjectAndStatusKey |
A key structure used to search tasks by business object type, business
object identifier and status.
TaskBizObjectAndStatusToIgnoreKey |
A key structure used to search tasks by business object type, business
object identifier and status to ignore.
TaskBizObjectDueDateAndStatusToIgnoreKey |
A key structure used to search tasks by business object type, business
object identifier, due date range and status to ignore.
TaskBizObjectReservedByAndStatusDetails |
A structure containing the details of a task that is returned from a search
of the task table by business object, the reserved by user name and the task
TaskBizObjectReservedByAndStatusDetailsList |
TaskBizObjectReservedByAndStatusDetailsList is a generated list wrapper
struct for searchTasksByBizObjectUserAndStatus.
TaskBizObjectReservedByAndStatusKey |
A structure containing the details required to search the task table by
business object, the reserved by user name and the task status.
TaskBizObjectSearchDetails |
A structure containing the details of task that are returned from a search
on the task table by business object.
TaskBizObjectSearchDetailsList |
TaskBizObjectSearchDetailsList is a generated list wrapper struct for
TaskBizObjectStatusAndDueDateKey |
A key structure used to search tasks by business object type, business
object identifier, status and due date range.
TaskBizObjectStatusAndStatusToIgnoreKey |
A key structure used to search tasks by business object type, business
object identifier, status and status to ignore.
TaskBizObjectStatusDueDateAndStatusToIgnoreKey |
A key structure used to search tasks by business object type, business
object identifier, status, due date range and status to ignore.
TaskCount |
A structure containing a count on the tasks returned in a query.
TaskDetails |
The details of a task associated with a manual activity instance.
TaskDetailsWithDueDate |
A structure containing activity task details including the date and time by
which the task is due.
TaskDetailsWithoutSnapshot |
The details of a task.
TaskDetailsWithSnapshot |
The details of a task including WDO snapshot.
TaskDtls |
TaskDtls is the generated Standard Details struct for Task.
TaskDtlsList |
TaskDtlsList is a generated list wrapper struct for readAllTasks.
TaskFullDetails |
A structure containing task details list and the information about requested
and actual size of the list.
TaskFullDetailsWithDueDate |
A structure containing activity task details including the date and time by
which the task is due.
TaskFullDtls |
The details of reserved task.
TaskFullDtlsList |
List of the details of reserved task.
TaskFullSearchDetails |
The details of reserved task.
TaskFullSearchDetailsList |
TaskFullSearchDetailsList is a generated list wrapper struct for
TaskHistoryDetails |
The History details of a Task.
TaskHistoryDetailsList |
A structure containing a list of task history records.
TaskHistoryDtls |
TaskHistoryDtls is the generated Standard Details struct for TaskHistory.
TaskHistoryDtlsList |
TaskHistoryDtlsList is a generated list wrapper struct for search.
TaskHistoryInfo |
The history details of a task.
TaskHistoryInfoList |
List of task history details.
TaskHistoryKey |
TaskHistoryKey is the generated Standard Key struct for TaskHistory.
TaskIDAndWorkflowDeadlineTimeKey |
A structure containing the details of a task identifier and the deadline
date time that a task is due on.
TaskIDKey |
A structure containing the task identifier that may be used as a key in
TaskIndexDetails |
A struct used for the creation of an index on the Task entity that contains
multiple fields of that entity.
TaskInfo |
The details of a task.
TaskKey |
TaskKey is the generated Standard Key struct for Task.
TaskKeyList |
A structure containing a list of task identifiers.
TaskOptimisticLockingDetails |
A structure used to describe the optimistic locking version details of a
task record.
TaskPriority |
A structure containing the priority of a task.
TaskPriorityAndCountList |
A list structure containing a count for each priority on the tasks returned
in a query.
TaskPriorityCount |
A structure containing a count for each priority on the tasks returned in a
TaskPriorityCountList |
TaskPriorityCountList is a generated list wrapper struct for
TaskReservedByAndDueDateDetails |
A structure containing the details of the reserved by user name and due date
time of a task.
TaskReservedByAndDueDateDetailsList |
TaskReservedByAndDueDateDetailsList is a generated list wrapper struct for
TaskReservedByAndStatusDetails |
A structure containing the reserved by user name and status details of a
TaskReservedByAndStatusDetailsList |
TaskReservedByAndStatusDetailsList is a generated list wrapper struct for
TaskReservedByCount |
A structure containing the details required to describe the number of task
records reserved by a specified user.
TaskReservedByDetails |
A structure containing the username reserved by a task.
TaskReserveDetails |
A structure used to reserve a task.
TaskRestartDateTimeIndexStruct |
An index struct used for the restart date time column on the Task entity.
TaskRestartTimeDetails |
A structure containing the time that a task was restarted.
TasksByBizObjectAndReservationStatusKey |
A structure containing the details required to search the task table using a
business object type and identifier and a flag to indicate if the reserved
by user name of the task should be used in the search.
TasksByDueDateDetails |
A structure containing the details required to describe the details of a
task that is due on a specified date.
TasksByDueDateDetailsList |
TasksByDueDateDetailsList is a generated list wrapper struct for
TasksDueInNextTimePeriodDetails |
A structure containing a deadline date time and the number of tasks due on
that date time.
TasksDueOnDateKey |
A structure containing the details required to search the task table based
on a business object, a deadline date time period and a flag to indicate if
the reserved by user name should be used in the search or not.
TaskSearchDetails |
A structure containing the returned search details from a task.
TaskSearchDetailsList |
TaskSearchDetailsList is a generated list wrapper struct for
TasksReservedDueInNextTimePeriodKey |
A structure containing the details required to search the task table based
on the tasks that have been reserved and are due within a specified time
TaskStatusCount |
A structure containing a count for each status on the tasks returned in a
TaskStatusCountList |
TaskStatusCountList is a generated list wrapper struct for
TaskStatusDetails |
A structure containing the status code of a task.
TaskSubject |
A structure containing the subject of a task.
TaskSubjectList |
A structure containing a list of task subjects.
TaskSummaryDetails |
A structure containing the status, reserved by, and total time worked on a
TaskTotalTimeWorkedDetails |
A structure containing the total time worked on a task.
TaskUserBizObjectStatusAndDueDate |
A key structure used to search tasks by username, business object type,
business object identifier, status and due date range.
TaskUsernameAndCategoryKey |
A key structure used to search tasks by username and category.
TaskUsernameAndDateKey |
A key structure used to search tasks by username and date range.
TaskUsernameAndPriorityKey |
A key structure used to search tasks by username and priority.
TaskUsernameAndStatusKey |
A key structure used to search tasks by username and status.
TaskUsernameAndStatusToIgnoreKey |
A key structure used to search tasks by username and a status to ignore in
the search.
TaskUsernameBizObjectAndStatus |
A key structure used to search tasks by username, business object type,
business object identifier and status.
TaskUsernameDueDateAndStatusToIgnoreKey |
A key structure used to search tasks by username, due date range and a
status to ignore in the search.
TaskUsernameKey |
A key structure used to search tasks by username.
TaskUserPriorityAndStatusKey |
A key structure used to search tasks by username, priority and task status.
TaskWDOOverflowDtls |
TaskWDOOverflowDtls is the generated Standard Details struct for
TaskWDOOverflowKey |
TaskWDOOverflowKey is the generated Standard Key struct for TaskWDOOverflow.
TaskWDOSnapshot |
A structure containing the XML string representing the WDO attributes and
their values associated with this WDO snapshot.
TaskWDOSnapshotDetails |
The task wdo snapshot details.
TaskWDOSnapshotDetailsList |
A list of task WDO snapshot details.
TaskWDOSnapshotList |
TaskWDOSnapshotList is a generated list wrapper struct for getWDOSnapshot.
UserID |
A structure containing the user name of a user.
WDOAttributeSnapshot |
A workflow data object attribute snapshot containing the attribute name and
the attribute value.
WDOAttributeSnapshotList |
A list of workflow data object snapshots.
WDOSnapshot |
A workflow data object snapshot containing the workflow data object name
along with the list of associated attributes and their corresponding values.
WDOSnapshotList |
A list of workflow data object snapshots.
WDOValuesAuditHistory |
This struct contains a snapshot of the workflow data object attribute values
at a point in the execution of the workflow.
WDOValuesAuditHistoryList |
A list of records from the workflow data object value audit history table.
WDOValuesHistoryDtls |
WDOValuesHistoryDtls is the generated Standard Details struct for
WDOValuesHistoryDtlsList |
WDOValuesHistoryDtlsList is a generated list wrapper struct for
WDOValuesHistoryKey |
WDOValuesHistoryKey is the generated Standard Key struct for
WDOValuesHistorySearchProcessInstanceCreationTimeDetails |
A struct containing the details for searching the audit table based on
process identifier and the creation time.
WorkflowDataObjectAttributeSummaryDetails |
A structure containing details of a workflow data attribute object.
WorkflowDataObjectAttributeSummaryDetailsList |
A list of structures containing details of a workflow data attribute object.
WorkflowDataObjectSummaryDetails |
A structure containing details of a workflow data object including
associated attributes.
WorkflowDataObjectSummaryDetailsList |
Contains a list of workflow data object summary details.
WorkflowDeadlineDetails |
Contains the details of a workflow deadline.
WorkflowDeadlineDetailsList |
WorkflowDeadlineDetailsList is a generated list wrapper struct for
WorkflowDeadlineDtls |
WorkflowDeadlineDtls is the generated Standard Details struct for
WorkflowDeadlineIDAndTimeDetails |
A structure containing the unique identifier of a workflow deadline and
associated deadline time.
WorkflowDeadlineIDDetails |
A structure containing the unique identifier of a workflow deadline.
WorkflowDeadlineInfo |
Contains the details of a workflow deadline.
WorkflowDeadlineKey |
WorkflowDeadlineKey is the generated Standard Key struct for
WorkflowDeadlineSuspendedDetails |
A structure used to update the suspended flag of a workflow deadline.
WorkflowDeadlineTimeIndexStruct |
Index struct for WorkflowDeadline.
WorkflowDeadlineTimeKey |
Used as a key to search the workflow deadline table for all of the deadlines
that have timed out.
WorkflowHistoryDtls |
WorkflowHistoryDtls is the generated Standard Details struct for
WorkflowHistoryDtlsList |
WorkflowHistoryDtlsList is a generated list wrapper struct for readmulti.
WorkflowHistoryKey |
WorkflowHistoryKey is the generated Standard Key struct for WorkflowHistory.