insert | insert | AUTO_ID: verificationID
| Standard operation. Post insert the system checks of implementions of interface and executes it. | |
read | read | | Standard Operation | |
modify | modify | | Standard Operation | |
remove | remove | | Standard Operation | |
readByVDIEDLinkID | nsmulti | | | SQL |
readAllVerificationRequirementsByVDIEDLink | nsreadmulti | | | |
readVerificationStatus | nsread | | | |
modifyVerificationStatus | nsmodify | | | |
modifyDueDate | nsmodify | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| | |
readEvidenceVerificationDetails | nsreadmulti | | | |
readDueDate | nsread | | Returns Due date for the provided verification Requirement ID | |
searchMandatoryVerificationRequirementsAndVerificationStatus | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| | SQL |
readCaseID | ns | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Reads CaseID for the verification based on the verificationID and the verification linkedType. The verificationLinkedType will always be set to participant in method. We are checking for a linkedID that is not participant i.e. that is case | SQL |
readVerificationDueDateAndWarningDysByVerificationID | ns | | | SQL |
searchReqIDAndVerStatusByVDIEDLinkIDVerLinkedIDAndType | nsreadmulti | | Searches the verification requirement and status by VDIEDLinkID and case ID. | |
readVerificationDetails | nsread | | Reads the verifications by VDIED link ID, Verification Requirement ID, verificationLinkedID and verificationLinedType. | |
readNameByVerificationID | ns | | | SQL |
validateModify | | | | |
validateDetails | | | | |
readEvidenceDescriptorIDByVerificationID | nsread | | | |
searchVerificationRequirementsByRequirementID | nsmulti | | Searches verification requirements by verification requirement ID. | SQL |
readRequirementIDStatusByVDIEDLinkID | nsreadmulti | | Reads requirement id and status by VDIED link key. | |
readVDIEDLinkByVerificationID | nsread | | | |
searchVerAndVDIEDLinkDtlsByVerLinkedIDAndType | nsmulti | | reads verification details based on the verification linkedID, linkedType and evidence descriptor status | SQL |
searchOutstandingVerAndVDIEDLinkDetailsByLinkedIDandType | nsmulti | | | SQL |
searchParticipantCaseVerifications | nsmulti | | | SQL |
searchByCaseIDConcernRoleAndEvidenceType | nsmulti | | Returns a list of verifications that are of the same evidence type, related to the same individual and on the same case. | SQL |
countVerificationsForDataItemID | ns | | Returns the count of verifications for the verifiable data item ID. | SQL |
searchMandatoryVerificationDetailsForPD | nsmulti | | | SQL |
searchVerificationVDIEDLinkDtlsByVerLinkedIDTypeAndStatus | nsmulti | | | SQL |
searchByVDIEDLinkIDStatus | nsreadmulti | | Retrieves the verification ids matching the given VDIED link id and status. | |
searchVerificationRequirementByEvidenceDescriptor | nsmulti | | | SQL |
searchActiveVerificationByVDIEDLinkID | nsmulti | | | SQL |
searchVerificationByCaseIDEvdDescID | nsmulti | | | SQL |
searchOutstandingVerificationsByEvidenceDescriptorID | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| | SQL |
countOutstandingVerificationForCase | ns | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Get the number of outstanding verifications for a given case where the evidence status is ACTIVE and INEDIT. | SQL |
searchVerificationCountAndEvidenceTypeForCase | nsmulti | | Get the number of outstanding verifications for each evidence type on a given case where the evidence status is Active or In Edit. | SQL |
searchVerificationCountAndEvidenceTypeForCaseExtended | nsmulti | | Get the number of outstanding verifications for each evidence type on a given case where the evidence status is Active, In Edit or Identical Shared In Edit. | SQL |
searchParticipantCaseVerifications2 | nsmulti | | | SQL |
searchByCaseIDConcernRoleAndEvidenceType2 | nsmulti | | | SQL |
searchAllVerificationsByCaseIDEvdDescID | nsmulti | | Method to list all verifications by case ID and evidence descriptor ID | SQL |
searchVerificationsByVerificationLinkedIDAndRecordStatusCode | nsmulti | POST_DATA_ACCESS: no
| Returns a list of Verifications and all associated data, based on the given Verification Linked ID and status. Because the returned list is an unstructured list, this operation should be used in conjunction with VerificationAdaptor.convertToStructuredList() to generate a structured list.
| SQL |