
This analysis documentation supports users in exploring the metadata and business functions of a Cúram application and the interactions between them. The purpose of the Cúram Analysis Documentation tool is to facilitate technical and business analysis, primarily fit-gap analysis and customization impact analysis relating to Cúram artifacts. The information that is provided in this documentation was extracted directly from a Cúram application, to ensure the content accurately reflects that application. Analysts can obtain information on the following Cúram artifacts:

In the analysis documentation, the home page for each area provides an index of the documented types along with a description of each type along with a description of each type. Each index item links to a list page for that artifact type. For example, the "Code Tables" index contains a list of all the Code Tables currently available within an application. Users can filter the list by inserting one or more keywords. For most types, you can access information about an item by clicking the name in the list. For example, clicking the Code Table name brings you to the information page for that Code Table.

Alternatively, users can also access information by using the search functionality in the page header, click the corresponding menu item on the side menu, or by clicking the corresponding icon on the home page.

Things to Note

  • Configuration Analysis: Configuration that contains metadata (such as Dynamic Evidence and IEG Scripts) can also be analyzed via the Administration applications.
  • Page Types: This analysis documentation provides information about the majority of Cúram page content. However, some pages contain content types that it does not cover, such as widgets, wizards. When you encounter this kind of content, your engineering team should be able to help you get further information about the page.
  • Understanding Page Content: The message, entity, and workflow content on a page work differently to other content and this should be considered when using this information. In general, relationships between other content types are a reflection of a direct connection in the application code - e.g. a Page Field has a Type (Domain). However, in the case of messages, entities and workflows, these direct connections do not exist and so the analysis documentation uses heuristics to discover potential relationships.
  • Conditional Page Elements: Pages can have "Fields and Columns" and/or "Links and Actions" that are displayed conditionally. Likewise, Tabs can have Navigation Bar items or Action links that are displayed conditionally. Where conditional items occur, the analysis tool displays all elements regardless of conditionality. Therefore, in some cases, it can seem as though an element is listed more than once on a page. For example, the 'Cancel' action is listed twice in the 'Links and Actions' section of the 'Events (DefaultIC_listEvent)' page. This is because the page can list activities and/or meetings and a separate 'Cancel' action exists for activities and meetings.
  • Infrastructure Messages: Basic technical messages (e.g."Record not Found") are not included in the messages section on Pages. Specifically, messages that originate from infrastructure.iml are not included.

Using the Search

The search functionality enables you to search a Cúram application for terms that relate to data and/or functionality that is provided by that application. Users can search against one or all of the artifact types provided (Pages, Code Tables, etc). The Cúram Analysis Documentation search supports single word and phrase search terms. Phrase search terms must be surrounded by double quotes. The search is invoked by either pressing the ENTER key, or clicking the search icon.

The search results that are displayed correspond to the selected search filters. If the user selects All, the user is presented with a list of all the search results. Users can use the filter to narrow down the search. The results are also categorized by each section.

Tip: to open a search result in a new tab, hold down the CTRL key when clicking the result (if you use a Mac, hold down the Command (⌘) key instead).

To help determine which results might be of most interest, each item in the search result list also provides Matched In information. This indicates the section(s) of the results where matches were found. Each type has different sections, so the content in the 'matched in' column depends on the particular type that the user searched for. For example, if the user is searching for a Code Table, the section names might be Code Table Name, Code Table Items. If the user is searching for a Page, the sections could be Page Title, Fields and Columns, Links and Actions, etc...

The search results are ranked according to several criteria. These criteria include, but are not limited to:

  • The section where the search terms appear- for example a match on an item name ranks higher than a match on an item description.
  • Whether all of the search terms were matched in a given section, or just some of them - for example, an item matching two terms in a section ranks higher than another item matching just one term in the same section.
  • Note - when using multiple search terms, all terms must appear in some section on an item's information page for that item to be considered a match. After that, the search does not require the terms to be in the same section, but it ranks items higher when they do.

Application Views and Tabs

When a user selects the Application Views and Tabs link or icon, the user is presented with a list of configured application views used to support different user roles within the system. Users can filter the list by typing information into the text area above the list.

When the user clicks on an application view, the user is presented with a list of Tabs which are available within the application view. Each tab is identified by the Tab Name, the Tab ID, the Navigation Links which represent the number of navigation links within the tab, and finally, the Action Links which represent and the number of actions associated with the tab.

Users can filter the list by inputting information from any of the fields into the text area above the list. To access an individual tab, the user must select the Tab link. The user is presented with a list of Navigation Bar items and the Actions available. Users can click the navigation and action pages to get more information about the pages.


When a user selects the Pages link or icon, the user is presented with a list of all the pages within the IBM Cúram Application. Pages are identified by the Page Title, Page ID, and Component. Users can filter the page by typing information into the text area above the list. To access an individual page, the user must click the entry in the Page ID column.

The following information is displayed within the IBM Cúram Analysis Documentation tool's Page section:

  • The page description.
  • A page preview.
  • A page flow diagram.
  • A description of all the fields with the following information:
    • The label presented on the page.
    • The field type.
    • The description of the field.
    • If the field is mandatory.
  • The links and actions available on the page.
  • The list of messages that is displayed when the page is loaded and submitted, with a link to the message file.
  • A link to the workflows invoked when the page is loaded and submitted.
  • The related entities section lists all the entities used and updated as a result of the page.
  • The technical information section provides the following information:
    • The page ID.
    • The location of the page.
    • A list of interfaces used on the page load.
    • A list of interfaces used when the page is submitted.
    • A list the page is linked from.

Inputting the word "resolve" into the text area above the list will list all the resolve scripts within the IBM Cúram Application. The resolve script page lists possible destinations of this resolve page. In addition, the resolve script page displays the following information:

  • The page ID.
  • The location of the page.
  • A list of interfaces invoked within the resolve script.
  • A list the page is linked from.

Database Tables

When a user selects the Database tables link or icon, the user is presented with a list of all the database tables within the IBM Cúram Application. Database Tables are identified by the Table Name, Component and Description. Users can filter the database tables by typing information into the text area above the list. To access an individual database table page, the user must click the entry in the Table Name column.

The following information is displayed within the IBM Cúram Analysis Documentation tool's Database Table section:

  • The description of the database table.
  • A visualization of the foreign key relationships between the entities.
  • Model details, such as the location of the model file and the location of the entity within the model file.
  • Table options that are specified.
  • A list of database attributes containing the following information:
    • The name of the attribute.
    • The stereotype, i.e whether the attribute is a key or in the details struct.
    • If the attribute is nullable
    • A description of the attribute.
    • The domain definition type.
    • The code table type.
    • The DDL type.
  • A list of foreign keys.
  • A list of indices.
  • A list of available operations.
  • A list of Pages that use the entity.

Domain Definition

When a user selects the Domain Definition link or icon, the user is presented with a list of all the domain definitions within the IBM Cúram Application. Datatypes such as a 'String' or an 'Integer', that can be used by a page, are modeled as domain definitions. Domain Definitions are identified by the Domain Name, the Component, Derived From, Options, and Description. Users can filter the domain definitions by typing information into the text area above the list. To access an individual domain, the user must click the entry in the Domain Name column.

The following information is displayed within the IBM Cúram Analysis Documentation tool's Domain Definition section:

  • The Domain Definition details with the following information:
    • The domain definition name.
    • The component that is associated with the domain definition.
    • The value the domain is derived from.
    • The configured options.
    • A description of the domain definition.
  • The entity attributes of the domain type.
  • A list of Pages with fields of the domain type.

Code Table

When a user selects the Code Table link or icon, the user is presented with a list of all the code tables within the IBM Cúram Application. Individual code tables are identified by the code table name, the Package, Entries, Java Identifier, and Restricted. Users can filter the code tables by typing information into the text area above the list. To access an individual code table, the user must click the entry in the CodeTable column.

The following information is displayed within the IBM Cúram Analysis Documentation tool's Code Table section:

  • The code table details containing the following information:
    • The name of the code table.
    • The display name and default locale.
    • The domain definition type.
    • If the code table is restricted.
    • The code package.
    • The java identifier.
  • A list of code table items, with the following information:
    • The code.
    • The description and default locale.
    • If the code table item is a default value.
    • If the code table item is enabled.
    • The java identifier.
  • A list of the Pages which use that Code Table.

Message Files

When a user selects the Message Files link or icon, the user is presented with a list of all the message files within the IBM Cúram Application. The message files are identified by the message file name, the Package, and Messages which represents the number of messages in the file. Users can filter the messages by typing in information into the text area above the list. To access an individual message, the user must click the entry in the Message File column.

The following information is displayed within the IBM Cúram Analysis Documentation tool's Message section:

  • Message file details such as the file name and the code package.
  • A list of messages, with the following information:
    • The message name.
    • The message displayed.
    • If the message is configured and enabled. By expanding the toggle, users can see a list of Pages which can potentially access this particular Message.

Application Properties

When a user selects the Application Properties link or icon, the user is presented with a list of all the application properties that are specified within the application.prx files in the IBM Cúram Application. Each property is identified by the Property Name, the Category, the Type and the Value. Users can filter the application properties by typing information into the text area above the list.

When the user expands the toggle, the user can see the application property description, in all available locales.


When a user selects the Workflows link or icon, the user is presented with a list of all the workflows that are configured within the IBM Cúram Application. Each workflow is identified by the Workflow Name, the File Name, and the Description. Users can filter the page by typing information into the text area above the list. To access an individual workflow, the user must click the entry in the Workflow Name column.

The following information is displayed within the IBM Cúram Analysis Documentation tool's Workflows section:

  • Details about the workflow such as the file name and the display name.
  • The workflow description.
  • A list of all the Pages where this Workflow can potentially be triggered with the following information:
    • The subject text.
    • The subject text parameters.
    • The subject text parameter value, if available.
    • The parameter value parameters, if available.

It also includes a list of all Batch and Deferred Processes that can potentially trigger the Workflow.

Rule Sets

When a user selects the Rule Sets link or icon, the user is presented with a list of all the rule sets within the IBM Cúram Application. Each rule set is identified by the Name, the Component, Classes, and the Description. Users can filter the rule sets by typing in information into the text area above the list. To access an individual ruleset, the user must click the entry in the Name column.

The following information is displayed within the IBM Cúram Analysis Documentation tool's Rule set section:

  • Technical information about a rule, containing the following information:
    • The ruleset name.
    • The component.
    • The location of the ruleset.
    • A description of the ruleset, if it's available.
  • A list of rule classes within the ruleset. Users can select a rule class to get more information about the rule class.
  • The links to this rule set section describes evidence and database entities that interact with the rule set. The following information is displayed:
    • Evidence that can be used by the rules, that can cause a reassessment. The evidence is sorted by evidence ID.
    • Database Tables that are propagated when a change to evidence occurs.

Rule Classes

When a user selects a rule class link within a rule set, they are presented with the rule class page. The rule class page provides high-level information about the rule class.

The following information is displayed within the IBM Cúram Analysis Documentation tool's Rule class page:

  • Technical information about the rule class,
    • The rule class name.
    • The calling rule set.
    • The rule class that the rule extends.
    • A description of the rule class.
  • A list of rule sets that reference the rule class.
  • A list of calculated attributes and a description of the attributes on the rule class.
  • Each attribute is described in more detail with the following information:
    • The attribute description.
    • The attribute type.
    • The attribute derivation.

Dynamic Evidence

When a user selects the Dynamic Evidence link or icon, the user is presented with a list of the dynamic evidence that is configured within the IBM Cúram Application. Each evidence is identified by the Evidence Version, the Description, Effective From, and the Component. Users can filter the page by typing information into the text area above the list. By expanding the toggle, users can access previous evidence type versions. To access an individual page, the user must click the entry in the Evidence Version column.

The following information is displayed within the IBM Cúram Analysis Documentation tool's Dynamic Evidence section:

  • The version details section contains the following information:
    • The evidence description.
    • If the evidence is read-only.
    • If the evidence is correction only.
    • If the evidence has a "Save & New" button.
    • The evidence type code.
  • A list of Evidence attributes. Each attribute is defined by the following information:
    • The attribute name.
    • The attribute type.
    • A list of properties that are configured on the attribute.
    • A description of the attribute.
    • If the attribute is mandatory. If the mandatory property is available and not set, the value that displayed is No, if the property is available and set, then the value is Yes. If the property is not available then the value n/a.
    • If the attribute is volatile.
  • A page preview of the create page.
  • A page preview of the view page.
  • The validation ruleset, and the validation messages displayed by the evidence.
  • The summary ruleset.
  • A list of rulesets that are specified in the Propagators and the dynamic evidence metadata.
  • Technical information such as the DMX location and the metadata file for the evidence.

IEG Scripts

When a user selects the IEG Scripts link or icon, the user is presented with a list of all the IEG Scripts within the IBM Cúram Application. Each IEG Script is identified by the ID, the Version, and the Type which make up the unique script identifier. In addition, the Name and Component are also listed.

The following information is displayed within the IBM Cúram Analysis Documentation tool's IEG section:

  • The script details section contains the following information:
    • The script file location.
    • The property file location.
    • The datastore objects that are configured in the IEG Script.
  • If the script has any subscripts, the list of subscripts is displayed. Users can click each subscript to obtain more information about the script.
  • A visual representation of the script flow, highlighting the interactions between the pages, conditions, and callouts. The diagram becomes interactive when the users click the diagram. Users can zoom in to enlarge the diagram, and users can use click-and-drag motions to traverse the diagram.
  • A list of IEG pages that are defined within the script is displayed. Users can filter the page by typing information into the text area above the list. The following page information is displayed when the user expands the toggle:
    • The page description, if it is available.
    • The location of the page property file that is associated with the page.
    • The page display criteria.
    • Page display preconditions describe all the conditions, and loops that a page can be nested within.
    • The type and name of the persistence attribute.


When a user selects the Datastore link or icon, the user is presented with a list of all the datastore objects that are configured within the IBM Cúram Application. Users can filter the page by typing information into the text area above the list. To access an individual datastore, the user must click the entry in the Name column.

The following information is displayed within the IBM Cúram Analysis Documentation tool's Datastore section:

  • The datastore schema location
  • A list of entities within the datastore.
  • A list of attributes within each entity.

Page Flows

When a user selects the Page Flows link or icon, the user is presented with a list of configured application views used to support different user roles within the system. Users can filter the list by typing information into the text area above the list.

When the user clicks on an application view, the user is presented with a list of pages that invoke an action or a set of actions. The user is also presented with additional contextual information about the page. The Accessed By column indicates where the page can be found. A page can be accessed from one of four areas within the application.

  • a shortcut; for example, the 'New Case Query' can be accessed from the Cases shortcut.
  • a navigation item; for example, pages managing Communication are located in the 'Contact' navigation item.
  • a tab action menu item; for example, the 'Edit' action can be found on the tab menu item on the person home page.
  • a page displayed when a tab is opened; for example, when a user accesses the 'Employer Search', it is displayed within its own tab.
The Used By column contains the artefact and parent artefact the page is configured from.

While list items link to a page flow, some pages may also have sub-page flows (i.e. actions contained on a page). These can be accessed by expanding the toggle. When a user clicks on a page flow link, the user is directed to the page flow diagram in the page content.
Clicking on the diagram will enable users to manipulate the diagram and move elements around. Users can also scroll above and below the diagram to view additional page information.

For more information on user interface terms, refer to the Cúram web client reference in the Knowledge Center.