Table Description
Third Party Product: A type of benefit delivery system used by the organization when processing medical assistance product deliveries, such as the Children's Health Insurance Program.

A benefit delivery system contains the details of the health plan, dental plan and the doctor and dentist who are providing the services under the plans associated with a household member eligible for the Children's Health Insurance Program. A third party product is either a health plan or a dental plan.

This is a business processing entity which is used during the maintenance and creation of the Children's Health Insurance Program product delivery. An organization's administrator must administer certain entities when creating and maintaining Children's Health Insurance Program product deliveries.

Relationship Diagram
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Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::Income Support Product::Service Layer::entity::CHIP::Administration::ThirdPartyProduct::ThirdPartyProduct
Controlling File: ISProduct\model\Service Layer\entity\CHIP\Administration\ThirdPartyProduct\ThirdPartyProduct_cat.efx
Table Options
Attributes (10)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
thirdPartyProductIDkeynoSystem assigned unique reference number for a third party product.ISP_THIRD_PARTY_PRODUCT_ID SVR_INT64
thirdPartyProductTypedetails They type of the third party product used by the organization.ISP_THIRD_PARTY_PRODUCT_TYPEThirdPartyProductTypeSVR_STRING<10>
thirdPartyProductNamedetails The full name of the third party product.FULL_NAME SVR_STRING<131>
thirdPartyProductAddressIDdetails Unique reference number for the address of this third party product.ADDRESS_ID SVR_INT64
thirdPartyProductStartDatedetails The start date of the third party product.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
thirdPartyProductEndDatedetails The end date of the third party product.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
thirdPartyProductSWCoverageInddetails Indicator to show whether the third party product provides coverage for all counties within the state.CURAM_INDICATOR SVR_BOOLEAN
thirdPartyProductWebAddressdetails The web address of the third party product.WEBSITE_ADDRESS SVR_STRING<50>
statusCodedetails Third party product status code.RECORD_STATUS_CODERecordStatusSVR_STRING<10>
thirdPartyProductPhoneNoIDdetails Unique reference number for the phone number record for this third party product.PHONE_NUMBER_ID SVR_INT64
Foreign Keys (1)
Operations (9)
insertinsertAUTO_ID: thirdPartyProductID
Standard Operation 
readread Standard Operation 
modifymodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
Standard Operation 
readAllnkreadmulti Reads all Third Party Product records. 
searchByStatusreadmulti Search for Third Party Product records by status. 
validateDetails  Validates the Third Party Product entity details 
validateDuplicates  Validates the Third Party Product evidence against existing records 
searchByTypensmulti Search for Third Party Products by type.SQL
insertThirdPartyProductnsinsert Inserts the records of third party product. It takes the value for thirdPartyProductID.  
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Edit Third Party Product (Administration_modifyThirdPartyProductFromList)
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Benefit Delivery Systems (ISP_listBenefitDeliverySystemEvidence)
Modify Benefit Delivery Systems Details (ISP_modifyBenefitDeliverySystemEvidence_fromList)
Modify Benefit Delivery Systems Details (ISP_modifyBenefitDeliverySystemEvidence_fromView)
Select Dental Plan By County (ISP_selectDentalPlanBenefitDeliverySystemEvidence)
Select Primary Care Provider (ISP_selectDentalPlanByPCPBenefitDeliverySystemEvidence)
Select Health Plan By County (ISP_selectHealthPlanBenefitDeliverySystemEvidence)
Select Health Plan by Primary Care provider (ISP_selectHealthPlanByPCPBenefitDeliverySystemEvidence)
View Benefit Delivery Systems Details (ISP_viewBenefitDeliverySystemEvidence)
Third Party Product Details (ISP_viewThirdPartyProduct)