Table Description
Visitation Plan: A visitation plan specifies a set of planned visits between one or many clients and one or many visitors.

Visitation plans specify the planned interactions that occur between the one or more client(s) and one or more visitors. Visitation plans, which can be court ordered, or mutually agreed upon by the agency and the family, typically specify when, how and where a visitation occurs as well as the frequency and the duration of the planned interactions. When creating a visitation plan, the caseworker must identify the participants involved. A client can have multiple visitation plans active at any time.


Daniel Smith is a 18 month child who has been placed in a foster care home as it was deemed by the child welfare agency that he was not safe staying at home with his mother, Julie Smith.
The child welfare caseworker dealing with Daniel creates an outcome plan for the family. The caseworker creates a visitation plan for Daniel and Julie to maintain relationships. The visitation plan outlines that Julie must make two face-to-face visits per month.
Relationship Diagram
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Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::Visitation::Entity::Delivery::VisitationPlan::VisitationPlan
Controlling File: AssessmentPlanning\model\Packages\Visitation\Entity\Delivery\VisitationPlan.efx
Table Options
Attributes (16)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
visitationPlanIDkeynoUUnique identifier for the record.INTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
caseIDdetailsnoReference to the case header record that this visitation plan is associated with.CASE_ID SVR_INT64
frequencydetailsnoThe frequency at which visits should occur. This frequency determines the set of planned visits, which is reconciled with actual visits in the compliancy calculation.FREQUENCY_PATTERN SVR_STRING<9>
primaryLocationdetailsyesDescribes the location where the visits are expected to take place.VISITATION_PLAN_PRIMARY_LOCATION SVR_STRING<200>
courtOrderedInddetailsnoIndicator which denotes whether or not this visitation plan is court ordered.CURAM_INDICATOR SVR_BOOLEAN
restrictedInddetailsnoIndicator which denotes whether or not this visitation plan is restricted.CURAM_INDICATOR SVR_BOOLEAN
supervisedInddetailsnoIndicator which denotes whether or not this visitation plan is supervised.CURAM_INDICATOR SVR_BOOLEAN
durationdetailsyesDefines the duration for the visits on this visitation plan. This value is used in conjunction with the Visit Acceptable Duration Percent defined in administration for the outcome plan to determine the minimum duration that is acceptable for a visit.DURATION_IN_MINUTES SVR_INT32
visitationPlanStatusdetailsnoThe status of the visitation plan. Defaults to open when the visitation plan is created. The user may subsequently close or cancel the visitation plan.VISITATION_PLAN_STATUSVisitationPlanStatusSVR_STRING<10>
startDatedetailsnoThe start date of this visitation plan.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
expectedEndDatedetailsyesThe expected end date of the visitation plan. CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
endDatedetailsyesThe end date of the visitation plan. This is set as part of the process to close the visitation plan. CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
closureCommentsdetailsyesThe comments entered as part of the process to close the visitation plan.VISITATION_PLAN_CLOSURE_COMMENTS SVR_STRING<200>
restrictionSupervisionCommentsdetailsyesComments which describe the background to why the visitation plan has been flagged as restricted, or supervised. Only applicable when restrictedInd is true and/or supervisedInd is true.VISITATION_PLAN_RESTRICTION_SUPERVISION_COMMENTS SVR_STRING<200>
createdBydetailsnoThe user who created this visitation plan.USER_NAME SVR_STRING<64>
createdDatedetailsnoThe date this visitation plan was created.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
Foreign Keys (4)
Indices (1)
Index NameAttributes
Operations (5)
insertinsertAUTO_ID: visitationPlanID
Standard Operation 
modifymodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
Standard Operation 
readread Standard Operation 
searchByStatusAndCasereadmultiORDER_BY: startDate DESC
searchByStatusCaseAndDateRangereadmultiORDER_BY: startDate DESC
WHERE: caseID = :caseID AND visitationPlanStatus != 'VPST10003' AND ( startDate <= :endDate AND (endDate >= :startDate OR endDate IS NULL) )
Returns a list of visitation plan records for the given caseID, status and Date Range 
Related Pages (37)
Visit Evaluation (VisitationEvaluation_addEvaluation)
Edit Evaluation (VisitationEvaluation_editEvaluation)
Visits (VisitationEvaluation_listByPlanReviewNonSDM)
Visits (VisitationEvaluation_listByPlanReviewSDM)
Add Registered Visitor (VisitationLog_addRegisteredVisitor)
Add Unregistered Visitor (VisitationLog_addUnregisteredVisitor)
Add Clients Visited (VisitationLog_addVisitings)
Add Visitors (VisitationLog_addVisitors)
Delete Visitation Log (VisitationLog_cancel)
Edit Visitation Log (VisitationLog_edit)
Edit Visitation Log (VisitationLog_editNarrative)
Visitation Logs (VisitationLog_listByVisitationPlan)
Unregistered Person Details (VisitationLog_modifyUnregisteredVisitor)
Remove Client Visited (VisitationLog_removeVisitingClient)
Remove Clients Visited (VisitationLog_removeVisitings)
Remove Visitor (VisitationLog_removeVisitor)
Remove Visitors (VisitationLog_removeVisitors)
New Visitation Log (VisitationPlan_addLog)
Add Registered Visitor (VisitationPlan_addRegisteredVisitor)
Add Unregistered Visitor (VisitationPlan_addUnregisteredVisitor)
Add Clients to Visit (VisitationPlan_addVisitings)
Add Visitors (VisitationPlan_addVisitors)
Cancel Visitation Plan (VisitationPlan_cancel)
Close Visitation Plan (VisitationPlan_close)
Edit Visitation Plan (VisitationPlan_edit)
Visitation Plan (VisitationPlan_home)
Visits (VisitationPlan_listByParentCase)
Unregistered Person Details (VisitationPlan_modifyUnregisteredVisitor)
Remove Client To Visit (VisitationPlan_removeVisitingClient)
Remove Clients to Visit (VisitationPlan_removeVisitings)
Remove Visitor (VisitationPlan_removeVisitor)
Remove Visitors (VisitationPlan_removeVisitors)
New Visitation Plan (VisitationPlanCreateWizard_details)