This analysis documentation allows users to explore the metadata and business functions of a Cúram application, and the interactions between them.

Applications and Tabs Applications and Tabs Database Tables Database Tables Page Information Page Information Domain Definitions Domain Definitions Code Tables Code Tables Message Files Message Files Application Properties Application Properties Workflows Workflows Dynamic Evidence Dynamic Evidence IEG Scripts IEG Scripts Rule Sets Rule Sets Datastore Schemas Datastore Schemas Page Flows Page Flows
Database tables store information input by a user.
Code tables contain code table items that are used in dropdown lists.
The applications supporting each user role, and the tabs associated with each application.
The client pages (UIM) contained in the Cúram application.
Application configuration variables used to configure features.
Workflows are automated business processes that facilitate the routing of work.
Rule sets contain rules used for business calculations e.g. eligibility determination.
Message files display messages to users.
A configurable framework for capturing information to support an application.
Datatypes such as a 'String' used within the application.
IEG Scripts capture data intelligently internally and externally in the application.
The datastore stores information collected by the IEG Script.
The page flows referenced from the Cúram UI.


This edition applies to Version and above of IBM Cúram Software and all subsequent releases and modifications unless otherwise indicated in new editions. Licensed Materials - Property of IBM. Copyright IBM Corporation 2017,2019. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Generated for IBM Cúram Social Program Management Version