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Contains the interfaces and classes for propagating database data to CREOLE rule objects.

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Package Description

Contains the interfaces and classes for propagating database data to CREOLE rule objects.

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Propagation of data is handled by instances of RuleObjectPropagator. Curam ships with implementations of RuleObjectPropagator; however, customers who require their own implementations can create them but each implementation must be registered in a Guice module by listening for events from RuleObjectPropagatorRegistrar.RegistrationEvents .

The RuleObjectPropagatorController listens for all Curam application database writes and invokes all registered propagators to incrementally propagate the database data to rule objects.

If the database is altered outside of the control of the Curam application, or if database writes which affect more than one row are performed, it is possible for the rule object data to no longer accurately reflect database rows. To remedy this situation, operators can schedule the FullPropagationToRuleObjects batch job to bring all rule objects back into line with database data.

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