Table Description
Workflow History: An audit log of actions taken by an administrator that change the status of an executing Process Instance.

A new Workflow History row is created each time an administrator changes the status of a Process Instance.


You define a workflow (Process Definition) to allow correspondence to be sent to customers whenever their payment details change. The activities defined in your workflow are:

  • system prints out a letter (automatic);
  • User puts the letter in an envelope and posts it (manual); and
  • 'End Process' (a necessary step to end the workflow which is mandated by the Process Definition Tool).

Person John Smith's payment details change due to an increase in rates. This increase raises an event which causes the Workflow Engine to enact your workflow and create a Process Instance. As soon as the Process Instance is started, administrator Ronan Rooney realizes that the printer is not working. He suspends the process before it executes the 'system prints out a letter' activity. A Workflow History record is added to indicate that the process has been suspended.

At a later time the problems with the printer are resolved and administrator Ronan Rooney resumes the Process Definition. A Workflow History record is added to indicate that the process has been resumed.

Technical Notes

See the Workflow Guide for further information.

Relationship Diagram
Click the diagram to manipulate and zoom. Traverse the diagram using Click-and-Drag motions.
Attributes (6)
AttributeKeyNullableDescriptionDDL Type
workflowHistoryIDYesNoThe unique identifier of the workflow history record.SVR_INT64
processInstanceID  The unique identifier of the associated process instance.SVR_INT64
userID  The user name of the user associated with the workflow history entry.SVR_STRING<64>
event  The type of event describing the status change for this process instance.SVR_STRING<10>
eventTime  The timestamp for this event.SVR_DATETIME
lastWritten   SVR_DATETIME
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