insert | insert | AUTO_ID: workQueueID
| Standard Operation | |
readWorkQueueDetails | ns | | | SQL |
modify | modify | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Standard Operation | |
remove | remove | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Standard Operation | |
searchAllSummary | nsmulti | | | SQL |
readWorkQueueNameByWorkQueueID | nsread | | | |
searchAvailableWorkQueuesForUser | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Returns a list of work queues for the current user. | SQL |
read | read | | Standard Operation | |
validate | | | Validates the work queue details. | |
countWorkQueueOverlap | ns | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Checks if a work queue with the same name exists. | SQL |
searchUserWorkQueues | nsmulti | | @deprecated Since Curam 6.0 , replaced with
{@link WorkQueue#searchWorkQueuesForUser(CurrentUserWorkQueueKey)}.
In addition to the current functionality, the new method return struct aggregates, and this
struct contains all the fields of CurrentUserWorkQueueDetails along with subscriberID,
subscriberName, subscriberType, pageTitle and unsubscribePageText.
See release note : <CR00226714> | SQL |
countUnassignedWorkQueueTasks | ns | | Returns a count of the number of available tasks assigned to the specified work queue. The assignee type is set to Work Queue in the SQL. | SQL |
readWorkQueueName | nsread | | | |
readCanUsersSubscribeToWorkQueue | nsread | | | |
validateCancel | | | Validates the cancel work queue details. | |
list | | | @superseded - replaced by searchAllSummary | |
listAvailableWorkQueuesForUser | | | @superseded - replaced by searchAvailableWorkQueuesForUser | |
listUserWorkQueues | | | @deprecated Since Curam 6.0 , replaced with {@link #searchWorkQueuesForUser(CurrentUserWorkQueueKey)}. The new method additionally returns subscriber information. See release note : CR00226714 | |
canUsersSubscribeToWorkQueue | | | @superseded - replaced by readCanUsersSubscribeToWorkQueue | |
countWorkQueueUserTasks | nsmulti | | Returns a count of all the tasks for all of the work queues that the specified user is subscribed to. The assignee type is set to Work Queue in the SQL. | SQL |
countWorkQueueReservedUserTasks | nsmulti | | Returns a count of all of the tasks reserved by the specified user for all of the work queues that the user is subscribed to. The assignee type is set to Work Queue in the SQL. | SQL |
searchWorkQueueSubscriptionsForUser | nsmulti | | Returns the summary details of all of the work queues that the specified user is subscribed to. | SQL |
searchAdministratorUserWorkQueues | nsmulti | | Returns a list of the details for all of the work queues that the specified user is an administrator of or has the sensitivity for. | SQL |
readSensitivityLevelAndAllowUserSubscriptionByWorkQueueID | nsread | | Returns the sensitivity level of the specified work queue. | |
countByWorkQueueIDAndAdministratorUserName | ns | | Counts the number of work queues based on the work queue identifier and the name of the administrator of that work queue. | SQL |
searchWorkQueuesThatUserCanSubscribeToForAdministrator | nsmulti | | Returns a list of the work queues that the specified user can subscribe to (i.e. those they are not already subscribed to) and the specified administrator administers (i.e. the owner of that work queue). | SQL |
searchByName | nsmulti | | Returns a list of work queue names which are associated with the search name entered. Search is performed based on partial match of the name criteria. | SQL |
readNameAndAdminUserNameDetails | ns | | Reads Work Queue name and administrator user name details. | SQL |
searchUserOrgUnitWorkQueues | nsmulti | | This fetches the list of work queues that are subscribed by the user organization units. | SQL |
searchUserPositionWorkQueues | nsmulti | | This fetches the list of work queues that are subscribed by the user positions. | SQL |
searchUserJobWorkQueues | nsmulti | | This fetches the list of work queues that are subscribed by the user jobs. | SQL |
searchWorkQueueUserOrgUnitTasks | nsmulti | | Returns a count of all the tasks for all of the organization units that the specified user is subscribed to. | SQL |
searchWorkQueueUserPositionTasks | nsmulti | | Returns a count of all the tasks for all of the positions that the specified user is subscribed to. | SQL |
searchWorkQueueUserJobTasks | nsmulti | | Returns a count of all the tasks for all of the jobs that the specified user is subscribed to. | SQL |
searchWorkQueueReservedUserOrgUnitTasks | nsmulti | | Returns a count of all of the tasks reserved by the specified users for all of the organization unit s that the user is subscribed to. | SQL |
searchWorkQueueReservedUserPositionTasks | nsmulti | | Returns a count of all of the tasks reserved by the specified users for all of the positions that the user is subscribed to. | SQL |
searchWorkQueueReservedUserJobTasks | nsmulti | | Returns a count of all of the tasks reserved by the specified users for all of the jobs that the user is subscribed to. | SQL |
insertWorkQueueBOMInstance | insert | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Inserts a work queue BOM instance which can be called when transporting work queue BOM instances between systems. This pre-insert operation invokes the same validations as the standard insert operation. | |
searchWorkQueuesForUser | nsmulti | | | SQL |
searchByExactMatchName | nsmulti | | Returns a list of work queue names which are associated with the search name entered. Search is performed based on exact match of the name criteria. | SQL |
convertDetailsToUpperCase | | | converts the details of work queue in upper. | |